Danielle Wang : Twisted GGP conjecture for unramified quadratic extensions
- Number Theory ( 108 Views )The twisted Gan--Gross--Prasad conjectures consider the restriction of representations from GL_n to a unitary group over a quadratic extension E/F. In this talk, I will explain the relative trace formula approach to the global twisted GGP conjecture. In particular, I will discuss how the fundamental lemma that arises can be reduced to the Jacquet--Rallis fundamental lemma, which allows us to obtain the global twisted GGP conjecture under some unramifiedness assumptions and local conditions.
Ali Altug : Beyond Endoscopy via the Trace Formula
- Number Theory ( 230 Views )In his recent paper,\Beyond Endoscopy", Langlands proposed an approach to (ultimately) attack the general functoriality conjectures by means of the trace formula. For a (reductive algebraic) group G over a global field F and a representation of its L-group, the strategy, among other things, aims at detecting those automorphic representations of G for which the L-function, L(s;\pi ;\rho ), has a pole at s = 1. The method suggested using the the trace formula together with an averaging process to capture these poles. In this talk we will start by recalling the functoriality conjectures and brie y describe the method suggested by Langlands. Then, specializing on the group GL(2) we will discuss some recent work on Beyond Endoscopy. More precisely, we will discuss the elliptic part of the trace formula and the analytic problems caused by the volumes of tori, singularities of orbital integrals and the non-tempered terms. We will then describe how one can use an approximate functional equation in the trace formula to rewrite the elliptic part which resolves these issues. Finally, we will talk about applications of the resulting formula.
Eitan Tadmor : Emergent behavior in self-organized dynamics: from consensus to hydrodynamic flocking
- Number Theory ( 137 Views )A fascinating aspect in collective dynamics is self-organization: ants form colonies, birds flock, mobile networks coordinate a rendezvous and human crowds reach a consensus. We discuss the large-time, large-crowd behavior of different models for collective dynamics. The models are driven by different ?rules of engagement? which quantify how each member of the crowd interacts with its immediate neighbors.
We address two related questions.
(i) How short-range interactions lead, over time, to the emergence of long-range patterns;
(ii) How the flocking behavior of large crowds is captured by their hydrodynamic description.
Ma Luo : Algebraic iterated integrals on elliptic curves
- Number Theory ( 145 Views )I will give two talks on algebraic iterated integrals. In this first one, I will focus on the case of once punctured elliptic curves over a field of characteristic zero, and describe an algebraic de Rham theory for their unipotent fundamental groups by using the elliptic KZB connection. This connection is explicitly expressed by algebraic 1-forms, which are used to construct algebraic iterated integrals on elliptic curves. It also gives an explicit version of Tannaka duality for unipotent connections over an elliptic curve with a regular singular point at the identity.
Dan Goldston : Small Gaps between Zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function
- Number Theory ( 150 Views )We consider the complex zeros of the Riemann zeta-function &rho = &beta + i &gamma, &gamma > 0. The Riemann Hypothesis (RH) is that &beta = 1/2. If we consider the vertical distribution of these zeros, then the average vertical spacing between zeros at height T is 2&pi / log T. We expect theoretically and find numerically that the distribution of the lengths of these gaps follows a certain continuous GUE distribution where both very small and very large multiples of the average spacing occur. In contrast to this, the existence of a Landau Siegel-zero would force all the gaps in a certain large range to never be closer than half the average spacing, and also have even more bizarre and unlikely properties. There are three methods that have been developed to prove something about small gaps. First, Selberg in the 1940's using moments for the number of zeros in short intervals, was able to prove unconditionally that there are some gaps larger than the average spacing and others smaller than the average spacing. Next assuming RH Montgomery in 1972 introduced a pair correlation method for zeros and produced small gaps less than 0.67 times the average spacing. Finally, in 1981 Montgomery-Odlyzko assuming RH introduced a Dirichlet polynomial weighted method which found small gaps less then 0.5179 times the average spacing. (This method was further developed by Conrey, Ghosh, and Gonek.) These methods all exhibit the presumed barrier at 1/2 times the average spacing for small gaps. I will talk about two projects that are work in progress. The first is joint with Hugh Montgomery and is motivated by the observations that all the results mentioned above do not exclude the possibility that the small gaps found are all coming from multiple zeros and thus gaps of length zero, and at present we do not know if there are any non-zero gaps that are shorter then the average spacing. While we have not yet be able to prove there are any smaller than average non-zero gaps, we can quantify the relationship between non-zero gaps and multiple zeros and show there is a positive proportion of one or the other. The second project is joint work with Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh where we have developed a Dirichlet Polynomial Weighted Pair Correlation Method which potentially can be applied to a number of questions on zeros.
