public 01:29:50

Mark Alber : Modeling elastic properties of cells and fibrin networks

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 119 Views )

Viscoelastic interactions of Myxococcus xanthus cells in a low-density domain close to the edge of a swarm have been recently studied in [1] using a combination of a cell-based three-dimensional Subcellular Element (SCE) model [1,2] and cell-tracking experiments. The model takes into account the flexible nature of M. xanthus as well as the effects of adhesion between cells arising from the interaction of the capsular polysaccharide covering two cells in contact with each other. New image and dynamic cell curvature analysis algorithms were used to track and measure the change in cell shapes that occur as flexible cells undergo significant bending during collisions resulting in direct calibration of the model parameters. It will be shown in this talk that flexibility of cells and the adhesive cell–cell and cell–substrate interactions of M. xanthus together with cell to aspect-ratio and directional reversals [3], play an important role in smooth cell gliding and more efficient swarming. In the second part of the talk results of the analysis of the three dimensional structures of fibrin networks, with and without cells, reconstructed from two-dimensional z-stacks of confocal microscopy sections using novel image analysis algorithms, will be presented. These images were used to establish microstructure-based models for studying the relationship between the structural features and the mechanical properties of the fibrin networks in blood clots. The change in the fibrin network alignment under applied strain and the elastic modulus values will be shown to agree well with the experimental data [4]. 1. C.W. Harvey, F. Morcos, C.R. Sweet, D. Kaiser, S. Chatterjee, X. Lu, D. Chen and M. Alber [2011], Study of elastic collisions of M. xanthus in swarms, Physical Biology 8, 026016. 2. C.R. Sweet, S. Chatterjee, Z. Xu, K. Bisordi, E.D. Rosen and M. Alber [2011], Modeling Platelet-Blood Flow Interaction Using Subcellular Element Langevin Method, J R Soc Interface, 2011 May 18. [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0180. 3. Y. Wu, Y. Jiang, D. Kaiser and M. Alber [2009], Periodic reversal of direction allows Myxobacteria to swarm, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 4 1222-1227. 4. E. Kim, O.V. Kim, K.R. Machlus, X. Liu, T. Kupaev, J. Lioi, A.S. Wolberg, D.Z. Chen, E.D. Rosen, Z. Xu and M. Alber [2011], Soft Matter 7, 4983-4992.

public 01:34:20

Tom Witelski : The fluid dynamics of blinking

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 105 Views )

public 01:34:56

Casey Diekman : Data Assimilation and Dynamical Systems Analysis of Circadian Rhythmicity and Entrainment

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 110 Views )

Circadian rhythms are biological oscillations that align our physiology and behavior with the 24-hour environmental cycles conferred by the Earth’s rotation. In this talk, I will discuss two projects that focus on circadian clock cells in the brain and the entrainment of circadian rhythms to the light-dark cycle. Most of what we know about the electrical activity of circadian clock neurons comes from studies of nocturnal (night-active) rodents, hindering the translation of this knowledge to diurnal (day-active) humans. In the first part of the talk, we use data assimilation and patch-clamp recordings from the diurnal rodent Rhabdomys pumilio to build the first mathematical models of the electrophysiology of circadian neurons in a day-active species. We find that the electrical activity of circadian neurons is similar overall between nocturnal and diurnal rodents but that there are some interesting differences in their responses to inhibition. In the second part of the talk, we use tools from dynamical systems theory to study the reentrainment of a model of the human circadian pacemaker following perturbations that simulate jet lag. We show that the reentrainment dynamics are organized by invariant manifolds of fixed points of a 24-hour stroboscopic map and use these manifolds to explain a rapid reentrainment phenomenon that occurs under certain jet lag scenarios.

public 01:34:46

Gregory Herschlag : Optimal reservoir conditions for material extraction across pumping and porous channels

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 116 Views )

In this talk, I will discuss a new result in fluid flows through channels with permeable membranes with simple pumping dynamics. Fluid will be exchanged and metabolized in a simple reservoir and I will demonstrate the existence of optimal reservoir properties that may either maximize or minimized the amount of fluid being extracted across the channel walls. The biological relevance of this work may be seen by noting that all living organisms of a sufficient size rely on complex systems of tubular networks to efficiently collect, transport and distribute nutrients or waste. These networks exchange material with the interstitium via embedded channels leading to effective permeabilities across the wall separating the channel interior from the interstitium. In many invertebrates, for example, respiratory systems are made of complex tracheal systems that branch out through the entire body allowing for passive exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In many of these systems, certain animals utilize various pumping mechanisms that alter the flow of the air or fluid being transported. Although the net effect of pumping of the averaged rates of fluid flow through the channel is typically well understood, it is still a largely open problem to understand how, and in what circumstances, pumping enables and enhances the exchange of material across channel walls. It has been demonstrated experimentally, for example, that when certain insects flap their wings, compression of the trachea allow for more efficient oxygen extraction, however it is unclear if this pumping is optimized for flight, oxygen uptake or neither, and understanding this problem quantitatively will shed insight on this biological process. Many of these interesting scenarios occur at low Reynolds number and this regime will be the focus of the presentation.

public 01:34:48

Samuel Friedman : Using MultiCellDS and digital cell lines to initialize large-scale 3-D agent-based cancer simulations (up to 0.5M cells)

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 104 Views )

