Felix Otto : Gergen Lecture - Speaker, Felix Otto
- Gergen Lectures ( 407 Views )In three specific examples, we shall demonstrate how the theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) relates to pattern formation in nature: Spinodal decomposition and the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Rayleigh-B\'enard convection and the Boussinesq approximation, rough crystal growth and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. These examples from different applications have in common that only a few physical mechanisms, which are modeled by simple-looking evolutionary PDEs, lead to complex patterns. These mechanisms will be explained, numerical simulation shall serve as a visual experiment. Numerical simulations also reveal that generic solutions of these deterministic equations have stationary or self-similar statistics that are independent of the system size and of the details of the initial data. We show how PDE methods, i. e. a priori estimates, can be used to understand some aspects of this universal behavior. In case of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, the method makes use of its gradient flow structure and a property of the energy landscape. In case of the Boussinesq equation, a ``driven gradient flow'', the background field method is used. In case of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, that mixes conservative and dissipative dynamics, the method relies on a new result on Burgers' equation.
Sayan Banerjee : Singular Reflected Diffusions
- Probability ( 384 Views )I will talk about some models coming from Physics and Queueing Theory that give rise to singular reflected processes in their diffusion limit. Such diffusions are characterized by non-elliptic generators (which are not even hypoelliptic) in the interior, and ergodicity arises from non-trivial interactions between the diffusion, drift and reflection. I will introduce a regenerative process approach which identifies renewal times in diffusion paths and analyzes excursions between successive renewal times. This provides a detailed description of the stationary distribution even when closed form expressions are unavailable. Based on joint works with Chris Burdzy, Brendan Brown, Mauricio Duarte and Debankur Mukherjee.
Joe Kileel : Inverse Problems, Imaging, and Tensor Decomposition
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 374 Views )Perspectives from computational algebra and numerical optimization are brought to bear on a scientific application and a data science application. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), an imaging technique to determine the 3-D shape of macromolecules from many noisy 2-D projections, recognized by the 2017 Chemistry Nobel Prize. Mathematically, cryo-EM presents a particularly rich inverse problem, with unknown orientations, extreme noise, big data and conformational heterogeneity. In particular, this motivates a general framework for statistical estimation under compact group actions, connecting information theory and group invariant theory. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss tensor rank decomposition, a higher-order variant of PCA broadly applicable in data science. A fast algorithm is introduced and analyzed, combining ideas of Sylvester and the power method.
Calvin McPhail-Snyder : Making the Jones polynomial more geometric
- Geometry and Topology ( 370 Views )The colored Jones polynomials are conjectured to detect geometric information about knot complements, such as hyperbolic volume. These relationships ("volume conjectures") are known in a number of special cases but are in general quite mysterious. In this talk I will discuss a program to better understand them by constructing holonomy invariants, which depend on both a knot K and a representation of its knot group into SL_2(C). By defining a version of the Jones polynomial that knows about geometric data, we hope to better understand why the ordinary Jones polynomial does too. Along the way we can obtain more powerful quantum invariants of knots and other topological objects.
Wei Ho : Integral points on elliptic curves
- Algebraic Geometry ( 349 Views )Elliptic curves are fundamental and well-studied objects in arithmetic geometry. However, much is still not known about many basic properties, such as the number of rational points on a "random" elliptic curve. We will discuss some conjectures and theorems about this "arithmetic statistics" problem, and then show how they can be applied to answer a related question about the number of integral points on elliptic curves over Q. In particular, we show that the second moment (and the average) for the number of integral points on elliptic curves over Q is bounded (joint work with Levent Alpoge)
Neelam Saikia : Frobenius Trace Distributions for Gaussian Hypergeometric Functions
- Number Theory ( 326 Views )In the 1980’s, Greene defined hypergeometric functions over finite fields using Jacobi sums. The framework of his theory establishes that these functions possess many properties that are analogous to those of the classical hypergeometric series studied by Gauss and Kummer. These functions have played important roles in the study of Ap ́ery-style supercongruences, the Eichler-Selberg trace formula, Galois representations, and zeta-functions of arithmetic varieties. In this talk we discuss the distributions (over large finite fields) of natural families of these functions. For the 2F1 functions, the limiting distribution is semicircular, whereas the distribution for the 3F2 functions is the more exotic Batman distribution.
