public 01:34:54

Albert Steppi : Introduction to Modular Forms

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 100 Views )

public 01:19:59
public 01:34:52

Jill Pipher : Geometric discrepancy theory: directional discrepancy in 2-D

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 91 Views )

Discrepancy theory originated with some apparently simple questions about sequences of numbers. The discrepancy of an infinite sequence is a quantitative measure of how far it is from being uniformly distributed. Precisely, an infinite sequence { a1,a2, ...} is said to be uniformly distributed in [0, 1] if
lim_{n\to\infty} (1/n|{a1, a2,...an} intersect [s,t]|) = t-s.
If a sequence {ak} is uniformly distributed, then it is also the case that for all (Riemann) integrable functions f on [0, 1],
lim_{n\to\infty} (1/n\sum_{k=1}^n f(ak))=\int_0^1 f(x)dx.
Thus, uniformly distributed sequences provide good numerical schemes for approximating integrals. For example, if alpha is any irrational number in [0, 1], then the fractional part {alphak}:=ak is uniformly distributed. Classical Fourier analysis enters here, in the form of Weyl's criterion. The discrepancy of a sequence with respect to its first n entries is
D({ak},n) := sup_{s If a sequence {ak} is uniformly distributed then D({ak},n) divided by n goes to zero as n\to\infty. Van der Corput posed the following question: does there exist a sequence which is so uniformly distributed that D({ak},n) is bounded by a constant for all n? In 1945, Van Aardenne-Ehrenfest proved that the answer was: No. She proved that a lower bound existed for all sequences. Later, Roth showed that the discrepancy problem for sequences had an equivalent geometric formulation in terms of a notion of discrepancy in two dimensions. The problem in two dimensions, which is the focus of this talk, is this: Given a collection of N points in the unit square [0, 1]^2, how can we quantify the idea that it is uniformly distributed in the square? Which collections of points achieve a lowest possible discrepancy? There are many reasons to be interested in discrepancy theory, both pure and applied: sets of low discrepancy figure prominantly in numerical applications, from engineering to finance. This talk focuses primarily on theoretical issues involving measuring discrepancy in two and higher dimensions.

public 01:14:48

Lydia Bilinsky : A Mathematical Model of Glutamate and Glutamine Metabolism in the Rat: Implications for Glutathione Production

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 101 Views )

Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide formed from glutamate, cysteine, and
glycine, is arguably the most important antioxidant in the body. NAPQI, a
byproduct of acetaminophen (APAP) metabolism which is toxic to liver
cells, is neutralized by GSH. Although produced in great quantity by the
liver, in cases of APAP overdose demand for GSH can outstrip supply,
causing liver failure. Currently, patients presenting to the ER with APAP
overdose are given an infusion of cysteine since it is believed to be the
rate-limiting amino acid in GSH synthesis, however, there is evidence that
under some circumstances glutamate can become rate-limiting. Complicating
the issue is that in most hepatocytes, glutamate is not absorbable from
blood plasma but is formed from glutamine, which is produced in large
amounts by the skeletal muscle. In order to develop better rescue
protocols for APAP overdose, we have developed a mathematical model of
glutamate and glutamine metabolism in the rat. We have also investigated
how model parameters should change in the case of increased cortisol
production, such as occurs during sepsis, trauma, burns, and other
pathological states; the cortisol-stressed state has been studied in rats
by giving them dexamethasone. We compare model predictions with
experimental data for the normal, healthy rat and dexamethasone-stressed
rat. Biological parameters are taken from the literature wherever possible.

public 01:14:42

Rick Durrett : Overview of the semester

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 112 Views )

public 01:29:49

Anette Hosoi : Small Swimming Lessons: Optimizing Low Reynolds Number Locomotion

  -   Mathematical Biology ( 90 Views )

ABSTRACT: The past decade has seen a number of engineering innovations that make construction of devices of micro- and even nanometric dimensions feasible. Hence, there is a growing interest in exploring new and efficient ways to generate propulsion at these small scales. Here we explore optimization of one particular type of low Reynolds number propulsion mechanism – flagella. Beyond the general challenges associated with optimization, there are a number of issues that are unique to swimming at low Reynolds numbers. At small scales, the fluid equations of motion are linear and time-reversible, hence reciprocal motion – i.e., strokes that are symmetric with respect to time reversal – cannot generate any net translation (a limitation commonly referred to as the Scallop Theorem). One possible way to break this symmetry is through carefully chosen morphologies and kinematics. One symmetry-breaking solution commonly employed by eukaryotic microorganisms is to select nonreciprocal stroke patterns by actively generating torques at fixed intervals along the organism. Hence, we will address the question: For a given morphology, what are the optimal kinematics? In this talk we present optimal stroke patterns using biologically inspired geometries such as single-tailed spermatozoa and the double-tail morphology of Chlamydomonas, a genus of green alga widely considered to be a model system in molecular biology.