Curtis Porter : Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds
- Geometry and Topology ( 276 Views )Some physically significant solutions to Einstein's field equations are spacetimes which are foliated by a family of curves called a shear-free null geodesic congruence (SFNGC). Examples include models of gravitational waves that were recently detected, and rotating black holes. The properties of a SFNGC induce a CR structure on the 3-dimensional leaf space of the foliation. The Kerr Theorem says that the family of metrics associated to a SFNGC contains a conformally flat representative iff the corresponding CR structure is embeddable in a real hyperquadric. Using Cartan's method of moving frames, we can classify which Levi-nondegenerate CR 3-folds are embeddable in the hyperquadric.
John McCuan : Minimal graphs with jump discontinuities
- Geometry and Topology ( 254 Views )I will discuss some examples of minimal graphs with jump discontinuities in their boundaries. Robert Huff and I constructed these examples in response to a question of John Urbas: Is it possible for a minimal graph over a smooth annular domain to have an isolated jump discontinuity on the inner boundary component? I will also give a brief overview of the boundary consistency problem for Di Giorgi's generalized solutions of the minimal surface equation and discuss this question in that context. The construction of the examples uses the Weierstrass representation and the developing map introduced by Huff in the study of capillary problems.
Daniel Stern : Scalar curvature and circle-valued harmonic maps
- Geometry and Topology ( 242 Views )We introduce a new tool for relating the scalar curvature of a Riemannian manifold to its global geometry and topology, based on the study of level sets of harmonic functions and harmonic maps to the circle. We will explain how these ideas lead to simple new proofs and improvements upon some well-known results in three-manifold geometry and general relativity, previously studied primarily via minimal surface and Dirac operator methods.
Isaac Sundberg : The Khovanov homology of slice disks
- Geometry and Topology ( 236 Views )To a cobordism between links, Khovanov homology assigns a linear map that is invariant under boundary-preserving isotopy of the cobordism. In this talk, we study those maps arising from surfaces in the 4-ball and apply our findings to existence and uniqueness questions regarding slice disks bounding a given knot. This reflects joint works with Jonah Swann and Kyle Hayden.
Richard Hain : The Lie Algebra of the Mapping Class Group, Part 2
- Geometry and Topology ( 218 Views )In this talk I will review the construction of the Lie algebra associated to the mapping class group of a (possibly decorated) surface and explain how this generalizes the Lie algebra associated to the pure braid group. I will also explain the analogue of the KZ-equation in the mapping class group case. In the second talk I will discuss filtrations of this Lie algebra associated to curve systems on the surface and their relation to handlebody groups.
Richard Hain : Hodge theory and the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra
- Geometry and Topology ( 203 Views )In the 1980s, Bill Goldman used intersection theory to define a Lie algebra structure on the free Z module L(X) generated by the closed geodesics on a hyperbolic surface X. This bracket is related to a formula for the Poisson bracket of functions on the variety of flat G-bundles over X. In related work (1970s and 1990s), Vladimir Turaev (with contributions by Kawazumi and Kuno in the 2000s) constructed a cobracket on L(X) that depends on the choice of a framing. In this talk, I will review the definition of the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra of a framed surface and discuss its relevance to questions in other areas of mathematics. I'll discuss how Hodge theory can be applied to these questions. I may also discuss some related questions, such as the classification of mapping class group orbits of framings of a punctured surface.
Lorenzo Foscolo : New G2-holonomy cones and exotic nearly Kähler structures on the 6-sphere and the product of two 3-spheres.
- Geometry and Topology ( 187 Views )Compact 6-dimensional nearly Kähler manifolds are the cross-sections of Riemannian cones with holonomy G2. A long-standing problem has been the question of existence of complete nearly Kähler 6-manifolds besides the four known homogeneous ones. We resolve this problem by proving the existence of exotic (inhomogeneous) nearly Kähler structures on the 6-sphere and on the product of two 3-spheres. This is joint work with Mark Haskins, Imperial College London.
Zheng Zhang : On motivic realizations for variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type over Hermitian symmetric domains
- Geometry and Topology ( 177 Views )Based on the work of Gross and Sheng-Zuo, Friedman and Laza have classified variations of real Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type over Hermitian symmetric domains. In particular, over every irreducible Hermitian symmetric domain there exists a canonical variation of real Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type. In this talk, we wil review Friedman and LazaÂ?s classification. A natural question to ask is whether the canonical Hermitian variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type come from families of Calabi-Yau manifolds (geometric realization). In general, this is very difficult and is still open for small dimensional domains. We will discuss an intermediate question, namely does the canonical variations occur in algebraic geometry as sub-variations of Hodge structure of those coming from families of algebraic varieties (motivic realization). In particular, we will give motivic realizations for the canonical variations of Calabi-Yau type over irreducible tube domains of type A using abelian varieties of Weil type.