Francis Brown : Periods, Galois theory and particle physics: Amplitudes in high-energy physics
- Gergen Lectures ( 321 Views )In high-energy physics, interactions between fundamental particles can be represented by Feynman graphs. Almost all predictions for particle collider experiments are obtained by computing certain integrals associated to such graphs, called Feynman integrals, and a vast effort in the physics community worldwide is devoted to studying these quantities. Feynman integrals turn out to be periods, and surprisingly many are multiple zeta values. I will survey what is known and not known about these quantities.
Bhargav Bhatt : Interpolating p-adic cohomology theories
- Algebraic Geometry ( 318 Views )Integration of differential forms against cycles on a complex manifold helps relate de Rham cohomology to singular cohomology, which forms the beginning of Hodge theory. The analogous story for p-adic manifolds, which is the subject of p-adic Hodge theory, is richer due to a wider variety of available cohomology theories (de Rham, etale, crystalline, and more) and torsion phenomena. In this talk, I will give a bird's eye view of this picture, guided by the recently discovered notion of prismatic cohomology that provides some cohesion to the story. (Based on joint work with Morrow and Scholze as well as work in progress with Scholze.)
Dick Hain : Hecke actions on loops and periods of iterated itegrals of modular forms
- Number Theory ( 314 Views )Hecke operators act on many invariants associated to modular curves and their generalizations. For example, they act on modular forms and on cohomology groups of modular curves. In each of these cases, they generate a semi-simple, commutative algebra. In the first part of this talk, I will recall (in friendly, elementary, geometric terms) what Hecke operators are and how they act on the standard invariants. I will then show that they also act on loops in modular curves (aka, conjugacy classes in modular groups). In this case, the Hecke operators generate a non-commutative subalgebra of the vector space generated by the conjugacy classes, which leads to a very natural non-commutative generalization of the classical Hecke algebra. In the second part of the talk will discuss why one might want do construct such a Hecke action. As a prelude to this, I will explain why this Hecke action commutes with the natural action of the absolute Galois group after taking profinite completions. And, in the unlikely event that I have sufficient time, I will also explain how (after taking the appropriate completion) this Hecke action is also compatible with Hodge theory.
Simon Brendle : Singularity formation in geometric flows
- Geometry and Topology ( 309 Views )Geometric evolution equations like the Ricci flow and the mean curvature flow play a central role in differential geometry. The main problem is to understand singularity formation. In this talk, I will discuss recent results which give a complete picture of all the possible limit flows in 2D mean curvature flow with positive mean curvature, and in 3D Ricci flow.
Rahul Krishna : A New Approach to Waldspurgers Formula.
- Number Theory ( 305 Views )I will present a new trace formula approach to Waldspurger's formula for toric periods of automorphic forms on $PGL_2$. The method is motivated by interpreting Waldspurger's result as a period relation on $SO_2 \times SO_3$, which leads to a strange comparison of relative trace formulas. I will explain the local results needed to carry out this comparison, and discuss some small progress towards extending these results to high rank orthogonal groups.