Mahesh Kakde : Congruences between derivatives of geometric L-series
- Number Theory ( 205 Views )I will present a formulation of equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for flat smooth sheaves on separated schemes of finite type over a finite field. After sketching a proof of this I will give application to Chinburg??s conjectures in Galois module theory and tower of fields conjecture. If time permits I will also give an application towards equivariant BSD for abelian varieties defined over global function fields. This is a joint work with David Burns.
Yuanqing Cai : Fourier coefficients of theta functions on metaplectic groups
- Number Theory ( 167 Views )Kazhdan and Patterson constructed generalized theta representations on covers of general linear groups as multi-residues of the Borel Eisenstein series. These representations and their unique models were used by Bump and Ginzburg in the Rankin-Selberg constructions of the symmetric square L-functions for GL(r). In this talk, we will discuss the two other types of models that the theta representations may support. We first talk about semi-Whittaker models, which generalize the models used in the work of Bump and Ginzburg. Secondly, we determine the unipotent orbits attached to theta functions, in the sense of Ginzburg. We also determine the covers when these models are unique. Time permitting, we will discuss some applications in Rankin-Selberg constructions.
Michael Lipnowski : Torsion in the cohomology of arithmetic groups
- Number Theory ( 153 Views )The remarkable Cheeger-Muller theorem, of differential geometric origin, provides an analytic means of studying torsion in the cohomology of Riemannian manifolds. We describe how this theorem can be applied to prove a numerical form of Langlands' base change functoriality for torsion in cohomology.
Aleksander Horawa : Motivic action on coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties
- Number Theory ( 229 Views )A surprising property of the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces is that Hecke operators can act on multiple cohomological degrees with the same eigenvalues. We will discuss this phenomenon for the coherent cohomology of line bundles on modular curves and, more generally, Hilbert modular varieties. We propose an arithmetic explanation: a hidden degree-shifting action of a certain motivic cohomology group (the Stark unit group). This extends the conjectures of Venkatesh, Prasanna, and Harris to Hilbert modular varieties.
Bruce Berndt : The Circle and Divisor Problems, Bessel Function Series, and Ramanujans Lost Notebook
- Number Theory ( 177 Views )A page in Ramanujan's lost notebook contains two identities for trigonometric sums in terms of doubly infinite series of Bessel functions. One is related to the famous ``circle problem'' and the other to the equally famous ``divisor problem.'' We discuss these classical unsolved problems. Each identity can be interpreted in three distinct ways. We discuss various methods that have been devised to prove the identities under these different interpretations. Weighted divisor sums naturally arise, and new methods for estimating trigonometric sums need to be developed. Trigonometric analogues and extensions of Ramanujan's identities to Riesz and logarithmic sums are discussed. The research to be described is joint work with Sun Kim and Alexandru Zaharescu.
