public 01:34:42

Jacob Bedrossian : Positive Lyapunov exponents for 2d Galerkin-Navier-Stokes with stochastic forcing

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 436 Views )

In this talk we discuss our recently introduced methods for obtaining strictly positive lower bounds on the top Lyapunov exponent of high-dimensional, stochastic differential equations such as the weakly-damped Lorenz-96 (L96) model or Galerkin truncations of the 2d Navier-Stokes equations (joint with Alex Blumenthal and Sam Punshon-Smith). This hallmark of chaos has long been observed in these models, however, no mathematical proof had previously been made for any type of deterministic or stochastic forcing. The method we proposed combines (A) a new identity connecting the Lyapunov exponents to a Fisher information of the stationary measure of the Markov process tracking tangent directions (the so-called "projective process"); and (B) an L1-based hypoelliptic regularity estimate to show that this (degenerate) Fisher information is an upper bound on some fractional regularity. For L96 and GNSE, we then further reduce the lower bound of the top Lyapunov exponent to proving that the projective process satisfies Hörmander's condition. I will also discuss the recent work of Sam Punshon-Smith and I on verifying this condition for the 2d Galerkin-Navier-Stokes equations in a rectangular, periodic box of any aspect ratio using some special structure of matrix Lie algebras and ideas from computational algebraic geometry.

public 01:34:47

Julia Kimbell : Applications of upper respiratory tract modeling to risk assessment, medicine, and drug delivery

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 158 Views )

The upper respiratory tract is the portal of entry for inhaled air and anything we breath in with it. For most of us, the nasal passages do most of the work cleansing, humidifying, and warming inhaled air using a lining of highly vascularized tissue coated with mucus. This tissue is susceptible to damage from inhaled material, can adversely affect life quality if deformed or diseased, and is a potential route of systemic exposure via circulating blood. To understand nasal physiology and the effects of inhalants on nasal tissue, information on airflow, gas uptake and particle deposition patterns is needed for both laboratory animals and humans. This information is often difficult to obtain in vivo but may be estimated with three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. At CIIT Centers for Health Research (CIIT-CHR), CFD models of nasal airflow and inhaled gas and particle transport have been used to test hypotheses about mechanisms of toxicity, help extrapolate laboratory animal data to people, and make predictions for human health risk assessments, as well as study surgical interventions and nasal drug delivery. In this talk an overview of CIIT-CHR's nasal airflow modeling program will be given with the goal of illustrating how CFD modeling can help researchers clarify, organize, and understand the complex structure, function, physiology, pathobiology, and utility of the nasal airways.

public 01:24:58

Ju Sun : When Are Nonconvex Optimization Problems Not Scary?

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 156 Views )

Many problems arising from scientific and engineering applications can be naturally formulated as optimization problems, most of which are nonconvex. For nonconvex problems, obtaining a local minimizer is computationally hard in theory, never mind the global minimizer. In practice, however, simple numerical methods often work surprisingly well in finding high-quality solutions for specific problems at hand.

In this talk, I will describe our recent effort in bridging the mysterious theory-practice gap for nonconvex optimization. I will highlight a family of nonconvex problems that can be solved to global optimality using simple numerical methods, independent of initialization. This family has the characteristic global structure that (1) all local minimizers are global, and (2) all saddle points have directional negative curvatures. Problems lying in this family cover various applications across machine learning, signal processing, scientific imaging, and more. I will focus on two examples we worked out: learning sparsifying bases for massive data and recovery of complex signals from phaseless measurements. In both examples, the benign global structure allows us to derive geometric insights and computational results that are inaccessible from previous methods. In contrast, alternative approaches to solving nonconvex problems often entail either expensive convex relaxation (e.g., solving large-scale semidefinite programs) or delicate problem-specific initializations.

Completing and enriching this framework is an active research endeavor that is being undertaken by several research communities. At the end of the talk, I will discuss open problems to be tackled to move forward.

public 01:14:44

Geoffrey Schiebinger : Analyzing Developmental Stochastic Processes with Optimal Transport

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 119 Views )

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) has emerged as a powerful tool to sample the complexity of large populations of cells and observe biological processes at unprecedented molecular resolution. This offers the exciting prospect of understanding the molecular programs that guide cellular differentiation during development. Here, we introduce Waddington-OT: a mathematical framework for understanding the temporal dynamics of development based on snapshots of expression profiles. The central challenge in analyzing these data arises from the fact that scRNA-Seq is destructive, which means that one cannot directly measure the trajectory of any given cell over time. We model the population of developing cells mathematically with a time-varying probability distribution (i.e. stochastic process) on a high-dimensional gene expression space, and we propose to recover the temporal coupling of the process with optimal transport. We demonstrate the power of Waddington-OT by applying the approach to study 315,000 scRNA-seq profiles collected at 40 time points over 16 days during reprogramming of fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells. We construct a high-resolution map of reprogramming that rediscovers known features; uncovers new alternative cell fates including neural- and placental-like cells; predicts the origin and fate of any cell class; and implicates regulatory models in particular trajectories. Of these findings, we highlight Obox6, which we experimentally show enhances reprogramming efficiency. Our approach provides a general framework for investigating cellular differentiation.