Bruce Donald : Some mathematical and computational challenges arising in structural molecular biology
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 304 Views )Computational protein design is a transformative field with exciting prospects for advancing both basic science and translational medical research. New algorithms blend discrete and continuous mathematics to address the challenges of creating designer proteins. I will discuss recent progress in this area and some interesting open problems. I will motivate this talk by discussing how, by using continuous geometric representations within a discrete optimization framework, broadly-neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies were computationally designed that are now being tested in humans - the designed antibodies are currently in eight clinical trials (See https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=VRC07&cntry=&state=&city=&dist= ), one of which is Phase 2a (NCT03721510). These continuous representations model the flexibility and dynamics of biological macromolecules, which are an important structural determinant of function. However, reconstruction of biomolecular dynamics from experimental observables requires the determination of a conformational probability distribution. These distributions are not fully constrained by the limited information from experiments, making the problem ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard. The ill-posed nature of the problem comes from the fact that it has no unique solution. Multiple or even an infinite number of solutions may exist. To avoid the ill-posed nature, the problem must be regularized by making (hopefully reasonable) assumptions. I will present new ways to both represent and visualize correlated inter-domain protein motions (See Figure). We use Bingham distributions, based on a quaternion fit to circular moments of a physics-based quadratic form. To find the optimal solution for the distribution, we designed an efficient, provable branch-and-bound algorithm that exploits the structure of analytical solutions to the trigonometric moment problem. Hence, continuous conformational PDFs can be determined directly from NMR measurements. The representation works especially well for multi-domain systems with broad conformational distributions. Ultimately, this method has parallels to other branches of applied mathematics that balance discrete and continuous representations, including physical geometric algorithms, robotics, computer vision, and robust optimization. I will advocate for using continuous distributions for protein modeling, and describe future work and open problems.
Christine Heitsch : The Combinatorics of RNA Branching
- Mathematical Biology ( 304 Views )Understanding the folding of RNA sequences into three-dimensional structures is one of the fundamental challenges in molecular biology. For example, the branching of an RNA secondary structure is an important molecular characteristic yet difficult to predict correctly, especially for sequences on the scale of viral genomes. However, results from enumerative, probabilistic, analytic, and geometric combinatorics yield insights into RNA structure formation, and suggest new directions in viral capsid assembly.
Francis Brown : Periods, Galois theory and particle physics: Galois theory and transcendence
- Gergen Lectures ( 302 Views )Classical Galois theory replaces the study of algebraic numbers with group theory. This idea is extremely powerful, and led to the proof of the insolubility of the general quintic equation. A deep idea, originating in the work of Grothendieck, is that Galois theory should extend to the theory of periods. I will describe a cheap way to set up such a theory and illustrate it in the case of multiple zeta values. It gives rise to a symmetry group which respects the algebraic identities satisfied by these numbers and explains their underlying structure.
Shweta Bansal : Got flu? Using small and big data to understand influenza transmission, surveillance and control
- Mathematical Biology ( 301 Views )Traditional infectious disease epidemiology is built on the foundation of high quality and high accuracy data on disease and behavior. While these data are usually characterized by smallsize, they benefit from designed sampling schemes that make it possible to make population-level inferences. On the other hand, digital infectious disease epidemiology uses existing digital traces, re-purposing them to identify patterns in health-related processes. In this talk, I will discuss our work using data from small epidemiological studies as well as administrative “big data” to understand influenza transmission dynamics and inform disease surveillance and control.
Luca Di Cerbo : Extended Graph Manifolds, Dehn Fillings, and Einstein Metrics
- Geometry and Topology ( 301 Views )In this talk, I will present some new topological obstructions for solving the Einstein equations (in Riemannian signature) on a large class of closed four-manifolds. Finally, I will show that complex-hyperbolic Einstein Dehn filling compactification cannot possibly performed in dimension four. This is in striking contrast with the real-hyperbolic case, and it answers (negatively) a fifteen years old question of Michael Anderson. If time permits, I will conclude with some tantalizing open problems both in dimension four and in higher dimensions. Part of this work is joint with M. Golla (Universit\’e de Nantes).
Sam Stechmann : Clouds, climate, and extreme precipitation events: Asymptotics and stochastic
- Presentations ( 298 Views )Clouds and precipitation are among the most challenging aspects of weather and climate prediction. Moreover, our mathematical and physical understanding of clouds is far behind our understanding of a "dry" atmospheric where water vapor is neglected. In this talk, in working toward overcoming these challenges, we present new results on clouds and precipitation from two perspectives: first, in terms of the partial differential equations (PDEs) for atmospheric fluid dynamics, and second, in terms of stochastic models. A new asymptotic limit will be described, and it leads to new PDEs for a precipitating version of the quasi-geostrophic equations, now including phase changes of water. Also, a new energy will be presented for an atmosphere with phase changes, and it provides a generalization of the quadratic energy of a "dry" atmosphere. Finally, it will be shown that the statistics of clouds and precipitation can be described by stochastic differential equations and stochastic PDEs. As one application, it will be shown that, under global warming, the most significant change in precipitation statistics is seen in the largest events -- which become even larger and more probable -- and the distribution of event sizes conforms to the stochastic models.
