Curtis Porter : CRash CouRse in CR Geometry
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 2252 Views )CR geometry studies real hypersurfaces in complex vector spaces and their generalizations, CR manifolds. In many cases of interest to complex analysis and PDE, CR manifolds can be considered ``curved versions" of homogeneous spaces according to Elie Cartan’s generalization of Klein’s Erlangen program. Which homogeneous space is the ``flat model" of a CR manifold depends on the Levi form, a tensor named after a mathematician who used it to characterize boundaries of pseudoconvex domains. As in the analytic setting, the Levi form plays a central role in the geometry of CR manifolds, which we explore in relation to their homogeneous models.
Holden Lee : Recovering sparse Fourier signals, with application to system identification
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 1090 Views )The problem of recovering a sparse Fourier signal from samples comes up in signal processing, imaging, NMR spectroscopy, and machine learning. Two major challenges involve dealing with off-grid frequencies, and dealing with signals lacking separation between frequencies. Without a minimum separation condition, the problem of frequency recovery is exponentially ill-conditioned, but the signal can still be efficiently recovered in an "improper" manner using an appropriate filter. I will explain such an algorithm for sparse Fourier recovery, and the theory behind why it works - involving some clever analytic inequalities for Fourier-sparse signals. Finally, I will discuss recent work with Xue Chen on applying these ideas to system identification. Identification of a linear dynamical system from partial observations is a fundamental problem in control theory. A natural question is how to do so with statistical rates depending on the inherent dimensionality (or order) of the system, akin to the sparsity of a signal. We solve this question by casting system identification as a "multi-scale" sparse Fourier recovery problem.
Stochastic and continuum dynamics in intracellular transport
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 1111 Views )The cellular cytoskeleton is made up of protein polymers (filaments) that are essential in proper cell and neuronal function as well as in development. These filaments represent the roads along which most protein transport occurs inside cells. I will discuss several examples where questions about filament-cargo interactions require the development of novel mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation. Protein cargoes such as neurofilaments and RNA molecules bind to and unbind from cellular roads called microtubules, switching between bidirectional transport, diffusion, and stationary states. Since these transport models can be analytically intractable, we have proposed asymptotic methods in the framework of partial differential equations and stochastic processes which are useful in understanding large-time transport properties. I will discuss a recent project where we use stochastic modeling to understand how filament orientations may influence sorting of cargo in dendrites during neural development and axonal injury.
Yiming Zhong : Fast algorithm for Radiative transport
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 991 Views )This talk consists of two aspects about solving the radiative transport through the integral formulation. The radiative transport equation has been numerically studied for many years, the equation is difficult to solve due to its high dimensionality and its hyperbolic nature, in recent decades, the computers are equipped with larger memories so it is possible to deal with the full-discretization in phase space, however, the numerical efficiency is quite limited because of many issues, such as iterative scheme, preconditioning, discretization, etc. In this talk, we first discuss about the special case of isotropic scattering and its integral formulation, then walk through the corresponding fast algorithm for it. In the second part, we try to trivially extend the method to anisotropic case, and talk about the method’s limitation and some perspectives in both theory and numerics.
Demetre Kazaras:The geometry and topology of positive scalar curvature
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 1663 Views )I will give an informal overview of the history and status of my field. Local invariants of Riemannian metrics are called curvature, the weakest of which is known as "scalar curvature." The study of metrics with positive scalar curvature is very rich with >100 year old connections to General Relativity and smooth topology. Does this geometric condition have topological implications? The answer turns out to be "yes," but mathematicians continue to search for the true heart of the positive scalar curvature conditions.
Margaret Regan : Using homotopy continuation to solve parametrized polynomial systems in applications
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar,Uploaded Videos ( 1832 Views )Many problems that arise in mathematics, science, and engineering can be formulated as solving a parameterized system of polynomial equations which must be solved for given instances of the parameters. One way to solve these systems is to use a common technique within numerical algebraic geometry called homotopy continuation. My talk will start with background on homotopy continuation and parametrized polynomial systems, followed by applications to problems in computer vision and kinematics. Of these, I will first present a new approach which uses locally adaptive methods and sparse matrix calculations to solve parameterized overdetermined systems in projective space. Examples will be provided in 2D image reconstruction to compare the new methods with traditional approaches in numerical algebraic geometry. Second, I will discuss a new definition of monodromy action over the real numbers which encodes tiered characteristics regarding real solutions. Examples will be given to show the benefits of this definition over a naive extension of the monodromy group (over the complex numbers). In addition, an application in kinematics will be discussed to highlight the computational method and impact on calibration.