Ken Jackson : Numerical Methods for the Valuation of Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)
- Geometry and Topology ( 167 Views )Our numerical computation group has studied several problems in computational finance over the past decade. One that we've looked at recently is the pricing of "collateralized debt obligations" (CDOs). The market for CDOs has grown rapidly to over US$1 trillion annually in 2006, since the appearance of JP Morgan's Bistro deal, the first synthetic CDO, in December 1997. Much of the turmoil in the financial markets recently has been due to such credit derivatives. As this suggests, there are still many open problems associated with the pricing and hedging of these complex financial instruments. I will talk briefly about some work that we have done recently in this area.
Catherine Searle : Torus actions, maximality, and non-negative curvature
- Geometry and Topology ( 164 Views )The classification of compact Riemannian manifolds with positive or non-negative sectional curvature is a long-standing problem in Riemannian geometry. One successful approach has been the introduction of symmetries, and an important first case to understand is that of continuous abelian symmetries. In recent work with Escher, we obtained an equivariant diffeomorphism classification of closed, simply-connected non-negatively curved Riemannian manifolds admitting an isotropy-maximal torus action, with implications for the Maximal Symmetry Rank Conjecture for non-negatively curved manifolds. I will discuss joint work with Escher and Dong, that builds on this work to extend the classification to those manifolds admitting an almost isotropy-maximal action.
Justin Sawon : Holomorphic coisotropic reduction
- Geometry and Topology ( 162 Views )Let Y be a hypersurface in a 2n-dimensional holomorphic symplectic manifold X. The restriction $\sigma|_Y$ of the holomorphic symplectic form induces a rank one foliation on Y. If this "characteristic foliation" has compact leaves, then the space of leaves Y/F is a holomorphic symplectic manifold of dimension 2n-2. This construction also works when Y is a coisotropic submanifold of higher codimension, and is known as "coisotropic reduction". In this talk we will consider when the characteristic foliation has compact leaves, and look at some applications of coisotropic reduction.
Fernando Schwartz : On the topology of black holes
- Geometry and Topology ( 159 Views )An important special case of the general construction of black holes translates into a problem in Riemannian geometry, since a totally geodesic slice of spacetime is an asymptotically flat Riemannian manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature, and the restriction of the event horizon to the slice is the apparent horizon in the slice. In this talk we show how to construct new examples of Riemannian manifolds with nonspherical apparent horizon, in dimensions four and above. More precisely, for any $n,m\ge 1$, we construct asymptotically flat, scalar flat Riemannian manifolds with apparent horizon that is a smooth outermost minimal hypersurface with topology $S^n\times S^{m+1}$.
Justin Sawon : Lagrangian fibrations by Jacobians of low genus curves
- Geometry and Topology ( 157 Views )The Beauville-Mukai integrable system is a well-known Lagrangian fibration, i.e., a holomorphic symplectic manifold fibred by Lagrangian complex tori. It is constructed by beginning with a complete linear system of curves on a K3 surface, and then taking the compactified relative Jacobian of the family of curves. One may ask whether other families of curves yield Lagrangian fibrations in this way. Markushevich showed that this is not the case in genus two: a Lagrangian fibration by Jacobians of genus two curves must be a Beauville-Mukai system. We generalize his result to genus three curves, and also to non-hyperelliptic curves of genus four and five.
Gavin Ball : Quadratic closed G2-structures
- Geometry and Topology ( 155 Views )A closed G2-structure is a certain type of geometric structure on a 7-manifold M, given by a 'non-degenerate' closed 3-form. The local geometry of closed G2-structures is non-trivial, in contrast to the perhaps more familiar case of symplectic structures (where we instead have a non-degenerate closed 2-form). In particular, any closed G2-structure automatically induces a Riemannian metric on M. I will talk about a special class of closed G2-structures, those satisfying a further 'quadratic' condition. This is a second order PDE system first written down by Bryant that can be interpreted as a condition on the Ricci curvature of the induced metric. I will focus mainly on the case where the G2-structure is 'extremally Ricci-pinched', giving new examples and describing an unexpected relationship with maximal submanifolds in a certain negatively curved pseudo-Riemannian symmetric space.