Robert Bryant : The affine Bonnet problem
- Geometry and Topology ( 296 Views )The classical Euclidean problem studied by Bonnet in the 19th century was to determine whether, and in how many ways, a Riemannian surface can be isometrically embedded into Euclidean 3-space so that its mean curvature is a prescribed function. He found that, generically, specifying a metric and mean curvature admitted no solution but that there are special cases in which, not only are there solutions, but there are even 1-parameter families of distinct (i.e., mutually noncongruent) solutions. Much later, these Bonnet surfaces were found to be intimately connected with integrable systems and Lax pairs. In this talk, I will consider the analogous problem in affine geometry: To determine whether, and in how many ways, a surface endowed with a Riemannian metric g and a function H can be immersed into affine 3-space in such a way that the induced Blaschke metric is g and the induced affine mean curvature is H. This affine problem is, in many ways, richer and more interesting than the corresponding Euclidean problem. I will classify the pairs (g,H) that display the greatest flexibility in their solution space and explain what is known about the (suspected) links with integrable systems and Lax pairs.
Camille Scalliet : When is the Gardner transition relevant?
- Nonlinear and Complex Systems ( 289 Views )The idea that glasses can become marginally stable at a Gardner transition has attracted significant interest among the glass community. Yet, the situation is confusing: even at the theoretical level, renormalization group approaches provide contradictory results on whether the transition can exist in three dimensions. The Gardner transition was searched in only two experimental studies and few specific numerical models. These works lead to different conclusions for the existence of the transition, resulting in a poor understanding of the conditions under which a marginally stable phase can be observed. The very relevance of the Gardner transition for experimental glasses is at stake.
We study analytically and numerically the Weeks-Chandler-Andersen model. By changing external parameters, we continuously explore the phase diagram and regimes relevant to granular, colloidal, and molecular glasses. We revisit previous numerical studies and confirm their conclusions. We reconcile previous results and rationalise under which conditions a Gardner phase can be observed. We find that systems in the vicinity of a jamming transition possess a Gardner phase. Our findings confirm the relevance of a Gardner transition for colloidal and granular glasses, and encourage future experimental work in this direction. For molecular glasses, we find that no Gardner phase is present, but our studies reveal instead the presence of localised excitations presumably relevant for mechanical and vibrational properties of glasses.
David Schwein : Recent progress on the formal degree conjecture
- Number Theory ( 288 Views )The local Langlands correspondence is a dictionary between representations of two kinds of groups: reductive p-adic groups (such as the general linear group) and the absolute Galois groups of p-adic fields. One entry in the dictionary is a conjectural formula of Hiraga, Ichino, and Ikeda for the size of a representation of a p-adic group, its "formal degree", in terms of the corresponding representation of a Galois group. In this talk, after reviewing the broad shape of p-adic representation theory, I'll explain why the conjecture is true for almost all supercuspidals, the fundamental building blocks of the subject.
Robert V. Kohn : A Variational Perspective on Wrinkling Patterns in Thin Elastic Sheets: What sets the patterns seen in geometry-driven wrinkling?
- Gergen Lectures ( 286 Views )The wrinkling of thin elastic sheets is very familiar: our skin
wrinkles, drapes have coarsening folds, and a sheet stretched
over a round surface must wrinkle or fold.
What kind of mathematics is relevant? The stable configurations of a
sheet are local minima of a variational problem with a rather special
structure, involving a nonconvex membrane term (which favors isometry)
and a higher-order bending term (which penalizes curvature). The bending
term is a singular perturbation; its small coefficient is the sheet
thickness squared. The patterns seen in thin sheets arise from energy
minimization -- but not in the same way that minimal surfaces arise
from area minimization. Rather, the analysis of wrinkling is an example
of "energy-driven pattern formation," in which our goal is to understand
the asymptotic character of the minimizers in a suitable limit (as the
nondimensionalized sheet thickness tends to zero).