Pam Gu : A family of period integrals related to triple product $L$-functions
- Number Theory ( 131 Views )Let $F$ be a number field with ring of adeles $\mathbb{A}_F$. Let $r_1,r_2,r_3$ be a triple of positive integers and let $\pi:=\otimes_{i=1}^3\pi_i$ where the $\pi_i$ are all cuspidal automorphic representations of $\mathrm{GL}_{r_i}(\mathbb{A}_F)$. We denote by $L(s,\pi, \otimes^3)=L(s, \pi_1\times \pi_2 \times \pi_3)$ the corresponding triple product $L$-function. It is the Langlands $L$-function defined by the tensor product representation $\otimes^3:{}^L(\mathrm{GL}_{r_1} \times \mathrm{GL}_{r_2} \times \mathrm{GL}_{r_3}) \to \mathrm{GL}_{r_1r_2r_3}(\mathbb{C})$. In this talk I will present a family of Eulerian period integrals, which are holomorphic multiples of the triple product -function in a domain that nontrivially intersects the critical strip. We expect that they satisfy a local multiplicity one statement and a local functional equation. This is joint work with Jayce Getz, Chun-Hsien Hsu and Spencer Leslie.
Baiying Liu : On the Local Converse Theorem for p-adic GLn.
- Number Theory ( 127 Views )In this talk, I will introduce a complete proof of a standard conjecture on the local converse theorem for generic representations of GLn(F), where F is a non-archimedean local field. This is a joint work with Prof. Herve Jacquet.
Omer Offen : On the distinction problem of parabolically induced representations for Galois symmetric pairs
- Number Theory ( 211 Views )Let G be the group of rational points of a linear algebraic group over a local field. A representation of G is distinguished by a subgroup H if it admits a non-zero H-invariant linear form. A Galois symmetric pair (G,H) is such that H=Y(F) and G=Y(E) where E/F is a quadratic extension of local fields and Y is a reductive group defined over F. In this talk we show that for a Galois symmetric pair, often the necessary condition for H-distinction of a parabolically induced representation, emerging from the geometric lemma of Berenstein-Zelevinsky, are also sufficient. In particular, we obtain a characterization of H-distinguished representations induced from cuspidal in terms of distinction of the inducing data. We explicate these results further when Y is a classical group and point out some global applications for Galois distinguished automorphic representations of SO(2n+1). This is joint work with Nadir Matringe.
Robin Zhang : Harris-Venkatesh plus Stark
- Number Theory ( 64 Views )The class number formula describes the behavior of the Dedekind zeta function at s = 0. The Stark conjecture extends the class number formula, describing the behavior of Artin L-functions at s = 0 in terms of units. The Harris??Venkatesh conjecture, originally motivated by the conjectures of Venkatesh and Prasanna??Venkatesh on derived Hecke algebras, can be viewed as an analogue to the Stark conjecture modulo p. In this talk, I will draw an introductory picture, formulate a unified conjecture combining Harris??Venkatesh and Stark for modular forms of weight 1, and describe the proof of this in the imaginary dihedral case. Time permitting, I will also describe some new questions and in-progress work modulo pn.
Robert Rhoades : The story of a ?strange? function
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )In a 1997 Fields Medalist Maxim Kontsevich suggested that the function F(q) = 1 + (1-q) + (1-q)(1-q^2) + (1-q)(1-q^2)(1-q^3)+?, defined only for q a root of unity, is similar to certain functions arising from the computation of Feynman integrals in quantum field theory. In the last sixteen years this function has been connected to interval orders in decision making theory, ascent sequences and matchings in combinatorics, and Vassiliev invariants in knot theory. Don Zagier related the asymptotic properties of this function to the ?half-derivatives? of modular forms and was led to define a notion of ?quantum modular form?. In a trilogy of papers, my collaborators (Andrews, Bryson, Ono, Pitman, Zwegers) and I have connected this function to Ramanujan?s mock theta functions and the combinatorics of unimodal sequences. I will tell the story of this function and these many relationships.