Yu Wang : Quantitative stratification of stationary Yang-Mills and recent progress on global gauge problem
- Geometry and Topology ( 152 Views )Given a stationary Yang-Mills connection A, we are interested in studying its singular structure. In this talk we introduce a quantitative way to stratify the singular sets. Our main results include a Minkowski Volume estimate and the rectifiability of this quantitative stratification, which leads to the rectifiability of the classical stratifications S^k(A) for all integer k. To be precise, we first recall certain background preliminaries needed for this talk. After giving the statements of the main results, I will briefly describe the machinary used in the proof, and explain the new points and the major difficulty that we have faced. The main results in the talk are based on a work by myself last year. If time allows I will further discuss some open problems regarding global gauge in this field, and recent progress in those directions made jointly with Aaron Naber.
Jacques Hurtubise : Isomonodromy deformations of connections
- Geometry and Topology ( 152 Views )The link between meromorphic connections on a Riemann surface and their monodromy is a very classical one, indeed so classical that it was the subject of one of Hilbert?s problems. The deformation theory of these connections, and when these deformations preserve the monodromy, is almost equally ancient. I will give an overview of some results in the area, some ancient, and some quite recent.
Dan Rutherford : Generating families and invariants of Legendrian knots
- Geometry and Topology ( 151 Views )Legendrian knots in standard contact R3 have in addition to their topological knot type two classical invariants known as the Thurston-Bennequin and rotation numbers. Over the past decade several invariants have been developed which are capable of distinguishing between knots with identical classical invariants. The purpose of this talk is to describe interesting relationships between some of these new invariants. Major players in this talk are the Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA (Legendrian contact homology) and related objects, as well as combinatorial structures on front diagrams and homological invariants arising from the theory of generating families (due to Chekanov-Pushkar, Fuchs, and Traynor). The main new result (joint with Fuchs) is that, when a Legendrian knot is defined by a generating family, homology groups obtained by linearizing the Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA are isomorphic to the homology of a pair of spaces associated with the generating family.
Larry Guth : Area-contracting maps between rectangles
- Geometry and Topology ( 151 Views )The k-dilation of a map measures how much the map stretches k-dimensional volumes. The 1-dilation is the usual Lipschitz constant. We consider the problem of finding the smallest k-dilation among all degree 1 maps from one rectangle to another rectangle. (These are n-dimensional rectangles.) In general the linear map is far from optimal.
Igor Zelenko (Texas A&M U) : Gromovs h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index
- Geometry and Topology ( 150 Views )While establishing various versions of the h-principle for contact distributions (Eliashberg (1989) in dimension 3, Borman-Eliashberg-Murphy (2015) in arbitrary dimension, and even-contact contact (D. McDuff, 1987) distributions are among the most remarkable advances in differential topology in the last four decades, very little is known about analogous results for other classes of distributions, e.g. generic distributions of corank 2 or higher. The smallest dimensional nontrivial case of corank 2 distributions is Engel distributions, i.e. the maximally nonholonomic rank 2 distributions on $4$-manifolds. This case is highly nontrivial and was treated recently by Casals-Pérez-del Pino-Presas (2017) and Casals-Pérez-Presas (2017). In my talk, I will show how to use the method of convex integration in order to establish all versions of the h-principle for corank 2 distributions of arbitrary odd rank satisfying a natural generic assumption on the associated pencil of skew-symmetric forms. During the talk, I will try to give all the necessary background related to the method of convex integration in principle. This is the joint work with Milan Jovanovic, Javier Martinez-Aguinaga, and Alvaro del Pino.
Jason Parsley : Petal Links
- Geometry and Topology ( 144 Views )A petal diagram of a knot or link consists of a center point surrounded by n non-nested loops; it represents n strands of the link at various heights which all project onto the same center point. Though every knot has a petal diagram, extremely few links have petal diagrams. The goal of this project is to characterize and enumerate which links do. First, we tabulate all petal links of 2-5 components. We then show all petal links arise as circle graphs -- the intersection graph of a set of chords of a circle. This establishes lower bounds on the number of petal links and allows us to conjecture upper bounds. We then discuss using petal diagrams to model certain classes of knots and links.
Carla Cederbaum : From Newton to Einstein: a guided tour through space and time
- Geometry and Topology ( 144 Views )The cosmos and its laws have fascinated people since the ancient times. Many scientists and philosophers have tried to describe and explain what they saw in the sky. And almost all of them have used mathematics to formulate their ideas and compute predictions for the future. Today, we have made huge progress in understanding and predicting how planets, stars, and galaxies behave. But still, the mysteries of our universe are formulated and resolved in mathematical language and always with new mathematical methods and ideas. In this lecture, you will hear about two of the most famous physicists of all times, Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Albert Einstein (1879-1955), and about their theories of the universe. You will learn about common features and central differences in their viewpoints and in the mathematics they used to formulate their theories. In passing, you will also encounter the famous mathematician Carl Friedrich GauÃ? (1777-1855) and his beautiful ideas about curvature.