What kind of understanding is feasible? It has been fruitful to focus
on how the minimum energy scales with sheet thickness, i.e. the "energy
scaling law." This approach entails proving upper bounds and
lower bounds that scale the same way. The upper bounds tend to be
easier, since nature gives us a hint. The lower bounds are more subtle,
since they must be ansatz-free; in many cases, the arguments used to
prove the lower bounds help explain "why" we see particular patterns.
A related but more ambitious goal is to identify the prefactor as well
as the scaling law; Ian Tobasco's striking recent work on geometry-driven
wrinkling has this character.
Lecture 1 will provide an overview of this topic (assuming no background
in elasticity, thin sheets, or the calculus of variations). Lecture 2 will
discuss some examples of tensile wrinkling, where identification of the
energy scaling law is intimately linked to understanding the local
length scale of the wrinkles. Lecture 3 will discuss our emerging
undertanding of geometry-driven wrinkling, where (as Tobasco has
shown) it is the prefactor not the scaling law that explains the
patterns seen experimentally.
Francis Brown : Periods, Galois theory and particle physics: Applications
- Gergen Lectures ( 286 Views )In the final lecture, I will propose how the Galois theory of periods should lead to a classification of periods by types. When applied to the set of Feynman integrals occurring in particle physics, experiments suggest the emergence of a `cosmic? Galois group of symmetries acting on the constants of high-energy physics.
Christopher Hacon : Birational geometry in characteristic $p>5$
- Gergen Lectures ( 285 Views )After the recent exciting progress in understanding the geometry of algebraic varieties over the complex numbers, it is natural to try to understand the geometry of varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Many technical issues arise in this context. Nevertheless, there has been much recent progress. In particular, the MMP was established for 3-folds in characteristic $p>5$ by work of Birkar, Hacon, Xu and others. In this talk we will discuss some of the challenges and recent progress in this active area.
Andrei Zelevinsky : Cluster algebras via quivers with potentials
- Gergen Lectures ( 283 Views )This lecture ties together the strands developed in the first two lectures. We discuss a recent proof (due to H. Derksen, J. Weyman, and the speaker) of a series of conjectures on cluster algebras by means of the machinery of quivers with potentials. An important ingredient of our argument is a categorification of cluster algebras using quiver Grassmannians, a family of projective algebraic varieties that are a far-reaching generalization of ordinary Grassmannians. Generalizing an idea due to P. Caldero, F. Chapoton and B. Keller, we show that the Euler characteristics of these varieties carry crucial information about the structure of cluster algebras.
Stephen Schecter : Stability of traveling waves for a class of reaction-diffusion systems that arise in chemical reaction models
- Undergraduate Seminars ( 283 Views )I'll discuss rigorous nonlinear stability results for traveling waves in a class of reaction-diffusion systems that arise in chemical reaction models. The class includes systems in which there is no diffusion in some equations. The results are detailed enough to show, for example, that the results of adding some heat or adding some reactant to a combustion front are different.
Blair Sullivan : Finding a role for structural graph theory in real-world network analysis
- Undergraduate Seminars ( 282 Views )Network science is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field with methods and applications drawn from across the natural, social, and information sciences. Perhaps surprisingly, very few approaches use techniques from the rich literature of structural graph theory. In this talk, we discuss some first steps towards integrating what have been predominantly theoretical results into tools for scalable network analysis. Tree-like structures arise extensively in network science - for example, hierarchical structures in biology, hyperbolic routing in the internet, and core-periphery behavior in social networks. As such, this talk focuses on ways to use tree decompositions, key combinatorial objects used in graph minor theory, in tandem with k-cores and Gromov hyperbolicity to provide structural characterization of and improve inference on complex networks. We also discuss new algorithms using tree decompositions to enable scalable solution of certain graph optimization problems in a high performance computing environment.
For more information, see http://www.ornl.gov/~b7r/