Michael Mossinghoff : Oscillation problems in number theory
- Number Theory ( 178 Views )The Liouville function λ(n) is the completely multiplicative arithmetic function defined by λ(p) = −1 for each prime p. Pólya investigated its summatory function L(x) = Σn≤x λ(n), and showed for instance that the Riemann hypothesis would follow if L(x) never changed sign for large x. While it has been known since the work of Haselgrove in 1958 that L(x) changes sign infinitely often, oscillations in L(x) and related functions remain of interest due to their connections to the Riemann hypothesis and other questions in number theory. We describe some connections between the zeta function and a number of oscillation problems, including Pólya's question and some of its weighted relatives, and, in joint work with T. Trudgian, describe a method involving substantial computation that establishes new lower bounds on the size of these oscillations.
Jacob Tsimerman : Recovering elliptic curves from their p-torsion
- Number Theory ( 144 Views )(joint w/ B.Bakker) For an elliptic curve E over a field k, the p-torsion E[p] gives a 2-dimensional representation of the Galois group G_k over F_p. For k=Q and p>13, the Frey-Mazur conjecture famously states that one can recover the isogeny class of E from the representaiton E[p]. We state and prove a direct analogue of this question over function fields of complex algebraic curves. Specifically, for any complex algebraic curve C, let k(C) be its field of rational functions. Then there exists a constant A(C), such that for all primes p>A(C), isogeny classes of elliptic curves E over k(C) can be recovered from E[p]. Moreover, we show that A(C) can be made to depend only on the gonality of C, which can be thought of as the analogous notion of degree for number fields. The study of this question will lead us into the realm of moduli spaces and hyperbolic geometry. The use of the latter means that, unfortunately, these methods don't apply in finite characteristic.
Ma Luo : Algebraic de Rham theory for relative completion of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$
- Number Theory ( 186 Views )In this talk, I will first review relative (unipotent) completions of discrete groups in general, and $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ in particular. We then develop an explicit $\mathbb{Q}$-de Rham theory for the relative completion of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$, which enables us to construct iterated integrals of modular forms of the second kind that provide its periods. Following Francis Brown, these periods are called `multiple modular values'. They contain periods of modular forms.
W. Spencer Leslie : A new lifting via higher theta functions
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )Theta functions are automorphic forms on the double cover of symplectic groups and are important for constructing automorphic liftings. For higher-degree covers of symplectic groups, there are generalized theta representations and it is natural to ask if these ``higher'' theta functions play a similar role in the theory of metaplectic forms. In this talk, I will discuss new lifting of automorphic representations on the 4-fold cover of symplectic groups using such theta functions. A key feature is that this lift produces counterexamples of the generalized Ramanujan conjecture, which motivates a connection to the emerging ``Langlands program for covering groups'' by way of Arthur parameters. The crucial fact allowing this lift to work is that theta functions for the 4-fold cover still have few non-vanishing Fourier coefficients, which fails for higher-degree covers.
Jiuya Wang : Inductive Method in Counting Number Fields
- Number Theory ( 202 Views )We propose general frameworks to inductively count number fields building on previously known counting results and good uniformity estimates in different flavors. By this method, we prove new results in counting number fields with Galois groups ranging from direct product to wreath product. We will also mention interesting applications en route. This involves my thesis and on going project with Melanie Matchett Wood and Robert J. Lemke Oliver.
Ken Ono : Zeta polynomials for modular forms
- Number Theory ( 182 Views )The speaker will discuss recent work on Manin's theory of zeta polynomials for modular forms. He will describe recent results which confirm Manin's speculation that there is such a theory which arises from periods of newforms. More precisely, for each even weight k>2 newform f, the speaker will describe a canonical polynomial Zf(s) which satisfies a functional equation of the form Zf(s)=Zf(1−s), and also satisfies the Riemann Hypothesis: if Zf(ρ)=0, then Re(ρ)=1/2. This zeta function is arithmetic in nature in that it encodes the moments of the critical values of L(f,s). This work builds on earlier results of many people on period polynomials of modular forms. This is joint work with Seokho Jin, Wenjun Ma, Larry Rolen, Kannan Soundararajan, and Florian Sprung.