Florian Johne : A generalization of Gerochs conjecture
- Geometry and Topology ( 142 Views )Closed manifolds with topology N = M x S^1 do not admit metrics of positive Ricci curvature by the theorem of Bonnet-Myers, while the resolution of the Geroch conjecture implies that the torus T^n does not admit a metric of positive scalar curvature. In this talk we explain a non-existence result for metrics of positive m-intermediate curvature (a notion of curvature reducing to Ricci curvature for m = 1, and scalar curvature for m = n-1) on closed manifolds with topology N^n = M^{n-m} x T^m for n <= 7. Our proof uses minimization of weighted areas, the associated stability inequality, and delicate estimates on the second fundamental form. This is joint work with Simon Brendle and Sven Hirsch.
Chen-Yun Lin : An embedding theorem: differential geometry behind massive data analysis
- Geometry and Topology ( 140 Views )High-dimensional data can be difficult to analyze. Assume data are distributed on a low-dimensional manifold. The Vector Diffusion Mapping (VDM), introduced by Singer-Wu, is a non-linear dimension reduction technique and is shown robust to noise. It has applications in cryo-electron microscopy and image denoising and has potential application in time-frequency analysis. In this talk, I will present a theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of the VDM. Specifically, I will discuss parametrisation of the manifold and an embedding which is equivalent to the truncated VDM. In the differential geometry language, I use eigen-vector fields of the connection Laplacian operator to construct local coordinate charts that depend only on geometric properties of the manifold. Next, I use the coordinate charts to embed the entire manifold into a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The proof of the results relies on solving the elliptic system and provide estimates for eigenvector fields and the heat kernel and their gradients.
Ana-Maria Brecan : On the intersection pairing between cycles in SU(p,q)-flag domains and maximally real Schubert varieties
- Geometry and Topology ( 139 Views )An SU(p, q)-flag domain is an open orbit of the real Lie group SU(p, q) acting on the complex flag manifold associated to its complexification SL(p + q, C). Any such flag domain contains certain compact complex submanifolds, called cycles, which encode much of the topological, complex geometric and repre- sentation theoretical properties of the flag domain. This talk is concerned with the description of these cycles in homology using a specific type of Schubert varieties. They are defined by the condition that the fixed point of the Borel group in question is in the closed SU(p,q)-orbit in the ambient manifold. We consider the Schubert varieties of this type which are of com- plementary dimension to the cycles. It is known that if such a variety has non-empty intersection with a certain base cycle, then it does so transversally (in finitely many points). With the goal of understanding this duality, we describe these points of intersection in terms of flags as well as in terms of fixed points of a given maximal torus. The relevant Schubert varieties are described in terms of Weyl group elements.
Jeremy Marzuola : Nonlinear Bound States on manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 137 Views )We will discuss the results of several joint ongoing projects (with subsets of collaborators Pierre Albin, Hans Christianson, Colin Guillarmou, Jason Metcalfe, Laurent Thomann and Michael Taylor), which explore the existence, stability and dynamics of nonlinear bound states and quasimodes on manifolds of both positive and negative curvature with various symmetry properties.
Hannah Schwartz : Using 2-torsion to obstruct topological isotopy
- Geometry and Topology ( 132 Views )It is well known that two knots in S^3 are ambiently isotopic if and only if there is an orientation preserving automorphism of S^3 carrying one knot to the other. In this talk, we will examine a family of smooth 4-manifolds in which the analogue of this fact does not hold, i.e. each manifold contains a pair of smoothly embedded, homotopic 2-spheres that are related by a diffeomorphism, but not smoothly isotopic. In particular, the presence of 2-torsion in the fundamental groups of these 4-manifolds can be used to obstruct even a topological isotopy between the 2-spheres; this shows that Gabai's recent "4D Lightbulb Theorem" does not hold without the 2-torsion hypothesis.
Eylem Zeliha Yildiz : Braids in planar open books and fillable surgeries.
- Geometry and Topology ( 129 Views )We'll give a useful description of braids in $\underset{n}{\#}(S^1\times S^2)$ using surgery diagrams, which will allow us to address families of knots in lens spaces that admit fillable positive contact surgery. We also demonstrate that smooth $16$ surgery to the knot $P(-2,3,7)$ bounds a rational ball, which admits a Stein handlebody. This answers a question left open by Thomas Mark and Bülent Tosun.