public 01:14:39

Lucy Zhang : Modeling and Simulations of Fluid and Deformable-Structure Interactions in Bio-Mechanical Systems

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 164 Views )

Fluid-structure interactions exist in many aspects of our daily lives. Some biomedical engineering examples are blood flowing through a blood vessel and blood pumping in the heart. Fluid interacting with moving or deformable structures poses more numerical challenges for its complexity in dealing with transient and simultaneous interactions between the fluid and solid domains. To obtain stable, effective, and accurate solutions is not trivial. Traditional methods that are available in commercial software often generate numerical instabilities.

In this talk, a novel numerical solution technique, Immersed Finite Element Method (IFEM), is introduced for solving complex fluid-structure interaction problems in various engineering fields. The fluid and solid domains are fully coupled, thus yield accurate and stable solutions. The variables in the two domains are interpolated via a delta function that enables the use of non-uniform grids in the fluid domain, which allows the use of arbitrary geometry shapes and boundary conditions. This method extends the capabilities and flexibilities in solving various biomedical, traditional mechanical, and aerospace engineering problems with detailed and realistic mechanics analysis. Verification problems will be shown to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of this numerical approach. Several biomechanical problems will be presented: 1) blood flow in the left atrium and left atrial appendage which is the main source of blood in patients with atrial fibrillation. The function of the appendage is determined through fluid-structure interaction analysis, 2) examine blood cell and cell interactions under different flow shear rates. The formation of the cell aggregates can be predicted when given a physiologic shear rate.

public 01:34:49

Andrew Christlieb : A high order adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for hyperbolic conservation laws based on weighted essentially non-oscillatory methods

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 154 Views )

In this work, we combine the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework with high order finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) method in space and TVD Runge-Kutta (RK) method in time (WENO-RK) for hyperbolic conservation laws. Our goal is to realize mesh adaptivity in the AMR framework, while maintaining very high (higher than second) order accuracy of the WENO-RK method in the finite difference setting. To maintain high order accuracy, we use high order prolongation in both space (WENO interpolation) and time (Hermite interpolation) from the coarse to find grid, and at ghost points. The resulting scheme is high order accuracy, robust and efficient, due to the mesh adaptivity and has high order accuracy in both space and time. We have experimented the third and fifth order AMR-finite difference WENO-RK schemes. The accuracy of the scheme is demonstrated by applying the method to several smooth test problems, and the quality and efficiency are demonstrated by applying the method to the shallow water and Euler equations with different challenging initial conditions. From our numerical experiment, we conclude a significant improvement of the fifth order AMR - WENO scheme over the third order one, not only in accuracy for smooth problems, but also in its ability in resolving complicated solution structures, which we think is due to the very low numerical diffusion of high order schemes. This work is in collaboration with Dr. Chaopeng Shen and Professor Jing-Mei Qiu.

public 01:14:39

Ralph Smith : Model Development and Control Design for High Performance Nonlinear Smart Material Systems

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 152 Views )

High performance transducers utilizing piezoceramic, electrostrictive, magnetostrictive or shape memory elements offer novel control capabilities in applications ranging from flow control to precision placement for nanoconstruction. To achieve the full potential of these materials, however, models, numerical methods and control designs which accommodate the constitutive nonlinearities and hysteresis inherent to the compounds must be employed. Furthermore, it is advantageous to consider material characterization, model development, numerical approximation, and control design in concert to fully exploit the novel sensor and actuator capabilities of these materials in coupled systems.

In this presentation, the speaker will discuss recent advances in the development of model-based control strategies for high performance smart material systems. The presentation will focus on the development of unified nonlinear hysteresis models, inverse compensators, reduced-order approximation techniques, and nonlinear control strategies for high precision or high drive regimes. The range for which linear models and control methods are applicable will also be outlined. Examples will be drawn from problems arising in structural acoustics, high speed milling, deformable mirror design, artificial muscle development, tendon design to minimize earthquake damage, and atomic force microscopy.

public 01:14:47

Per-Gunnar Martinsson : Fast numerical methods for solving linear PDEs

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 145 Views )