Farid Hosseinijafari : On the Special Values of Certain L-functions: G_2 over a Totally Imaginary Field
- Number Theory ( 84 Views )In this talk, I will present an overview of the framework originally proposed by Harder and further developed in collaboration with Raghuram to address rationality problems for special values of certain automorphic L-functions. I will then proceed to state my main results on the rationality of the special values of Langlands-Shahidi L-functions appearing in the constant term of the Eisenstein series associated with the exceptional group of type G_2?? over a totally imaginary number field. This study marks the first instance where rank-one Eisenstein cohomology is employed to investigate the arithmetic of automorphic L-functions in the presence of multiple L-functions.
Xiao (Griffin) Wang : Multiplicative Hitchin Fibration and Fundamental Lemma
- Number Theory ( 129 Views )Given a reductive group 𝐺 and some auxiliary data, one has the Hitchin fibration associated with the adjoint action of 𝐺 on Lie(𝐺), which is successfully used by B. C. Ngô to prove the endoscopic fundamental lemma for Lie algebras. Following the same idea, there is a group analogue called the multiplicative Hitchin fibration by replacing the Lie algebra with reductive monoids, and one can hope to directly prove the fundamental lemma at group level. This project is almost complete and we report the results so far. There are many new features that are not present in the additive case, among which is a pleasant surprise that there might be some strata in the support theorem that are not explained by endoscopy.
Steven J. Miller : Finite conductor models for zeros near the central point of elliptic curve L-functions
- Number Theory ( 120 Views )Random Matrix Theory has successfully modeled the behavior of zeros of elliptic curve L-functions in the limit of large conductors. We explore the behavior of zeros near the central point for one-parameter families of elliptic curves with rank over Q(T) and small conductors. Zeros of L-functions are conjectured to be simple except possibly at the central point for deep arithmetic reasons; these families provide a fascinating laboratory to explore the effect of multiple zeros on nearby zeros. Though theory suggests the family zeros (those we believe exist due to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture) should not interact with the remaining zeros, numerical calculations show this is not the case; however, the discrepency is likely due to small conductors, and unlike excess rank is observed to noticeably decrease as we increase the conductors. We shall mix theory and experiment and see some surprisingly results, which leads us to conjecture that a discretized Jacobi ensemble correctly models the small conductor behavior.
William Sokurski : Fourier operators on GL(2) for odd Adjoint powers
- Number Theory ( 229 Views )Recently A. Braverman, D. Kazhdan, and L. Lafforgue have interpreted Langlands' functoriality in terms of a generalized harmonic analysis on reductive groups that requires the existence of new spaces of functions and an associated, generally non-linear, involutive Fourier transform. This talk will discuss some of these objects involved in the local p-adic situation, after introducing some ideas and basic constructions involved. Specifically, the local Fourier transforms have a nice interpretation in terms of their spectral decomposition giving the gamma factors that appear in functional equations of L functions, which, in the standard case allows one to write down the epsilon factors attached to supercuspidal representations as non-abelian Gauss sums. For G=GL(2), we use the local Langlands correspondence to provide L and epsilon factors for odd adjoint power transfers and use this to interpret the Adjoint power Fourier-transform such that its spectral decomposition on supercuspidal representations is given explicitly by certain non-abelian Kloosterman sums, which we use to give a form of the Fourier operator.
Michal Zydor : Relative trace formula of Jacquet-Rallis, recent progress
- Number Theory ( 188 Views )I will discuss the relative trace formula approach to the global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures for unitary groups. The focus will be on the spectral side. I will present the various terms that appear in the spectral development of the relative trace formula and discuss what is still missing. This is a joint work with Pierre-Henri Chaudouard.
Daniel Johnstone : A Gelfand-Graev Formula and Stable Transfer Factors for SL_n
- Number Theory ( 122 Views )A result of Gelfand and Graev shows that the supercuspidal representations of SL_2 are neatly parameterized by characters of elliptic tori, and that the stable character data for all such representations may be collected into a single function by means of a Fourier Transform. Using recent advances in the computation of characters of supercuspidal representations, we prove analogous results for the group SL_n.