Nadav Dym : Linear computation of angle preserving mappings
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 223 Views )We will discuss recent work on computing angle preserving mappings (a.k.a. conformal mappings) using linear methods. We will begin with an intro/reminder on what these mappings are, and why would one to compute them. Then we will discuss the results themselves which show that when choosing a good target domain, computation of angle preserving mappings can be made linear in the sense that (i) They are a solution of a linear PDE (ii) They can be approximated by solving a finite dimensional linear system and (iii) the approximates are themselves homeomorphisms and "discrete conformal".
Paul Bendich : Topology and Geometry for Tracking and Sensor Fusion
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 205 Views )Many systems employ sensors to interpret the environment. The target-tracking task is to gather sensor data from the environment and then to partition these data into tracks that are produced by the same target. The goal of sensor fusion is to gather data from a heterogeneous collection of sensors (e.g, audio and video) and fuse them together in a way that enriches the performance of the sensor network at some task of interest. This talk summarizes two recent efforts that incorporate mildly sophisticated mathematics into the general sensor arena, and also comments on the joys and pitfalls of trying to apply math for customers who care much more about the results than the math. First, a key problem in tracking is to 'connect the dots:' more precisely, to take a piece of sensor data at a given time and associate it with a previously-existing track (or to declare that this is a new object). We use topological data analysis (TDA) to form data-association likelihood scores, and integrate these scores into a well-respected algorithm called Multiple Hypothesis Tracking. Tests on simulated data show that the TDA adds significant value over baseline, especially in the context of noisy sensor data. Second, we propose a very general and entirely unsupervised sensor fusion pipeline that uses recent techniques from diffusion geometry and wavelet theory to compress and then fuse time series of arbitrary dimension arising from disparate sensor modalities. The goal of the pipeline is to differentiate classes of time-ordered behavior sequences, and we demonstrate its performance on a well-studied digit sequence database. This talk represents joint work with many people. including Chris Tralie, Nathan Borggren, Sang Chin, Jesse Clarke, Jonathan deSena, John Harer, Jay Hineman, Elizabeth Munch, Andrew Newman, Alex Pieloch, David Porter, David Rouse, Nate Strawn, Adam Watkins, Michael Williams, Lihan Yao, and Peter Zulch.
Spencer Leslie : Intro to crystal graphs and their connections with number theory
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 199 Views )I will review some basics of crystal bases for highest-weight representations for a semisimple Lie algebra. I will also point to some connections with number theory through Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series, mostly in type A.
Lihan Wang : Approximation of Correctors and Multipoles in Random Elliptic Media
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 198 Views )We consider the whole-space decaying solution of second-order elliptic PDE in divergence form with space dimension d=3, where the coefficient field is a realization of a stationary, uniformly elliptic, unit range ensemble of random field, and the right-hand-side is deterministic and compactly supported in a ball of size \ell. Given the coefficient field in a large box of size L much larger than \ell, we are interested in an algorithm to compute the gradient of the solution with the "best" artificial boundary condition on the domain of size L which describes the correct long-range multipole behavior. We want to show that, with high probability, our algorithm reaches the CLT-type lower bound of error. Joint work with Jianfeng Lu and Felix Otto.
Pam Miao Gu : Factorization tests and algorithms arising from counting modular forms and automorphic representations
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 203 Views )A theorem of Gekeler compares the number of non-isomorphic automorphic representations associated with the space of cusp forms of weight $k$ on~$\Gamma_0(N)$ to a simpler function of $k$ and~$N$, showing that the two are equal whenever $N$ is squarefree. We prove the converse of this theorem (with one small exception), thus providing a characterization of squarefree integers. We also establish a similar characterization of prime numbers in terms of the number of Hecke newforms of weight $k$ on~$\Gamma_0(N)$. It follows that a hypothetical fast algorithm for computing the number of such automorphic representations for even a single weight $k$ would yield a fast test for whether $N$ is squarefree. We also show how to obtain bounds on the possible square divisors of a number $N$ that has been found to not be squarefree via this test, and we show how to probabilistically obtain the complete factorization of the squarefull part of $N$ from the number of such automorphic representations for two different weights. If in addition we have the number of such Hecke newforms for even a single weight $k$, then we show how to probabilistically factor $N$ entirely. All of these computations could be performed quickly in practice, given the number(s) of automorphic representations and modular forms as input. (Joint work with Greg Martin.)
Chung-Ru Lee : Introduction to Trace Formula
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 208 Views )The Trace Formula can be understood roughly as an equation relating spectral data to geometric information. It is obtained via expansion of the trace of certain operators that are associated to the Representation Theory of an affine algebraic group, justifying its name. Therefore, the spectral side of the expansion by nature contains data of arithmetic interests. However, the spectral side is generally less accessible. Meanwhile, the geometric side consists of terms that can be written in a more explicit fashion. The computation of the geometric side, which is now referred to as the Orbital Integrals, thus come on the scene. In this talk, we plan to briefly introduce the general derivation of the (vaguely described) Trace Formula, and demonstrate a few concrete examples of it.
