Nathan Dowlin : A spectral sequence from Khovanov homology to knot Floer homology
- Geometry and Topology ( 238 Views )Khovanov homology and knot Floer homology are two knot invariants which are defined using very different techniques, with Khovanov homology having its roots in representation theory and knot Floer homology in symplectic geometry. However, they seem to contain a lot of the same topological data about knots. Rasmussen conjectured that this similarity stems from a spectral sequence from Khovanov homology to knot Floer homology. In this talk I will give a construction of this spectral sequence. The construction utilizes a recently defined knot homology theory HFK_2 which provides a framework in which the two theories can be related.
Kristen Hendricks : Periodic Knots and Heegaard Floer Homology
- Geometry and Topology ( 198 Views )We introduce periodic knots and discuss two classical results concerning their geometry, namely Murasugi's condition on the Alexander polynomial and Edmonds' condition on the genus. We then show how spectral sequences in Heegaard Floer link homology can be used to give a generalization of these two results in the case of doubly-periodic knots.
Lisa Piccirillo : The Conway knot is not slice
- Geometry and Topology ( 153 Views )Surgery-theoretic classifications fail for 4-manifolds because many 4-manifolds have second homology classes not representable by smoothly embedded spheres. Knot traces are the prototypical example of 4-manifolds with such classes. Ill give a flexible technique for constructing pairs of distinct knots with diffeomorphic traces. Using this construction, I will show that there are knot traces where the minimal genus smooth surface generating second homology is not the obvious one, resolving question 1.41 on the Kirby problem list. I will also use this construction to show that Conway knot does not bound a smooth disk in the four ball, which completes the classification of slice knots under 13 crossings and gives the first example of a non-slice knot which is both topologically slice and a positive mutant of a slice knot.
John Etnyre : The Contact Sphere Theorem and Tightness in Contact Metric Manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 132 Views )We establish an analog of the sphere theorem in the setting of contact geometry. Specifically, if a given three dimensional contact manifold admits a compatible Riemannian metric of positive 4/9-pinched curvature then the underlying contact structure is tight. The proof is a blend of topological and geometric techniques. A necessary technical result is a lower bound for the radius of a tight ball in a contact 3-manifold. We will also discuss geometric conditions in dimension three for a contact structure to be universally tight in the nonpositive curvature setting. This is joint work with Rafal Komendarczyk and Patrick Massot.