public 01:34:46

Guillaume Lajoie : Artificially-induced synaptic plasticity in motor cortex: a theoretical model of a bidirectional brain-computer interface

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 119 Views )

Experiments on macaque monkeys show that spike-triggered stimulation performed by a Bidirectional Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BBCI) can artificially strengthen synaptic connections between distant neural sites in Motor Cortex (MC) and even between MC and spinal cord, with changes that last several days. Here, a neural implant records from some neurons in MC and electrically stimulates others after set delays. The working hypothesis is that this stimulation procedure, which interacts with the very fast spiking activity of cortical circuits (on the order of milliseconds), induces changes mediated by synaptic plasticity mechanisms on much longer timescales (hours and days). The field of online, closed-loop BBCI's is rapidly evolving, with applications ranging from a science-oriented tool to clinical treatments of motor injuries. However, with the enhanced capability of novel devices that can record and stimulate an ever-growing number of neural sites comes growing complexity. It is therefore crucial to develop a theoretical understanding of the effects of closed-loop artificial stimulation in the highly recurrent neural circuits found in cortex, and how such protocols affect functional cotex-to-muscle mappings across a range of timescales. In parallel with ongoing experiments, we are developing a mathematical model of recurrent MC networks with probabilistic spiking mechanisms and spike-time-dependent plastic synapses (STDP) capable of capturing both neural and synaptic activity statistics relevant to BBCI protocols. This model successfully reproduces key experimental results and we use analytical derivations to predict optimal operational regimes for BBCIs. We make experimental predictions concerning the efficacy of spike-triggered stimulation in different regimes of cortical activity such as awake behaving states or sleep. Importantly, this work provides a first step toward a theoretical framework aimed at the design and development of next-generations applications of BBCI's.

public 01:34:46

Friday is the start of spring break : no talk

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 108 Views )

public 01:34:46

Gregory Herschlag : Optimal reservoir conditions for material extraction across pumping and porous channels

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 114 Views )

In this talk, I will discuss a new result in fluid flows through channels with permeable membranes with simple pumping dynamics. Fluid will be exchanged and metabolized in a simple reservoir and I will demonstrate the existence of optimal reservoir properties that may either maximize or minimized the amount of fluid being extracted across the channel walls. The biological relevance of this work may be seen by noting that all living organisms of a sufficient size rely on complex systems of tubular networks to efficiently collect, transport and distribute nutrients or waste. These networks exchange material with the interstitium via embedded channels leading to effective permeabilities across the wall separating the channel interior from the interstitium. In many invertebrates, for example, respiratory systems are made of complex tracheal systems that branch out through the entire body allowing for passive exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In many of these systems, certain animals utilize various pumping mechanisms that alter the flow of the air or fluid being transported. Although the net effect of pumping of the averaged rates of fluid flow through the channel is typically well understood, it is still a largely open problem to understand how, and in what circumstances, pumping enables and enhances the exchange of material across channel walls. It has been demonstrated experimentally, for example, that when certain insects flap their wings, compression of the trachea allow for more efficient oxygen extraction, however it is unclear if this pumping is optimized for flight, oxygen uptake or neither, and understanding this problem quantitatively will shed insight on this biological process. Many of these interesting scenarios occur at low Reynolds number and this regime will be the focus of the presentation.

public 01:14:47

Jean Clairambault : Drug resistance in cancer: biological and medical issues, and continuous models of structured population dynamics

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 120 Views )

Considering cancer as an evolutionary disease, we aim at understanding the means by which cancer cell populations develop resistance mechanisms to drug therapies, in order to circumvent them by using optimised therapeutic combinations. Rather than focusing on molecular mechanisms such as overexpression of intracellular drug processing enzymes or ABC transporters that are responsible for resistance at the individual cell level, we propose to introduce abstract phenotypes of resistance structuring cancer cell populations. The models we propose rely on continuous adaptive dynamics of cell populations, and are amenable to predict asymptotic evolution of these populations with respect to the phenotypic traits of interest. Drug-induced drug resistance, the question we are tackling from a theoretical and experimental point of view, may be due to biological mechanisms of different natures, mere local regulation, epigenetic modifications (reversible, nevertheless inheritable) or genetic mutations (irreversible), according to the extent to which the genome of the cells in the population is affected. In this respect, the models we develop are more likely to be biologically corresponding to epigenetic modifications, although eventual induction of emergent resistant cell clones due to mutations under drug pressure is not to be completely excluded. From the biologist's point of view, we study phenotypically heterogeneous, but genetically homogeneous, cancer cell populations under stress by drugs. According to the cell populations at stake and to the exerted drug pressure, is drug resistance in cancer a permanently acquired phenotypic trait or is it reversible? Can it be avoided or overcome by rationally (model-guided) designed combinations of drugs? These are some of the questions we will try to answer in a collaboration between a team of mathematicians and another one of biologists, both dealing with cancer and Darwinian - possibly also Lamarckian - evolution of cell populations.

public 01:14:49

Mark Alber : Multi-scale Modeling of Bacterial Swarming

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 117 Views )

The ability of animals to self-organize into remarkable patterns of movement is seen throughout nature from herds of large mammals, to flocks of birds, schools of fish, and swarms of insects. Remarkably, patterns of collective movement can be seen even in the simplest forms of life such as bacteria. M. xanthus are common soil bacteria that are among the most “social" bacteria in nature. In this talk clustering mechanism of swarming M. xanthus will be described using combination of experimental movies and stochastic model simulations. Continuous limits of discrete stochastic dynamical systems simulating cell aggregation will be described in the form of reaction-diffusion and nonlinear diffusion equations. Surface motility such as swarming is thought to precede biofilm formation during infection. Population of bacteria P. aeruginosa, major infection in hospitals, will be shown to efficiently propagate as high density waves that move symmetrically as rings within swarms towards the extending tendrils. Multi-scale model simulations suggest a mechanism of wave propagation as well as branched tendril formation at the edge of the population that depend upon competition between the changing viscosity of the bacterial liquid suspension and the liquid film boundary expansion caused by Marangoni forces. This collective mechanism of cell- cell coordination was recently shown to moderate swarming direction of individual bacteria to avoid a toxic environment. In the last part of the talk a three-dimensional multiscale modeling approach will be described for studying fluid–viscoelastic cell interaction during blood clot formation.

public 01:14:48

Laura Miller : The fluid dynamics of jellyfish swimming and feeding

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 103 Views )

The jellyfish has been the subject of numerous mathematical and physical studies ranging from the discovery of reentry phenomenon in electrophysiology to the development of axisymmetric methods for solving fluid-structure interaction problems. In this presentation, we develop and test mathematical models describing the pulsing dynamics and the resulting fluid flow generated by the benthic upside down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp., and the pelagic moon jellyfish, Aurelia spp. The kinematics of contraction and distributions of pulse frequencies were obtained from videos and used as inputs into numerical simulations. Particle image velocimetry was used to obtain spatially and temporally resolved flow fields experimentally. The immersed boundary method was then used to solve the fluid-structure interaction problem and explore how changes in morphology and pulsing dynamics alter the resulting fluid flow. For Cassiopea, significant mixing occurs around and directly above the oral arms and secondary mouths. We found good agreement between the numerical simulations and experiments, suggesting that the presence of porous oral arms induce net horizontal flow towards the bell and mixing. For Aurelia, maximum swim speeds are generated when the elastic bell is resonating at its natural frequency. Alternating vortex rings can also enhance swimming speed and efficiency.