Alfio Fabio La Rosa : Translation functors and the trace formula
- Number Theory ( 490 Views )I will propose a way to combine the theory of translation functors with the trace formula to study automorphic representations of connected semisimple anisotropic algebraic groups over the rational numbers whose Archimedean component is a limit of discrete series. I will explain the main ideas of the derivation of a trace formula which, modulo a conjecture on the decomposition of the tensor product of a limit of discrete series with a finite-dimensional representation into basic representations, allows to isolate the non-Archimedean parts of a finite family of C-algebraic automorphic representations containing the ones whose Archimedean component is a given limit of discrete series.
Jerry Yu Fu : A density theorem towards p-adic monodromy
- Number Theory ( 456 Views )We investigate the $p$-adic monodromy of certain kinds of abelian varieties in $\mathcal{A}_{g}$ and prove a formal density theorem for the locus of deformations with big monodromy. Also, we prove that the small monodromy locus of the deformation space of a supersingular elliptic curve is $p$-adic nowhere dense. The approach is based on a congruence condition of $p$-divisible groups and transform of data between the Rapoport-Zink spaces and deformation spaces.
Jonathan P. Wang : Derived Satake equivalence for Godement-Jacquet monoids
- Number Theory ( 275 Views )Godement-Jacquet use the Schwartz space of n-by-n matrices to construct the standard L-function for GL_n. Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis and Venkatesh conjecture that the local unramified part of this theory can be categorified to an equivalence between an 'analytic' category of constructible sheaves and a 'spectral' category of dg modules. In this talk I will explain the proof of this equivalence and some of its properties. I will also discuss connections to conjectures of Braverman-Kazhdan on constructions of general automorphic L-functions. This is joint work with Tsao-Hsien Chen (in preparation).
Evangelia Gazaki : Torsion phenomena for zero-cycles on a product of curves over a number field
- Number Theory ( 252 Views )For a smooth projective variety X over an algebraic number field a conjecture of Bloch and Beilinson predicts that the kernel of the Abel-Jacobi map of X is a torsion group. When X is a curve, this follows by the Mordell-Weil theorem. In higher dimensions however there is hardly any evidence for this conjecture. In this talk I will focus on the case when X is a product of smooth projective curves and construct infinitely many nontrivial examples that satisfy a weaker form of the Bloch-Beilinson conjecture. This relies on a recent joint work with Jonathan Love.
Jessica Fintzen : Representations of p-adic groups
- Number Theory ( 215 Views )In the 1990s Moy and Prasad revolutionized p-adic representation theory by showing how to use Bruhat-Tits theory to assign invariants to p-adic representations. The tools they introduced resulted in rapid advancements in both representation theory and harmonic analysis -- areas of central importance in the Langlands program. A crucial ingredient for many results is an explicit construction of (types for) representations of p-adic groups. In this talk I will indicate why, survey what constructions are known (no knowledge about p-adic groups assumed) and present recent developments based on a refinement of Moy and Prasad's invariants.
Mahesh Kakde : Congruences between derivatives of geometric L-series
- Number Theory ( 205 Views )I will present a formulation of equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for flat smooth sheaves on separated schemes of finite type over a finite field. After sketching a proof of this I will give application to Chinburg’s conjectures in Galois module theory and tower of fields conjecture. If time permits I will also give an application towards equivariant BSD for abelian varieties defined over global function fields. This is a joint work with David Burns.
Shuichiro Takeda : The Langlands quotient theorem for symmetric spaces
- Number Theory ( 203 Views )We will discuss how to generalize the Langlands quotient theorem to symmetric spaces. The key idea is to generalize so-called Casselmans criterion for temperedness to the context of symmetric spaces by using the work of Kato-Takano.
Robert Rhoades : The story of a strange function
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )In a 1997 Fields Medalist Maxim Kontsevich suggested that the function F(q) = 1 + (1-q) + (1-q)(1-q^2) + (1-q)(1-q^2)(1-q^3)+ , defined only for q a root of unity, is similar to certain functions arising from the computation of Feynman integrals in quantum field theory. In the last sixteen years this function has been connected to interval orders in decision making theory, ascent sequences and matchings in combinatorics, and Vassiliev invariants in knot theory. Don Zagier related the asymptotic properties of this function to the half-derivatives of modular forms and was led to define a notion of quantum modular form. In a trilogy of papers, my collaborators (Andrews, Bryson, Ono, Pitman, Zwegers) and I have connected this function to Ramanujans mock theta functions and the combinatorics of unimodal sequences. I will tell the story of this function and these many relationships.
