Alfio Fabio La Rosa : Translation functors and the trace formula
- Number Theory ( 490 Views )I will propose a way to combine the theory of translation functors with the trace formula to study automorphic representations of connected semisimple anisotropic algebraic groups over the rational numbers whose Archimedean component is a limit of discrete series. I will explain the main ideas of the derivation of a trace formula which, modulo a conjecture on the decomposition of the tensor product of a limit of discrete series with a finite-dimensional representation into basic representations, allows to isolate the non-Archimedean parts of a finite family of C-algebraic automorphic representations containing the ones whose Archimedean component is a given limit of discrete series.
Jerry Yu Fu : A density theorem towards p-adic monodromy
- Number Theory ( 456 Views )We investigate the $p$-adic monodromy of certain kinds of abelian varieties in $\mathcal{A}_{g}$ and prove a formal density theorem for the locus of deformations with big monodromy. Also, we prove that the small monodromy locus of the deformation space of a supersingular elliptic curve is $p$-adic nowhere dense. The approach is based on a congruence condition of $p$-divisible groups and transform of data between the Rapoport-Zink spaces and deformation spaces.
Jonathan P. Wang : Derived Satake equivalence for Godement-Jacquet monoids
- Number Theory ( 275 Views )Godement-Jacquet use the Schwartz space of n-by-n matrices to construct the standard L-function for GL_n. Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis and Venkatesh conjecture that the local unramified part of this theory can be categorified to an equivalence between an 'analytic' category of constructible sheaves and a 'spectral' category of dg modules. In this talk I will explain the proof of this equivalence and some of its properties. I will also discuss connections to conjectures of Braverman-Kazhdan on constructions of general automorphic L-functions. This is joint work with Tsao-Hsien Chen (in preparation).
Manish Mishra : Self-dual cuspidal representations
- Number Theory ( 249 Views )Let F be a non-archimedean local field (such as ℚ_p). The Langlands philosophy says that the arithmetic of F is intimately related to the category R(G) of smooth complex representations of G(F) where G denotes a reductive F-group (for example the general linear group). The building blocks of R(G) are the "supercuspidal" representations of G(F). I will define this term in the talk. The category R(G) comes equipped with an involution - the "contragradient" or the "dual". The supercuspidal representations of G(F) which are self-dual are of considerable interest in the subject. In this talk, I will talk about a joint work with Jeff Adler about the existence of supercuspidals and self-dual supercuspidals. Specifically, we show that G(F) always admits supercuspidal representations. Under some mild hypotheses on G, we determine precisely when G(F) admits self-dual supercuspidal representations. These results are obtained from analogous results for finite reductive groups which I will also talk about.
Rafah Hajjar Munoz : On the residually indistinguishable case of Ribet’s lemma
- Number Theory ( 244 Views )Ribet’s method describes a way to construct a certain extension of fields from the existence of a suitable modular form. To do so, we consider the Galois representation of an appropriate cuspform, which gives rise to a cohomology class that cuts out our desired extension. The process of obtaining a cohomology class from such a representation is usually known as Ribet’s lemma. Several generalizations of this lemma have been stated and proved during the last decades, but the vast majority of them makes the assumption that the representation is residually distinguishable, meaning that the characters of its residual decomposition are non-congruent modulo the maximal ideal. However, recent applications of Ribet’s method, such as for the proof of the 2-part of the Brumer-Stark conjecture, have encountered the challenge that the representation we obtain does not satisfy this assumption. In my talk, I describe the limitations of the residually indistinguishable case and conjecture a new general version of Ribet’s lemma in this context, giving a proof in some particular cases.
Yunqing Tang : Picard ranks of reductions of K3 surfaces over global fields
- Number Theory ( 231 Views )For a K3 surface X over a number field with potentially good reduction everywhere, we prove that there are infinitely many primes modulo which the reduction of X has larger geometric Picard rank than that of the generic fiber X. A similar statement still holds true for ordinary K3 surfaces over global function fields. In this talk, I will present the proofs via the intersection theory on GSpin Shimura varieties and also discuss various applications. These results are joint work with Ananth Shankar, Arul Shankar, and Salim Tayou and with Davesh Maulik and Ananth Shankar.
