public 01:34:55

Reema Al-Aifari : Spectral Analysis of the truncated Hilbert Transform arising in limited data tomography

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 121 Views )

In Computerized Tomography a 2D or 3D object is reconstructed from projection data (Radon transform data) from multiple directions. When the X-ray beams are sufficiently wide to fully embrace the object and when the beams from a sufficiently dense set of directions around the object can be used, this problem and its solution are well understood. When the data are more limited the image reconstruction problem becomes much more challenging; in the figure below only the region within the circle of the Field Of View is illuminated from all angles. In this talk we consider a limited data problem in 2D Computerized Tomography that gives rise to a restriction of the Hilbert transform as an operator HT from L2(a2,a4) to L2(a1,a3) for real numbers a1 < a2 < a3 < a4. We present the framework of tomographic reconstruction from limited data and the method of differentiated back-projection (DBP) which gives rise to the operator HT. The reconstruction from the DBP method requires recovering a family of 1D functions f supported on compact intervals [a2,a4] from its Hilbert transform measured on intervals [a1, a3] that might only overlap, but not cover [a2, a4]. We relate the operator HT to a self-adjoint two-interval Sturm-Liouville prob- lem, for which the spectrum is discrete. The Sturm-Liouville operator is found to commute with HT , which then implies that the spectrum of HT∗ HT is discrete. Furthermore, we express the singular value decomposition of HT in terms of the so- lutions to the Sturm-Liouville problem. We conclude by illustrating the properties obtained for HT numerically.

public 01:02:03

Zhilin Li : The Immersed Interface Method:A Numerical Approach for Interface Problems

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 13 Views )

Many physical problems involve interfaces. Examples include phase transition problems where the interface separates the solid and liquid regions, bubble simulation, Hele-Shaw flow, composite materials, and many other important physical phenomena. Mathematically, interface problems usually lead to differential equations whose input data and solutions have discontinuities or non-smoothness across interfaces. As a result, many standard numerical schemes do not work or work poorly for interface problems. This is an introductory talk about the interface problems and our immersed interface method. Through some simple examples, I will try to explain the problems of our interest and related background information. Then I will present our method for some typical model problems in two dimensions. Our method can handle both discontinuous coefficients and singular sources. The main idea is to incorporate the known jumps in the solution and its derivatives into the finite difference scheme, obtaining a modified scheme on the uniform grid for quite arbitrary interfaces. The second part of the talk will focus on applications of the methods combined with the the level set method for moving interface problems: including the Stokes flow with different surface tension, the simulation of Hele-Shaw flow, and computation of crystal growth.

public 01:14:39

Elizabeth L. Bouzarth : Modeling Biologically Inspired Fluid Flow Using RegularizedSingularities and Spectral Deferred Correction Methods

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 146 Views )

The motion of primary nodal cilia present in embryonic development resembles that of a precessing rod. Implementing regularized singularities to model this fluid flow numerically simulates a situation for which colleagues have exact mathematical solutions and experimentalists have corresponding laboratory studies on both the micro- and macro-scales. Stokeslets are fundamental solutions to the Stokes equations, which act as external point forces when placed in a fluid. By strategically distributing regularized Stokeslets in a fluid domain to mimic an immersed boundary (e.g., cilium), one can compute the velocity and trajectory of the fluid at any point of interest. The simulation can be adapted to a variety of situations including passive tracers, rigid bodies and numerous rod structures in a fluid flow generated by a rod, either rotating around its center or its tip, near a plane. The exact solution allows for careful error analysis and the experimental studies provide new applications for the numerical model. Spectral deferred correction methods are used to alleviate time stepping restrictions in trajectory calculations. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons to theory and experiment have shown that a numerical simulation of this nature can generate insight into fluid systems that are too complicated to fully understand via experiment or exact numerical solution independently.

public 01:19:02

Peter K. Moore : An Adaptive H-Refinement Finite Element For Solving Systems of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations in Three Space Dimensions

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 15 Views )