Ma Luo : Algebraic de Rham theory for relative completion of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$
- Number Theory ( 186 Views )In this talk, I will first review relative (unipotent) completions of discrete groups in general, and $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ in particular. We then develop an explicit $\mathbb{Q}$-de Rham theory for the relative completion of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$, which enables us to construct iterated integrals of modular forms of the second kind that provide its periods. Following Francis Brown, these periods are called `multiple modular values'. They contain periods of modular forms.
Baiying Liu : On Fourier coefficients and Arthur parameters for classical groups
- Number Theory ( 184 Views )Recently, Jiang made a conjecture investigating the connection between two fundamental invariants of an automorphic representation \pi appearing in the discrete spectrum of quasi-split classical groups G(A). The first invariant is the wave front of \pi, WF(\pi), which is the set of maximal unipotent orbits of G, such that \pi admits a non-trivial Fourier coefficients with respect to them. The second invariant is the Arthur parameter \psi of \pi to which one can associate a unipotent orbit \underline{p}(\psi) of the dual group of G. The conjecture says that in any Arthur packet associated to \psi, the Barbasch-Vogan duality of the orbit \underline{p}(\psi) is a sharp upper bound for the wave front of the representations of the packet. This is an important conjecture that vastly generalizes Shahidi's conjecture which claims that in every tempered packet there exists a generic representation. In this talk, I will review this conjecture and present some recent progress towards it. This is a joint work in progress with Dihua Jiang.
Ken Ono : Zeta polynomials for modular forms
- Number Theory ( 182 Views )The speaker will discuss recent work on Manin's theory of zeta polynomials for modular forms. He will describe recent results which confirm Manin's speculation that there is such a theory which arises from periods of newforms. More precisely, for each even weight k>2 newform f, the speaker will describe a canonical polynomial Zf(s) which satisfies a functional equation of the form Zf(s)=Zf(1−s), and also satisfies the Riemann Hypothesis: if Zf(ρ)=0, then Re(ρ)=1/2. This zeta function is arithmetic in nature in that it encodes the moments of the critical values of L(f,s). This work builds on earlier results of many people on period polynomials of modular forms. This is joint work with Seokho Jin, Wenjun Ma, Larry Rolen, Kannan Soundararajan, and Florian Sprung.
Edna Jones : The Kloosterman circle method and weighted representation numbers of positive definite quadratic forms
- Number Theory ( 177 Views )We develop a version of the Kloosterman circle method with a bump function that is used to provide asymptotics for weighted representation numbers of positive definite integral quadratic forms. Unlike many applications of the Kloosterman circle method, we explicitly state some constants in the error terms that depend on the quadratic form. This version of the Kloosterman circle method uses Gauss sums, Kloosterman sums, Salié sums, and a principle of nonstationary phase. If time permits, we may discuss a potential application of this version of the Kloosterman circle method to a proof of a strong asymptotic local-global principle for certain Kleinian sphere packings.
Hunter Brooks : Special Value Formulas for Rankin-Selberg p-adic L-Functions
- Number Theory ( 176 Views )We discuss special value formulas for a p-adic L-function L_p(f, \chi), where f is a fixed newform and \chi varies over the space of Hecke characters of a fixed imaginary quadratic field, as well as some recent applications. These formulas, first found by Bertolini, Darmon, and Prasanna, relate L_p(f, \mathbb{1}), a value which is outside the range of interpolation defining L_p, to arithmetic invariants of cycles on varieties fibered over modular curves.
Michael Harris : L-functions and the local Langlands correspondence
- Number Theory ( 172 Views )Henniart derived the following theorem from his numerical local Langlands correspondence: If $F$ is a non-archimedean local field and if $\pi$ is an irreducible representation of $GL(n,F)$, then, after a finite series of cyclic base changes, the image of $\pi$ contains a fixed vector under an Iwahori subgroup. This result was indispensable in all demonstrations of the local correspondence. Scholze gave a different proof, based on the analysis of nearby cycles in the cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower (and this result also appears, in a somewhat different form, in proofs based on the global correspondence for function fields). An analogous theorem should be valid for every reductive group, but the known proofs only work for GL(n). I will sketch a different proof, based on properties of L-functions and assuming the existence of cyclic base change, that also applies to classical groups; I will also explain how the analogous result for a general reductive group is related to the local parametrization of Genestier-Lafforgue.