Ali Altug : Beyond Endoscopy via the Trace Formula
- Number Theory ( 230 Views )In his recent paper,\Beyond Endoscopy", Langlands proposed an approach to (ultimately) attack the general functoriality conjectures by means of the trace formula. For a (reductive algebraic) group G over a global field F and a representation of its L-group, the strategy, among other things, aims at detecting those automorphic representations of G for which the L-function, L(s;\pi ;\rho ), has a pole at s = 1. The method suggested using the the trace formula together with an averaging process to capture these poles. In this talk we will start by recalling the functoriality conjectures and brie y describe the method suggested by Langlands. Then, specializing on the group GL(2) we will discuss some recent work on Beyond Endoscopy. More precisely, we will discuss the elliptic part of the trace formula and the analytic problems caused by the volumes of tori, singularities of orbital integrals and the non-tempered terms. We will then describe how one can use an approximate functional equation in the trace formula to rewrite the elliptic part which resolves these issues. Finally, we will talk about applications of the resulting formula.
Aleksander Horawa : Motivic action on coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties
- Number Theory ( 229 Views )A surprising property of the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces is that Hecke operators can act on multiple cohomological degrees with the same eigenvalues. We will discuss this phenomenon for the coherent cohomology of line bundles on modular curves and, more generally, Hilbert modular varieties. We propose an arithmetic explanation: a hidden degree-shifting action of a certain motivic cohomology group (the Stark unit group). This extends the conjectures of Venkatesh, Prasanna, and Harris to Hilbert modular varieties.
William Sokurski : Fourier operators on GL(2) for odd Adjoint powers
- Number Theory ( 229 Views )Recently A. Braverman, D. Kazhdan, and L. Lafforgue have interpreted Langlands' functoriality in terms of a generalized harmonic analysis on reductive groups that requires the existence of new spaces of functions and an associated, generally non-linear, involutive Fourier transform. This talk will discuss some of these objects involved in the local p-adic situation, after introducing some ideas and basic constructions involved. Specifically, the local Fourier transforms have a nice interpretation in terms of their spectral decomposition giving the gamma factors that appear in functional equations of L functions, which, in the standard case allows one to write down the epsilon factors attached to supercuspidal representations as non-abelian Gauss sums. For G=GL(2), we use the local Langlands correspondence to provide L and epsilon factors for odd adjoint power transfers and use this to interpret the Adjoint power Fourier-transform such that its spectral decomposition on supercuspidal representations is given explicitly by certain non-abelian Kloosterman sums, which we use to give a form of the Fourier operator.
Michael Harris : Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles
- Number Theory ( 226 Views )Holomorphic modular forms on the Shimura variety S(G) attached to the reductive group G can be interpreted naturally as sections of automorphic vector bundles: locally free sheaves that can be defined analytically by exploiting the structure of a Shimura variety as a quotient of a symmetric space. The construction can also be made algebraic, and in this way one gets a canonical functor from the tensor category of representations of a certain Levi subgroup K of G to the tensor category of vector bundles on S(G), and thus a homomorphism from the representation ring of K to K_0(S(G)). When S(G) is compact we determine how the image of this homomorphism behaves under Chern characters to Deligne cohomology and continuous l-adic cohomology. When S(G) is non-compact and of abelian type, we use perfectoid geometry to define Chern classes in the l-adic cohomology of the minimal compactification of S(G); these are analogous to the topological cohomology classes defined by Goresky and Pardon, using differential geometry. (Joint work with Helene Esnault.)
Jürgen Klüners : The negative Pell equation and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristic
- Number Theory ( 218 Views )For a (squarefree) integer d the negative Pell equation is given by: X^2 - d Y^2 = -1. It is easy to see that this equation has no solution over the integers, if d is negative or d is congruent to 3 modulo 4. In this talk we would like to study the asymptotic behavior of integers d such that this equation is solvable. This question is related to the behavior of the class group of the quadratic field generated by a square root of d. The distribution of those class groups is described by the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics.
Jessica Fintzen : Representations of p-adic groups
- Number Theory ( 215 Views )In the 1990s Moy and Prasad revolutionized p-adic representation theory by showing how to use Bruhat-Tits theory to assign invariants to p-adic representations. The tools they introduced resulted in rapid advancements in both representation theory and harmonic analysis -- areas of central importance in the Langlands program. A crucial ingredient for many results is an explicit construction of (types for) representations of p-adic groups. In this talk I will indicate why, survey what constructions are known (no knowledge about p-adic groups assumed) and present recent developments based on a refinement of Moy and Prasad's invariants.