Adaptive methods for solving systems of partial differential equations have become widespread. Robust adaptive software for solving parabolic systems in one and two space dimensions is now widely available. Three spatial adaptive strategies and combinations thereof are frequently employed: mesh refinement (h-refinement); mesh motion (r-refinement); and order variation (p-refinement). These adaptive strategies are driven by a priori and a posteriori error estimates. I will present an adaptive h-refinement finite element code in three dimensions on structured grids. These structured grids contain irregular nodes. Solution values at these nodes are determined by continuity requirements across element boundaries rather than by the differential equations. The differential-algebraic system resulting from the spatial discretization is integrated using Linda Petzold's multistep DAE code DASPK. The large linear systems resulting from Newton's method applied to nonlinear system of differential algebraic equations is solved using preconditioned GMRES. In DASPK the matrix-vector products needed by GMRES are approximated by a ``directional derivative''. Thus, the Jacobian matrix need not be assembled. However, this approach is inefficient. I have modified DASPK to compute the matrix-vector product using stored Jacobian matrix. As in the earlier version of DASPK, DASSL, this matrix is kept for several time steps before being updated. I will discuss appropriate preconditioning strategies, including fast-banded preconditioners. In three dimensions when using multistep methods for time integration it is crucial to use a ``warm restart'', that is, to restart the dae solver at the current time step and order. This requires interpolation of the history information. The interpolation must be done in such a way that mode irregularity is enforced on the new grid. A posteriori error estimates on uniform grids can easily be generalized from two-dimensional results (Babuska and Yu showed that in the case of odd order elements, jumps across elemental boundaries give accurate estimates, and in the case of even order elements, local parabolic systems must be solved to obtain accurate estimates). Babuska's work can even be generalized to meshes with irregular modes but now they no longer converge to the true error (in the case of odd order elements). I have developed a new set of estimates that extend the work of Babuska to irregular meshes and finite difference methods. These estimates provide a posteriori error indicators in the finite element context. Several examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of the code will be given.

public 01:14:44

Geoffrey Schiebinger : Analyzing Developmental Stochastic Processes with Optimal Transport

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 111 Views )

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) has emerged as a powerful tool to sample the complexity of large populations of cells and observe biological processes at unprecedented molecular resolution. This offers the exciting prospect of understanding the molecular programs that guide cellular differentiation during development. Here, we introduce Waddington-OT: a mathematical framework for understanding the temporal dynamics of development based on snapshots of expression profiles. The central challenge in analyzing these data arises from the fact that scRNA-Seq is destructive, which means that one cannot directly measure the trajectory of any given cell over time. We model the population of developing cells mathematically with a time-varying probability distribution (i.e. stochastic process) on a high-dimensional gene expression space, and we propose to recover the temporal coupling of the process with optimal transport. We demonstrate the power of Waddington-OT by applying the approach to study 315,000 scRNA-seq profiles collected at 40 time points over 16 days during reprogramming of fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells. We construct a high-resolution map of reprogramming that rediscovers known features; uncovers new alternative cell fates including neural- and placental-like cells; predicts the origin and fate of any cell class; and implicates regulatory models in particular trajectories. Of these findings, we highlight Obox6, which we experimentally show enhances reprogramming efficiency. Our approach provides a general framework for investigating cellular differentiation.

public 01:34:43

Ruiwen Shu : Flocking hydrodynamics with external potentials

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 118 Views )

We study the large-time behavior of hydrodynamic model which describes the collective behavior of continuum of agents, driven by pairwise alignment interactions with additional external potential forcing. The external force tends to compete with alignment which makes the large time behavior very different from the original Cucker-Smale (CS) alignment model, and far more interesting. Here we focus on uniformly convex potentials. In the particular case of \emph{quadratic} potentials, we are able to treat a large class of admissible interaction kernels, $\phi(r) \gtrsim (1+r^2)^{-\beta}$ with `thin' tails $\beta \leq 1$ --- thinner than the usual `fat-tail' kernels encountered in CS flocking $\beta\leq\nicefrac{1}{2}$: we discover unconditional flocking with exponential convergence of velocities \emph{and} positions towards a Dirac mass traveling as harmonic oscillator. For general convex potentials, we impose a necessary stability condition, requiring large enough alignment kernel to avoid crowd dispersion. We prove, by hypocoercivity arguments, that both the velocities \emph{and} positions of smooth solution must flock. We also prove the existence of global smooth solutions for one and two space dimensions, subject to critical thresholds in initial configuration space. It is interesting to observe that global smoothness can be guaranteed for sub-critical initial data, independently of the apriori knowledge of large time flocking behavior.