Joseph Teran : A second order virtual node algorithm for Poisson Interface Problems on Irregular Domains
- Colloquium ( 199 Views )I will present a second order accurate, geometrically flexible and easy to implement method for solving the variable coefficient Poisson equation with interfacial discontinuities on an irregular domain. We discretize the equations using an embedded approach on a uniform Cartesian grid employing virtual nodes at interfaces and boundaries. A variational method is used to define numerical stencils near these special virtual nodes and a Lagrange multiplier approach is used to enforce jump conditions and Dirichlet boundary conditions. Our combination of these two aspects yields a symmetric positive definite discretization. In the general case, we obtain the standard 5-point stencil away from the interface. For the specific case of interface problems with continuous coefficients, we present a discontinuity removal technique that admits use of the standard 5-point finite difference stencil everywhere in the domain. Numerical experiments indicate second order accuracy in L-infinity.
Sarah Koch : Exploring moduli spaces in complex dynamics
- Colloquium ( 197 Views )A major goal in complex dynamics is to understand "dynamical moduli spaces"; that is, conformal conjugacy classes of holomorphic dynamical systems. One of the great successes in this regard is the study of the moduli space of quadratic polynomials; it is isomorphic to $\mathbb C$. This moduli space contains the famous Mandelbrot set, which has been extensively studied over the past 40 years. Understanding other dynamical moduli spaces to the same extent tends to be more challenging as they are often higher-dimensional. In this talk, we will begin with an overview of complex dynamics, focusing on the moduli space of quadratic rational maps, which is isomorphic to $\mathbb C^2$. We will explore this space, finding many interesting objects along the way. Note: special tea at 2:45.
Ken Ono : CanĀ?t you just feel the Moonshine?
- Colloquium ( 188 Views )Richard Borcherds won the Fields medal in 1998 for his proof of the Monstrous Moonshine Conjecture. Loosely speaking, the conjecture asserts that the representation theory of the Monster, the largest sporadic finite simple group, is dictated by the Fourier expansions of a distinguished set of modular functions. This conjecture arose from astonishing coincidences noticed by finite group theorists and arithmetic geometers in the 1970s. Recently, mathematical physicists have revisited moonshine, and they discovered evidence of undiscovered moonshine which some believe will have applications to string theory and 3d quantum gravity. The speaker and his collaborators have been developing the mathematical facets of this theory, and have proved the conjectures which have been formulated. These results include a proof of the Umbral Moonshine Conjecture, and Moonshine for the first sporadic finite simple group which does not occur as a subgroup or subquotient of the Monster. The most recent Moonshine (announced here) yields unexpected applications to the arithmetic elliptic curves thanks to theorems related to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture and the Main Conjectures of Iwasawa theory for modular forms. This is joint work with John Duncan, Michael Griffin and Michael Mertens.
Subhabrata Sen : Random graphs, Optimization, and Spin glasses
- Colloquium ( 184 Views )Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in diverse mathemati- cal applications. The desire to understand their "typical" behavior motivates a study of these problems on random instances. In spite of a long and rich history, many natural questions in this domain are still intractable to rigorous mathematical analysis. Graph cut problems such as Max-Cut and Min-bisection are canonical examples in this class. On the other hand, physicists study these questions using the non-rigorous "replica" and "cavity" methods, and predict complex, intriguing features. In this talk, I will describe some recent progress in our understanding of their typical properties on random graphs, obtained via connections to the theory of mean-field spin glasses. The new techniques are broadly applicable, and lead to novel algorithmic and statistical consequences.
Jim Arthur : The principle of functorialty: an elementary introduction
- Colloquium ( 38 Views )The principle of functoriality is a central question in present day mathematics. It is a far reaching, but quite precise, conjecture of Langlands that relates fundamental arithmetic information with equally fundamental analytic information. The arithmetic information arises from the solutions of algebraic equations. It includes data that classify algebraic number fields, and more general algebraic varieties. The analytic information arises from spectra of differential equations and group representations. It includes data that classify irreducible representations of reductive groups. The lecture will be a general introduction to these things. If time permits, we shall also describe recent progress that is being made on the problem.