Nils Bruin : Prym varieties of genus four curves
- Algebraic Geometry ( 257 Views )Many arithmetic properties of hyperbolic curves become apparent from embeddings into abelian varieties, in particular their Jacobians. For special curves, particularly those that arise as unramified double covers of another curve (of genus g), the Jacobian variety itself is decomposable. This leads to Prym varieties. These are principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension g-1. Having an explicit description of these varieties is an essential ingredient in many computational methods. We discuss an explicit construction for g equal to 4. This is joint work with Emre Can Sertoz.
Alex Perry : Derived categories of cubic fourfolds and their geometric applications
- Algebraic Geometry ( 225 Views )A fundamental problem in algebraic geometry is to determine whether a given algebraic variety is birational to projective space. This is most prominently open for cubic fourfolds, i.e. hypersurfaces defined by a cubic polynomial in a five-dimensional projective space. A decade ago, Kuznetsov suggested an approach to this problem using the derived category of coherent sheaves. I will explain recent applications of this perspective to fundamental questions in hyperkahler geometry and Hodge theory, which in turn shed light on the original question about cubic fourfolds.
Jeff Achter : Divisibility of the number of points on Jacobians
- Algebraic Geometry ( 202 Views )Given an elliptic curve over a finite field, one might reasonably ask for the chance that it has a rational point of order $\ell$. More generally, what is the chance that a curve drawn from a family over a finite field has a point of order $\ell$ on its Jacobian? The answer is encoded in an $\ell$-adic representation associated to the family in question. In this talk, I'll answer this question for hyper- or trielliptic curves, and give some results concerning an arbitrary family of curves. ** Keeping in mind what you said about the audience, I'll focus on the geometric and topological ideas.
Jesse Kass : What is the limit of a line bundle on a nonnormal variety
- Algebraic Geometry ( 164 Views )On a nonnormal variety, the limit of a family of line bundles is not always a line bundle. What is the limit? I will present an answer to this question and give some applications. If time permits, I will discuss connections with Néron models, autoduality, and recent work of R. Hartshorne and C. Polini.
Richard Rimanyi : Thom polynomials
- Algebraic Geometry ( 143 Views )In certain situations global topology may force singularities. For example, the topology of the Klein bottle forces self-intersections when mapped into 3-space. Any map of the projective plane must have at least cusp singularities when mapped into the plane. The topology of a manifold may force any differential form on it to degenerate at certian points. In a family of vector bundles over a complex curve some must degenerate to a non-stable bundle (in the GIT sense), depending on the topology of the family. In a family of vector bundle maps---arranged according to a directed graph (quiver)---some may be forced to degenerate. In families of linear spaces some have special incidence with some other fixed ones (Schubert calculus). These degenerations are governed by a unified notion in equivariant cohomology, the Thom polynomial of "singularities". In the lecture I will review Thom polynomials, computational strategies (interpolation, localization, Grobner basis), show examples and applications.
Jeffrey Giansiracusa : Equations of tropical varieties
- Algebraic Geometry ( 142 Views )Tropical geometry is a combinatorial shadow of algebraic geometry over a nonarchimedean field that encodes information about things like intersections and enumerative invariants. Usually one defines tropical varieties as certain polyhedral subsets of R^n satisfying a balancing condition. I'll show how these arise as the solution sets to certain systems of polynomial equations over the tropical semiring T = (R union -infinity, max, +) related to matroids. This yields a notion of tropical Hilbert polynomials, and in this framework there is a universal tropicalization that is closely related to the Berkovich analytification and the moduli space of valuations.
Pete Clark : (Postponed to a later date) Algebraic Curves Violating the Hasse Principle
- Algebraic Geometry ( 126 Views )The celebrated "Hasse Principle" holds for plane conics over a number field, but generally not for algebraic curves of positive genus. Isolated examples of curves violating the Hasse Principle go back to Lind, Reichardt and Selmer in the 1940s and 1950s. Many more examples have been found since, and it now seems likely that the Hasse principle should, in some suitable sense, most often be false. However it is challenging to make, let alone prove, a precise statement to this effect. In talk I will discuss certain "anti-Hasse principles", some which are conjectural and others (more modest) which are known to hold. In particular I will address the problem of constructing curves of any given genus g >= 1 over any global field which violate the Hasse
Dick Hain : What is an algebraic group?
- Algebraic Geometry ( 120 Views )Algebraic groups are important in algebraic and arithmetic geometry. This talk will be a general introduction to them. I will discuss some basic example (elliptic curves, GLn, ...) and then introduce linear algebraic groups and affine algebraic groups. There will be lots of examples, which will help explain why they are important.
Michael Griffin : On the distribution of Moonshine and the Umbral Moonshine conjectures.
- Algebraic Geometry ( 115 Views )Monstrous Moonshine asserts that the coefficients of the modular j-function are given in terms of ''dimensions'' of virtual character for the Monster group. There are 194 irreducible representations of the Monster, the largest of the sporadic simple groups, and it has been a longstanding open problem to determine their distribution in Moonshine. Witten and others have demonstrated deep connections between Monstrous Moonshine and quantum physics. The distributions of the Monster representations in Moonshine can be interpreted as the distributions of black hole states in 3 dimensional quantum gravity. In joint work with Ono and Duncan, we obtain exact formulas for these distributions. Moonshine type-phenomena have been observed for other finite simple groups besides the Monster. The Umbral Moonshine conjectures of Cheng, Duncan, and Harvey asserts that the Moonshine extends to 24 isomorphism classes of even unimodular positive-definite rank 24 lattices. Monstrous Moonshine can be regarded as the case of the Leech lattice. In 2013, Gannon proved the case for the Mathieu group M24. We offer a method of proof for the remaining 22 cases.