Siming He : Suppression of Chemotactic blow-up through fluid flows
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 198 Views )The Patlak-Keller-Segel equations (PKS) are widely applied to model the chemotaxis phenomena in biology. It is well-known that if the total mass of the initial cell density is large enough, the PKS equations exhibit finite time blow-up. In this talk, I will present some recent results on applying additional fluid flows to suppress chemotactic blow-up in the PKS equations.
Erin Beckman : The frog model on trees with drift
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 198 Views )In this talk, I will introduce a version of the frog model interacting particle system. The system initially consists of a single active particle at the root of a d-ary tree and an inactive particle at every other node on the tree. Active particles move according to a biased random walk and when an active particle encounters an inactive particle, the inactive particle becomes active and begins its own biased random walk. I will begin with an introduction and history of the model before moving on to talk about recent results, giving bounds on the drift such that the model is recurrent. I will go briefly into the techniques of proving such bounds, which involve a subprocess of the frog model that can be coupled across trees of different degrees. This is based on joint work with Frank, Jiang, Junge, and Tang.
Aaron Pollack : Modular forms on exceptional groups
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 238 Views )Classically, a modular form for a reductive group G is an automorphic form that gives rise to a holomorphic function on the symmetric space G/K, when this symmetric space has complex structure. However, there are very interesting groups G, such as those of type G_2 and E_8, for which G/K does not have complex structure. Nevertheless, there is a theory of modular forms on these exceptional groups, whose study was initiated by Gross-Wallach and Gan-Gross-Savin. I will define these objects and describe what is known about them.
Nan Wu : Locally Linear Embedding on Manifold with or Without Boundary
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 188 Views )Locally Linear Embedding(LLE), is a well known manifold learning algorithm published in Science by S. T. Roweis and L. K. Saul in 2000. In this talk, we provide an asymptotic analysis of the LLE algorithm under the manifold setup. We establish the kernel function associated with the LLE and show that the asymptotic behavior of the LLE depends on the regularization parameter in the algorithm. We show that on a closed manifold, asymptotically we may not obtain the Laplace-Beltrami operator, and the result may depend on the non-uniform sampling, unless a correct regularization is chosen. Moreover, we study the behavior of the algorithm on a compact manifold with boundary. This talk is based on the joint work with Hau-tieng Wu.
Chen An : A Chebotarev density theorem for certain families of D_4-quartic fields
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 193 Views )In a recent paper of Pierce, Turnage-Butterbaugh, and Wood, the authors proved an effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields. Notably D_4-quartic fields have not been treated in their paper. In this talk, I will explain the importance of the case for D_4-quartic fields and will present my proof of a Chebotarev density theorem for certain families of D_4-quartic fields. The key tools are a lower bound for the number of fields in the families and a zero-free region for almost all fields in the families.
Ashleigh Thomas : Practical multiparameter persistent homology
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 196 Views )In this talk we will explore a mathematical data analysis tool called persistent homology and look specifically into how we can turn topological information into useful data for statistical techniques. The problem is one of translation: persistent homology outputs a module, but statistics is formulated for objects in metric, vector, Banach, and Hilbert spaces. We'll see some of the ways this issue can be dealt with in a special case (single-parameter persistence) and discuss which of those techniques are viable for a more general case (multiparameter persistence).
Didong Li : Subspace Approximations with Spherelets
- Graduate/Faculty Seminar ( 160 Views )Data lying in a high-dimensional ambient space are commonly thought to have a much lower intrinsic dimension. In particular, the data may be concentrated near a lower-dimensional subspace or manifold. There is an immense literature focused on approximating the unknown subspace, and in exploiting such approximations in clustering, data compression, and building of predictive models. Most of the literature relies on approximating subspaces using a locally linear, and potentially multiscale, dictionary. In this talk, we propose a simple and general alternative, which instead uses pieces of spheres, or spherelets, to locally approximate the unknown subspace. Theory is developed showing that spherelets can produce dramatically lower covering numbers and MSEs for many manifolds. We develop spherical principal components analysis (SPCA) and spherical multiscale methods. Results relative to state-of-the-art competitors show dramatic gains in ability to accurately approximate the subspace with orders of magnitude fewer components. This leads to substantial gains in data compressibility, few clusters and hence better interpretability, and much lower MSE based on small to moderate sample sizes. A Bayesian nonparametric model based on spherelets will be introduced as an application.