Omer Offen : On the distinction problem of parabolically induced representations for Galois symmetric pairs
- Number Theory ( 211 Views )Let G be the group of rational points of a linear algebraic group over a local field. A representation of G is distinguished by a subgroup H if it admits a non-zero H-invariant linear form. A Galois symmetric pair (G,H) is such that H=Y(F) and G=Y(E) where E/F is a quadratic extension of local fields and Y is a reductive group defined over F. In this talk we show that for a Galois symmetric pair, often the necessary condition for H-distinction of a parabolically induced representation, emerging from the geometric lemma of Berenstein-Zelevinsky, are also sufficient. In particular, we obtain a characterization of H-distinguished representations induced from cuspidal in terms of distinction of the inducing data. We explicate these results further when Y is a classical group and point out some global applications for Galois distinguished automorphic representations of SO(2n+1). This is joint work with Nadir Matringe.
Damaris Schindler : Manins conjecture for certain smooth hypersurfaces in biprojective space
- Number Theory ( 210 Views )So far, the circle method has been a very useful tool to prove many cases of Manin's conjecture on the number of rational points of bounded anticanonical height on Fano varieties. Work of B. Birch back in 1962 establishes this for smooth complete intersections in projective space as soon as the number of variables is large enough depending on the degree and number of equations. In this talk we are interested in subvarieties of biprojective space. There is not much known so far, unless the underlying polynomials are of bidegree (1,1) or (1,2). In this talk we present recent work which combines the circle method with the generalised hyperbola method developed by V. Blomer and J. Bruedern. This allows us to verify Manin's conjecture for certain smooth hypersurfaces in biprojective space of general bidegree.
Shuichiro Takeda : The Langlands quotient theorem for symmetric spaces
- Number Theory ( 203 Views )We will discuss how to generalize the Langlands quotient theorem to symmetric spaces. The key idea is to generalize so-called Casselmans criterion for temperedness to the context of symmetric spaces by using the work of Kato-Takano.
Jiuya Wang : Inductive Method in Counting Number Fields
- Number Theory ( 202 Views )We propose general frameworks to inductively count number fields building on previously known counting results and good uniformity estimates in different flavors. By this method, we prove new results in counting number fields with Galois groups ranging from direct product to wreath product. We will also mention interesting applications en route. This involves my thesis and on going project with Melanie Matchett Wood and Robert J. Lemke Oliver.
Hiro-aki Narita : Special Bessel models with the local Maass relation and non-tempered automorphic forms on orthogonal groups
- Number Theory ( 201 Views )I will provide some general class of automorphic forms or representations on a general orthogonal group, having a non-tempered non-archimedean local component. We call them non-tempered automorphic forms or representations. It is a fundamental problem to find non-tempered cusp forms, which are nothing but counterexamples to the Ramanujan conjecture. The general class above includes the cusp forms given by the Oda-Rallis-Schiffmann lifting to O(2,m) and non-holomorphic lifting to O(1,8n+1) recently given by the joint work with Yingkun Li and Ameya Pitale. Such general class is given by means of the notion of the special Bessel model and the local Maass relation.
W. Spencer Leslie : A new lifting via higher theta functions
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )Theta functions are automorphic forms on the double cover of symplectic groups and are important for constructing automorphic liftings. For higher-degree covers of symplectic groups, there are generalized theta representations and it is natural to ask if these ``higher'' theta functions play a similar role in the theory of metaplectic forms. In this talk, I will discuss new lifting of automorphic representations on the 4-fold cover of symplectic groups using such theta functions. A key feature is that this lift produces counterexamples of the generalized Ramanujan conjecture, which motivates a connection to the emerging ``Langlands program for covering groups'' by way of Arthur parameters. The crucial fact allowing this lift to work is that theta functions for the 4-fold cover still have few non-vanishing Fourier coefficients, which fails for higher-degree covers.
Michal Zydor : Relative trace formula of Jacquet-Rallis, recent progress
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )I will discuss the relative trace formula approach to the global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures for unitary groups. The focus will be on the spectral side. I will present the various terms that appear in the spectral development of the relative trace formula and discuss what is still missing. This is a joint work with Pierre-Henri Chaudouard.
Dan Yasaki : Modular forms and elliptic curves over the cubic field of discriminant -23
- Number Theory ( 186 Views )The cohomology of arithmetic groups is built from certain automorphic forms, allowing for explicit computation of Hecke eigenvalues using topological techniques in some cases. For modular forms attached to the general linear group over a number field F of class number one, these cohomological forms can be described in terms an associated Voronoi polyhedron coming from the study of perfect n-ary forms over F. In this talk, we describe this relationship and report on some recent computational investigations of the modularity of elliptic curves over the cubic field of discriminant -23. This is joint work with Donnelly, Gunnells, and Klages-Mundt.
