public 01:34:56

John Cain : Stabilization of Periodic Wavetrains in Excitable Media

  -   Nonlinear and Complex Systems ( 106 Views )

Cardiac cells, like toilets, are excitable: Giving a sufficiently strong push to the handle of a quiescent toilet elicits a dramatic response (flush) followed by a gradual return to the resting state. Likewise, supplying a sufficiently strong electrical stimulus to a quiescent cardiac cell elicits a prolonged elevation of the membrane potential (an action potential).

Suppose that one end of an excitable fiber of cardiac cells is paced periodically. If the period is large, the generic response is a stable periodic wave train of the sort associated with normal, coordinated contraction of heart muscle tissue. Reducing the period (think "speeding up the heart rate") can cause the onset of an instability which can have devastating physiological consequences. Echebarria and Karma (Chaos, 2002) argued that if one attempts to stabilize the periodic wave train by using feedback control to perturb the pacing period, success can be achieved only within some small radius of the stimulus site. Those authors used a special case of the ETDAS control method that Dan Gauthier and Josh Socolar devised.

Here, I will offer an explanation as to WHY algorithms like ETDAS, applied locally, cannot achieve global results in this context. Then, I'll argue that it actually IS possible to stabilize the periodic wave train if the perturbations are chosen more carefully. While these findings may seem encouraging from an experimental or clinical standpoint, I will close by describing some recent work of Flavio Fenton which I believe is even more promising.

public 01:34:27

Ezra Miller : Metric geometry and unfoldings of polyhedra

  -   Presentations ( 162 Views )

public 01:34:53

Shankar Bhamidi : Two philosophies for random graphs and networks: Local weak convergence and scaling limits

  -   Probability ( 100 Views )

The last few years have witnessed an explosion in the number of mathematical models for random graphs and networks, as well as models for dynamics on these network models. In this context I would like to exhibit the power of two well known philosophies in attacking problems in random graphs and networks: First, local weak convergence: The idea of local neighborhoods of probabilistic discrete structures (such as random graphs) converging to the local neighborhood of limiting infinite objects has been known for a long time in the probability community and has proved to be remarkably effective in proving convergence results in many different situations. Here we shall give a wide range of examples of the above methodology. In particular, we shall show how the above methodology can be used to tackle problems of flows through random networks, where we have a random network with nodes communicating via least cost paths to other nodes. We shall show in some models on the completely connected network how the above methodology allows us to prove the convergence of the empirical distribution of edge flows, exhibiting how macroscopic order emerges from microscopic rules. Also, we shall show how for a wide variety of random trees (uniform random trees, preferential attachment trees arising from a wide variety of attachment schemes, models of trees from Statistical Physics etc) the above methodology shows the convergence of the spectral distribution of the adjacency matrix of theses trees to a limiting non random distribution function. Second, scaling limits: For the analysis of critical random graphs, one often finds that properly associated walks corresponding to the exploration of the graph encode a wide array of information (including the size of the maximal components). In this context we shall extend work of Aldous on Erdos-Renyi critical random graphs to the context of inhomogeneous random graph models. If time permits we shall describe the connection between these models and the multiplicative coalescent, arising from models of coagulation in the physical sciences.