Understanding and predicting cancer progression requires detailed interacting models of tumor and stromal cells, all calibrated to experimental data. Work to date has been limited by a lack of standardization of data representations of multicellular systems, though this is now being addressed through MultiCellDS (MultiCellular Data Standard) and digital cell lines, which are standardized representations of microenvironment-dependent cell phenotypes. Computational cancer modelers require biologically and mathematically consistent initialization routines to seed simulations with cells defined in digital cell lines. In this talk, we will briefly introduce a 3-D agent-based model designed for use in integrative computational biology. We introduce a “snapshot generator” that can take a digital cancer cell line and produce for the agent-based model an initial cell arrangement and a phenotypic state based upon analyses of the digital cell line data elements. We demonstrate 2-D monolayer and 3-D hanging drop simulations up to 500k MCF7 cells, a common breast cancer cell line. We additionally demonstrate the production of digital snapshots, standardized simulation output that will facilitate computational model comparison with a common core of analytical tools. With an early version of these tools, we assess the match between simulations and in vitro experiments. In the future, this work will be used to create and simulate combinations of tumor and stromal cells from appropriate digital cell lines in realistic tissue environments in order to understand, predict, and eventually control cancer progression in individual patients.

public 01:29:57

Jim Keener : Mechanisms of length regulation of flagella in Salmonella

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 105 Views )

Abstract: The construction of flagellar motors in motile bacteria such as Salmonella is a carefully regulated genetic process. Among the structures that are built are the hook and the filament. The length of the hook is tightly controlled while the length of filaments is less so. However, if a filament is broken off it will regrow, while a broken hook will not regrow. The question that will be addressed in this talk is how Salmonella detects and regulates the length of these structures. This is related to the more general question of how physical properties (such as size or length) can be detected by chemical signals and what those mechanisms are. In this talk, I will present mathematical models for the regulation of hook and filament length. The model for hook length regulation is based on the hypothesis that the hook length is determined by the rate of secretion of the length regulatory molecule FliK and a cleavage reaction with the gatekeeper molecule FlhB. A stochastic model for this interaction is built and analyzed, showing excellent agreement with hook length data. The model for filament length regulation is based on the hypothesis that the growth of filaments is diffusion limited and is measured by negative feedback involving the regulatory protein FlgM. Thus, the model includes diffusion on a one-dimensional domain with a moving boundary, coupled with a negative feedback chemical network. The model shows excellent qualitative agreement with data, although there are some interesting unresolved issues related to the quantitative results.

public 01:29:53

Mansoor Haider : Mixture Models for Cartilage Tissue Engineering in Biomaterial Scaffolds Seeded with Chondrocytes

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 93 Views )

Cartilage physiology is regulated by a single population of specialized cells called chondrocytes. The chondroyctes are sparsely distributed within the extracellular matrix (ECM) and maintain a state of homeostasis in healthy tissue. ECM degeneration due to osteoarthritis can lead to compete degradation of cartilage surfaces, necessitating total joint replacement. Chondrocytes can be utilized to regenerate cartilage via tissue engineering approaches in which these cells are seeded in biocompatible and degradable biopolymer or hydrogel scaffolds. In such systems, biosynthetic activity of the cells in response to their non-native environment results in regeneration and accumulation of ECM constituents concurrent with degradation of the surrounding scaffold material. In this talk, mixture models are presented for interactions between biosynthesis of ECM constituents and ECM linking in cell-seeded scaffolds. Both ODE-based (temporal) models for evolution of average apparent densities and PDE-based (spatio-temporal) models will be presented for variables including unlinked ECM, linked ECM and scaffold. Model extensions accounting for cell proliferation will also be discussed. Of particular interest are model predictions for the evolution of solid phase apparent density, which is correlated with the compressive elastic modulus of the tissue construct. These models provide a quantitative framework for assessing and optimizing the design of engineered cell-scaffold systems and guiding strategies for articular cartilage tissue engineering.

public 01:14:53

Stephan Huckemann : Statistical challenges in shape prediction of biomolecules

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 157 Views )

The three-dimensional higher-order structure of biomolecules determines their functionality. While assessing primary structure is fairly easily accessible, reconstruction of higher order structure is costly. It often requires elaborate correction of atomic clashes, frequently not fully successful. Using RNA data, we describe a purely statistical method, learning error correction, drawing power from a two-scale approach. Our microscopic scale describes single suites by dihedral angles of individual atom bonds; here, addressing the challenge of torus principal component analysis (PCA) leads to a fundamentally new approach to PCA building on principal nested spheres by Jung et al. (2012). Based on an observed relationship with a mesoscopic scale, landmarks describing several suites, we use Fréchet means for angular shape and size-and-shape, correcting within-suite-backbone-to-backbone clashes. We validate this method by comparison to reconstructions obtained from simulations approximating biophysical chemistry and illustrate its power by the RNA example of SARS-CoV-2.

This is joint work with Benjamin Eltzner, Kanti V. Mardia and Henrik Wiechers.


Eltzner, B., Huckemann, S. F., Mardia, K. V. (2018): Torus principal component analysis with applications to RNA structure. Ann. Appl. Statist. 12(2), 1332?1359.

Jung, S., Dryden, I. L., Marron, J. S. (2012): Analysis of principal nested spheres. Biometrika, 99 (3), 551-568

Mardia, K. V., Wiechers, H., Eltzner, B., Huckemann, S. F. (2022). Principal component analysis and clustering on manifolds. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 188, 104862, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047259X21001408

Wiechers, H., Eltzner, B., Mardia, K. V., Huckemann, S. F. (2021). Learning torus PCA based classification for multiscale RNA backbone structure correction with application to SARS-CoV-2. To appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.06.455406