Baiying Liu : On Fourier coefficients and Arthur parameters for classical groups
- Number Theory ( 184 Views )Recently, Jiang made a conjecture investigating the connection between two fundamental invariants of an automorphic representation \pi appearing in the discrete spectrum of quasi-split classical groups G(A). The first invariant is the wave front of \pi, WF(\pi), which is the set of maximal unipotent orbits of G, such that \pi admits a non-trivial Fourier coefficients with respect to them. The second invariant is the Arthur parameter \psi of \pi to which one can associate a unipotent orbit \underline{p}(\psi) of the dual group of G. The conjecture says that in any Arthur packet associated to \psi, the Barbasch-Vogan duality of the orbit \underline{p}(\psi) is a sharp upper bound for the wave front of the representations of the packet. This is an important conjecture that vastly generalizes Shahidi's conjecture which claims that in every tempered packet there exists a generic representation. In this talk, I will review this conjecture and present some recent progress towards it. This is a joint work in progress with Dihua Jiang.
Chung Pang Mok : Introduction to Mochizukis works on inter-universal Teichmuller theory
- Number Theory ( 183 Views )Inter-universal Teichmuller theory, as developed by Mochizuki in the past decade, is an analogue for number fields of the classical Teichmuller theory, and also of the p-adic Teichmuller theory of Mochizuki. In this theory, the ring structure of a number field is subject to non-ring theoretic deformation. Absolute anabelian geometry, a refinement of anabelian geometry, plays a crucial role in inter-universal Teichmuller theory. In this talk, we will try to give an introduction to these ideas.
Ken Ono : Zeta polynomials for modular forms
- Number Theory ( 182 Views )The speaker will discuss recent work on Manin's theory of zeta polynomials for modular forms. He will describe recent results which confirm Manin's speculation that there is such a theory which arises from periods of newforms. More precisely, for each even weight k>2 newform f, the speaker will describe a canonical polynomial Zf(s) which satisfies a functional equation of the form Zf(s)=Zf(1−s), and also satisfies the Riemann Hypothesis: if Zf(ρ)=0, then Re(ρ)=1/2. This zeta function is arithmetic in nature in that it encodes the moments of the critical values of L(f,s). This work builds on earlier results of many people on period polynomials of modular forms. This is joint work with Seokho Jin, Wenjun Ma, Larry Rolen, Kannan Soundararajan, and Florian Sprung.
Jacques Hurtubise : Moduli and principal parts of a map into the flag manifold of a loop group
- Number Theory ( 181 Views )Rational maps from the Riemann sphere into itself can be described in terms of poles and principal parts; doing the same for maps into the flag manifold of a loop group gives insight into the topology of moduli of instantons and calorons. (joint work with Michael Murray)
Thomas Hameister : The Hitchin Fibration for Quasisplit Symmetric Spaces
- Number Theory ( 179 Views )We will give an explicit construction of the regular quotient of Morrissey-Ngô in the case of a symmetric pair. In the case of a quasisplit form (i.e. the regular centralizer group scheme is abelian), we will give a Galois description of the regular centralizer group scheme using parabolic covers. We will then describe how the nonseparated structure of the regular quotient recovers the spectral description of Hitchin fibers given by Schapostnik for U(n,n) Higgs bundles. This work is joint with B. Morrissey.
Benedict Morrissey : Regular quotients and Hitchin fibrations (joint work with Ngô B.-C.)
- Number Theory ( 178 Views )Orbital integrals for the Lie algebra can be analyzed using the Hitchin fibration. In turn the Hitchin fibration can be analyzed via the morphism g^{reg} ----> g//G from the regular elements of the Lie algebra, to the GIT quotient by the adjoint action. In trying to generalize this story by replacing the action of G on g by the action of G on some sufficiently nice variety M, we must replace the GIT quotient with what we call the regular quotient. This talk will look at the reasons for this, and the difference between the GIT and regular quotients in the case of G acting on G by conjugation (when the derived group of G is not simply connected), G acting on the commuting scheme, and G acting on the Vinberg monoid.
Edna Jones : The Kloosterman circle method and weighted representation numbers of positive definite quadratic forms
- Number Theory ( 177 Views )We develop a version of the Kloosterman circle method with a bump function that is used to provide asymptotics for weighted representation numbers of positive definite integral quadratic forms. Unlike many applications of the Kloosterman circle method, we explicitly state some constants in the error terms that depend on the quadratic form. This version of the Kloosterman circle method uses Gauss sums, Kloosterman sums, Salié sums, and a principle of nonstationary phase. If time permits, we may discuss a potential application of this version of the Kloosterman circle method to a proof of a strong asymptotic local-global principle for certain Kleinian sphere packings.