Yuanqing Cai : Fourier coefficients of theta functions on metaplectic groups
- Number Theory ( 167 Views )Kazhdan and Patterson constructed generalized theta representations on covers of general linear groups as multi-residues of the Borel Eisenstein series. These representations and their unique models were used by Bump and Ginzburg in the Rankin-Selberg constructions of the symmetric square L-functions for GL(r). In this talk, we will discuss the two other types of models that the theta representations may support. We first talk about semi-Whittaker models, which generalize the models used in the work of Bump and Ginzburg. Secondly, we determine the unipotent orbits attached to theta functions, in the sense of Ginzburg. We also determine the covers when these models are unique. Time permitting, we will discuss some applications in Rankin-Selberg constructions.
Martin Luu : Symmetries of local Langlands parameters
- Number Theory ( 156 Views )In the late 80s Henniart used the then recently introduced Laumon l-adic local Fourier transform to prove the numerical local Langlands correspondence for GL(n). More recently, Bloch-Esnault and independently Lopez have developed a complex version of this transform. I will explain the fascinating picture that emerges when Henniarts strategy of proof is translated to this setting of local geometric Langlands parameters.
Jacob Tsimerman : Recovering elliptic curves from their p-torsion
- Number Theory ( 144 Views )(joint w/ B.Bakker) For an elliptic curve E over a field k, the p-torsion E[p] gives a 2-dimensional representation of the Galois group G_k over F_p. For k=Q and p>13, the Frey-Mazur conjecture famously states that one can recover the isogeny class of E from the representaiton E[p]. We state and prove a direct analogue of this question over function fields of complex algebraic curves. Specifically, for any complex algebraic curve C, let k(C) be its field of rational functions. Then there exists a constant A(C), such that for all primes p>A(C), isogeny classes of elliptic curves E over k(C) can be recovered from E[p]. Moreover, we show that A(C) can be made to depend only on the gonality of C, which can be thought of as the analogous notion of degree for number fields. The study of this question will lead us into the realm of moduli spaces and hyperbolic geometry. The use of the latter means that, unfortunately, these methods don't apply in finite characteristic.
Eitan Tadmor : Emergent behavior in self-organized dynamics: from consensus to hydrodynamic flocking
- Number Theory ( 137 Views )A fascinating aspect in collective dynamics is self-organization: ants form colonies, birds flock, mobile networks coordinate a rendezvous and human crowds reach a consensus. We discuss the large-time, large-crowd behavior of different models for collective dynamics. The models are driven by different rules of engagement which quantify how each member of the crowd interacts with its immediate neighbors.
We address two related questions.
(i) How short-range interactions lead, over time, to the emergence of long-range patterns;
(ii) How the flocking behavior of large crowds is captured by their hydrodynamic description.
Spencer Leslie : Whittaker functions and connections to crystal graphs
- Number Theory ( 137 Views )Whittaker functions are certain special functions that play a central role in automorphic representation theory. When dealing with automorphic forms on covering groups, new methods are needed to compute these functions. In this talk, I will outline how the study of this problem has uncovered connections with geometric representation theory and crystal graphs. I also explain my work in making this connection practical, allowing for new computations of spherical Whittaker functions for covering groups.
Sug Woo Shin : Asymptotic behavior of supercuspidal characters
- Number Theory ( 136 Views )This is joint work with Julee Kim and Nicolas Templier. Irreducible smooth representations of a p-adic reductive group are said to be supercuspidal if they do not appear in any induced representation from a proper parabolic subgroup. While it is still an open problem to obtain a precise character formula for them (apart from some special cases), I will explain that we can prove a reasonable upper bound and a limit formula as the formal degree tends to infinity, for a large class of supercuspidal representations. An expected application is an equidistribution result as well as a low-lying zero statistics for L-functions in a new kind of families of automorphic representations.
Yiannis Sakellaridis : Non-standard comparisons of trace formulas
- Number Theory ( 134 Views )By a non-standard comparison between (relative) trace formulas we mean one where the scalar "transfer factors" are substituted by non-scalar "transfer operators". The problem of global triviality of transfer factors now becomes a problem of proving a Poisson summation formula for such non-scalar operators. I will discuss the adelic analysis behind such a non-standard comparison, that leads to a new proof of Waldspurger's theorem on toric periods for GL(2) and the analytic continuation of the quadratic base change L-function in the spirit of "Beyond Endoscopy".
Alina Bucur : Traces of high powers of Frobenius for cubic covers of the projective line over finite fields
- Number Theory ( 132 Views )The zeta function of a curve C over a finite field can be expressed in terms of the characteristic polynomial of its Frobenius endomorphism. We will see how one can compute the trace of high powers of this endomorphism in various moduli spaces. Finally, we will discuss how one can use this information to compute the one-level density -- which concerns low-lying zeros of the zeta function -- in the case of cubic covers of the projective line.