Bhargav Bhatt : Interpolating p-adic cohomology theories
- Algebraic Geometry ( 318 Views )Integration of differential forms against cycles on a complex manifold helps relate de Rham cohomology to singular cohomology, which forms the beginning of Hodge theory. The analogous story for p-adic manifolds, which is the subject of p-adic Hodge theory, is richer due to a wider variety of available cohomology theories (de Rham, etale, crystalline, and more) and torsion phenomena. In this talk, I will give a bird's eye view of this picture, guided by the recently discovered notion of prismatic cohomology that provides some cohesion to the story. (Based on joint work with Morrow and Scholze as well as work in progress with Scholze.)
Yiannis Sakellaridis : Moment map and orbital integrals
- Algebraic Geometry ( 284 Views )In the Langlands program, it is essential to understand spaces of Schwartz measures on quotient stacks like the (twisted) adjoint quotient of a reductive group. The generalization of this problem to spherical varieties calls for an understanding of the double quotient H\G/H, where H is a spherical subgroup of G. This has been studied by Richardson for symmetric spaces. In this talk, I will present a new approach, for spherical varieties "of rank one", based on Friedrich Knop's theory of the moment map and the invariant collective motion.
Chenglong Yu : Moduli of symmetric cubic fourfolds and nodal sextic curves
- Algebraic Geometry ( 222 Views )Period map is a powerful tool to study geometric objects related to K3 surfaces and cubic 4-folds. In this talk, we focus on moduli of cubic 4-folds and sextic curves with specified symmetries and singularities. We identify the geometric (GIT) compactifications with the Hodge theoretic (Looijenga, mostly Baily-Borel) compactifications of locally symmetric varieties. As a corollary, the algebra of GIT invariants is identified with the algebra of automorphic forms on the corresponding period domains. One of the key inputs is the functorial property of semi-toric compactifications of locally symmetric varieties. Our work generalizes results of Matsumoto-Sasaki-Yoshida, Allcock-Carlson-Toledo, Looijenga-Swierstra and Laza-Pearlstein-Zhang. This is joint work with Zhiwei Zheng.
Julie Rana : Moduli of general type surfaces
- Algebraic Geometry ( 203 Views )It has been 30 years since Koll\Â?ar and Shepherd-Barron published their groundbreaking paper describing a compactification of GiesekerÂ?s moduli space of surfaces of general type. As with all compactifications, the work raised natural questions. What is the structure of these moduli spaces and the boundary in particular? What sorts of singularities might we expect to obtain? What types of surfaces give rise to divisors in the moduli space, and are these divisors smooth? We discuss general results bounding types of Wahl singularities, and use them to address these questions in the context of Horikawa-type surfaces.
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin : Distinguished models of intermediate Jacobians
- Algebraic Geometry ( 198 Views )In this talk I will discuss joint work with J. Achter and C. Vial showing that the image of the Abel--Jacobi map on algebraically trivial cycles descends to the field of definition for smooth projective varieties defined over subfields of the complex numbers. The main focus will be on applications to topics such as: descending cohomology geometrically, a conjecture of Orlov regarding the derived category and Hodge theory, and motivated admissible normal functions.
Rita Pardini : Linear systems on irregular varieties
- Algebraic Geometry ( 174 Views )
I will report on joint work M.A. Barja (UPC, Barcelona) and L. Stoppino (Universita' dell'Insubria, Como - Italy).
Given a generically finite map a:X--> A, where X is a smooth projective variety and A is an abelian variety, and given a line bundle L on X, we study the linear system |L+P|, where P is a general element of Pic^0(A). We prove that up to taking base change with a suitable multiplication map A-->A, the map given by |L+P| is independent of P and induces a factorization of the map a.
When L is the canonical bundle of X, this factorization is a new geometrical object intrinsically attached to the variety X.
The factorization theorem also allows us to improve the known Clifford-Severi and Castelnuovo type numerical inequalities for line bundles on X, under certain assumptions on the map a:X-->A.
A key tool in these proofs is the introduction of a real function, the continuous rank function, that also allows us to simplify considerably the proof of the general Clifford-Severi inequality.
Andrew Critch : Causality and Algebraic Geometry
- Algebraic Geometry ( 157 Views )Abstract: Science, and perhaps all learning, is the problem of inferring causal relationships from observations. It turns out that algebraic geometry can provide powerful intuition and methods applicable to causal inference. The relevant theory of graphical causal models is a major entry point to the budding field of algebraic statistics, where algebraic geometry meets statistical modeling, and this talk will give an introduction to it from the perspective of an algebraic geometer. I'll introduce some conceptual tools and methods that are peculiar to algebraic statistics, and work through an example such causal inference computation using the commutative algebra software Macaulay2. At the end I'll review some of my research on hidden Markov models and varieties, and their close connection to matrix product state models of quantum-entangled qubits.
Thomas Lam : First steps in affine Schubert calculus
- Algebraic Geometry ( 156 Views )I will explain some attempts to develop a theory of Schubert calculus on the affine Grassmannian. I will begin with the different descriptions of the (co)homology rings due to Bott, Kostant and Kumar, and Ginzburg. Then I will discuss the problems of finding polynomial representatives for Schubert classes and the explicit determination of structure constants in (co)homology.
Zhiwei Yun : Rigid local systems coming from automorphic forms
- Algebraic Geometry ( 151 Views )We will give a survey of recent progress on constructing local system over punctured projective lines using techniques from automorphic forms and geometric Langlands. Applications include solutions of particular cases of the inverse Galois problem and existence of motives with exceptional Galois groups.
John Calabrese : Gabriels theorem and points
- Algebraic Geometry ( 133 Views )An old theorem of Gabriel says that a variety X can be reconstructed by the category Coh(X) of coherent sheaves on it. This result has seen a few generalizations over the years. I will present a different and more geometric proof, with new generalizations. The idea being that X can be recovered as a moduli space of "points" in Coh(X). This is joint work with Michael Groechenig.