Linear boundary value problems occur ubiquitously in many areas of science and engineering, and the cost of computing approximate solutions to such equations is often what determines which problems can, and which cannot, be modelled computationally. Due to advances in the last few decades (multigrid, FFT, fast multipole methods, etc), we today have at our disposal numerical methods for most linear boundary value problems that are "fast" in the sense that their computational cost grows almost linearly with problem size. Most existing "fast" schemes are based on iterative techniques in which a sequence of incrementally more accurate solutions is constructed. In contrast, we propose the use of recently developed methods that are capable of directly inverting large systems of linear equations in almost linear time. Such "fast direct methods" have several advantages over existing iterative methods: (1) Dramatic speed-ups in applications involving the repeated solution of similar problems (e.g. optimal design, molecular dynamics). (2) The ability to solve inherently ill-conditioned problems (such as scattering problems) without the use of custom designed preconditioners. (3) The ability to construct spectral decompositions of differential and integral operators. (4) Improved robustness and stability. In the talk, we will also describe how randomized sampling can be used to rapidly and accurately construct low rank approximations to matrices. The cost of constructing a rank k approximation to an m x n matrix A for which an O(m+n) matrix-vector multiplication scheme is available is O((m+n)*k). This cost is the same as that of Lanczos, but the randomized scheme is significantly more robust. For a general matrix A, the cost of the randomized scheme is O(m*n*log(k)), which should be compared to the O(m*n*k) cost of existing deterministic methods.

public 01:29:58

Courtney Paquette : Algorithms for stochastic nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 134 Views )

Nonsmooth and nonconvex loss functions are often used to model physical phenomena, provide robustness, and improve stability. While convergence guarantees in the smooth, convex settings are well-documented, algorithms for solving large-scale nonsmooth and nonconvex problems remain in their infancy.

I will begin by isolating a class of nonsmooth and nonconvex functions that can be used to model a variety of statistical and signal processing tasks. Standard statistical assumptions on such inverse problems often endow the optimization formulation with an appealing regularity condition: the objective grows sharply away from the solution set. We show that under such regularity, a variety of simple algorithms, subgradient and Gauss Newton like methods, converge rapidly when initialized within constant relative error of the optimal solution. We illustrate the theory and algorithms on the real phase retrieval problem, and survey a number of other applications, including blind deconvolution and covariance matrix estimation.

One of the main advantages of smooth optimization over its nonsmooth counterpart is the potential to use a line search for improved numerical performance. A long-standing open question is to design a line-search procedure in the stochastic setting. In the second part of the talk, I will present a practical line-search method for smooth stochastic optimization that has rigorous convergence guarantees and requires only knowable quantities for implementation. While traditional line-search methods rely on exact computations of the gradient and function values, our method assumes that these values are available up to some dynamically adjusted accuracy that holds with some sufficiently high, but fixed, probability. We show that the expected number of iterations to reach an approximate-stationary point matches the worst-case efficiency of typical first-order methods, while for convex and strongly convex objectives it achieves the rates of deterministic gradient descent.

public 01:29:47

Elisabetta Matsumoto : Biomimetic 4D Printing

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 134 Views )

The nascent technique of 4D printing has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing in fields ranging from organs-on-a-chip to architecture to soft robotics. By expanding the pallet of 3D printable materials to include the use stimuli responsive inks, 4D printing promises precise control over patterned shape transformations. With the goal of creating a new manufacturing technique, we have recently introduced a biomimetic printing platform that enables the direct control of local anisotropy into both the elastic moduli and the swelling response of the ink.

We have drawn inspiration from nastic plant movements to design a phytomimetic ink and printing process that enables patterned dynamic shape change upon exposure to water, and possibly other external stimuli. Our novel fiber-reinforced hydrogel ink enables local control over anisotropies not only in the elastic moduli, but more importantly in the swelling. Upon hydration, the hydrogel changes shape accord- ing the arbitrarily complex microstructure imparted during the printing process.

To use this process as a design tool, we must solve the inverse problem of prescribing the pattern of anisotropies required to generate a given curved target structure. We show how to do this by constructing a theory of anisotropic plates and shells that can respond to local metric changes induced by anisotropic swelling. A series of experiments corroborate our model by producing a range of target shapes inspired by the morphological diversity of flower petals.