Galen Reeves : Non-asymptotic bounds for approximate message passing via Gaussian coupling
- Probability ( 0 Views )Approximate message passing (AMP) has emerged as a powerful framework for the design and analysis of iterative algorithms for high dimensional inference problems involving regression and low-rank matrix factorization. The basic form of an AMP algorithm consists of a recursion defined on a random matrix. Under suitable conditions, the distribution of this recursion can be well approximated by a Gaussian process whose mean and covariance are defined via a recursive process called state evolution. This talk will briefly summarize some of the key ideas in AMP (no background is assumed). I will then describe a new approach for analyzing these algorithms that constructs an explicit coupling between the AMP iterates and a Gaussian process, Under mild regularity conditions, this coupling argument provides simple and interpretable guarantees on the non-asymptotic behavior of AMP algorithms. Related work can be found in the arXiv papers: and
Murilo Corato Zanarella : First explicit reciprocity law for unitary Friedberg??Jacquet periods
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )In the early 2000's, Bertolini and Darmon introduced a new technique to bound Selmer groups of elliptic curves via level raising congruences. This was the first example of what is now termed a "bipartite Euler system", and over the last decade we have seen many breakthroughs on constructing such systems for other Galois representations, including settings such as twisted and cubic triple product, symmetric cube, and Rankin??Selberg, with applications to the Bloch??Kato conjecture and to Iwasawa theory. For this talk, I'll consider Galois representations attached to automorphic forms on a totally definite unitary group U(2r) over a CM field which are distinguished by the subgroup U(r) x U(r). I'll discuss a new "first explicit reciprocity law" in this setting and its application to the corresponding Bloch??Kato conjecture, focusing on new obstacles which arise from the lack of local multiplicity one.
Saman Habibi Esfahani : Non-linear Dirac operators and multi-valued harmonic forms
- Geometry and Topology ( 0 Views )This talk is based on joint work with Yang Li. I will discuss non-linear Dirac operators and related regularity questions, which arise in various problems in gauge theory, Floer theory, DT theory, and minimal submanifolds. These operators are used to define generalized Seiberg-Witten equations on 3- and 4-manifolds. Taubes proposed that counting harmonic spinors with respect to these operators on 3-manifolds could lead to new 3-manifold invariants, while Donaldson and Segal suggested counting spinors over special Lagrangians to define Calabi-Yau invariants. Similar counts appear in holomorphic Floer theory, where Doan and Rezchikov outlined a Fukaya 2-category for hyperkähler manifolds based on such counts. The central question in all of these proposals is whether the space of such harmonic spinors is compact. We address this question in certain cases, proving and disproving several conjectures in the field and, in particular, answering a question raised by Taubes in 1999. The key observation is that multivalued harmonic forms, in the sense of Almgren and De Lellis-Spadaro's Q-valued functions, play a crucial role in the problem.
Paula Vasquez : Coupling macro-micro simulations in biological fluids
- Mathematical Biology ( 0 Views )Some of the most remarkable properties and functions served by complex fluids originate from the interplay between external fields and microstructural dynamics. From a computational point of view this generates a set of challenges related to the need of coupling dynamics at different length and times scales, sometimes spanning several orders of magnitude. Micro-macro simulations have gained a lot of recognition within the field because these methods allow capturing full dynamics at the macroscale without losing resolution at the microscale. In this talk, we will review our efforts to couple existing macroscopic solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations with microstructural dynamics described by Langevin-type equations. In particular, we will discuss dumbbells models -under viscometric and capillary thinning flows fields- and parallel computing using GPUs.
Vadim Gorin : Six-vertex model in the rare corners regime
- Probability ( 0 Views )The six-vertex model, also known as the square-ice model, is one of the central and most studied systems of 2d statistical mechanics. It offers various combinatorial interpretations. One of them involves molecules of water on the square grid; another one deals with non-intersecting lattice paths, which can be also viewed as level lines of an integer-valued height function. Despite many efforts since the 1960s, the limit shapes for the height function are still unknown in general situations. However, we recently found ways to compute them in a degeneration, which leads to a low density of corners of paths (or, equivalently, of horizontal/vertical molecules of water). I will report on the progress in this direction emphasizing various unusual features: appearance of hyperbolic PDEs; discontinuities in densities; connections to random permutations.
Tristan Leger : Global existence, scattering, and propagation of moments for inhomogeneous kinetic equations.
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 0 Views )The field of derivation of kinetic equations has seen many impressive advances recently. Yet the well-posedness and dynamics of these equations remain poorly understood. In this talk I will address such questions, and present a method to prove global existence, scattering and propagation of moments for inhomogeneous kinetic equations. It uses dispersive estimates for free transport, combined with kinetic theory techniques to deal with the specific difficulties brought by the structure of the equation under consideration (e.g. its cross section, the degree of the nonlinearity). I will discuss its concrete implementation for the kinetic wave and Boltzmann equations. This is based on joint work with Ioakeim Ampatzoglou.
Mohammed Abouzaid : Bordism of derived orbifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 0 Views )Among the first significant results of algebraic topology is the computation, by Thom, Milnor, Novikov, and Wall among others, of the bordism groups of stably complex and oriented manifolds. After reviewing these results, I will discuss the notion of derived orbifolds, and briefly indicate how the bordism groups of these objects appear as universal recipients of invariants arising in Gromov-Witten theory and symplectic topology. Finally, I will state what is known about them, as well as some conjectures about the structure of these groups.
Thomas Weighill : Optimal transport methods for visualizing redistricting plans
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 0 Views )Ensembles of redistricting plans can be challenging to analyze and visualize because every plan is an unordered set of shapes, and therefore non-Euclidean in at least two ways. I will describe two methods designed to address this challenge: barycenters for partitioned datasets, and a novel dimension reduction technique based on Gromov-Wasserstein distance. I will cover some of the theory behind these methods and show how they can help us untangle redistricting ensembles to find underlying trends. This is joint work with Ranthony A. Clark and Tom Needham.
Luya Wang : Deformation inequivalent symplectic structures and Donaldsons four-six question
- Geometry and Topology ( 0 Views )Studying symplectic structures up to deformation equivalences is a fundamental question in symplectic geometry. Donaldson asked: given two homeomorphic closed symplectic four-manifolds, are they diffeomorphic if and only if their stabilized symplectic six-manifolds, obtained by taking products with CP^1 with the standard symplectic form, are deformation equivalent? I will discuss joint work with Amanda Hirschi on showing how deformation inequivalent symplectic forms remain deformation inequivalent when stabilized, under certain algebraic conditions. This gives the first counterexamples to one direction of Donaldson??s ??four-six? question and the related Stabilizing Conjecture by Ruan. In the other direction, I will also discuss more supporting evidence via Gromov-Witten invariants.
Ran Tao : Fluctuations of half-space KPZ: from 1/2 to 1/3
- Probability ( 0 Views )We study the half-space KPZ equation with a Neumann boundary condition, starting from stationary Brownian initial data. We derive a variance identity that links the fluctuations of the height function to the transversal fluctuations of a half-space polymer model. We then establish optimal fluctuation exponents for the height function in both the subcritical and critical regimes, along with corresponding estimates for the polymer endpoint. Based on a joint work with Yu Gu.
Peter Dillery : Non-basic rigid packets for discrete L-parameters
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )We formulate a new version of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete L-parameters which involves (Weyl orbits of) packets of representations of all twisted Levi subgroups of a connected reductive group G through which the parameter factors and prove that this version of the correspondence follows if one assumes the pre-existing local Langlands conjectures. Twisted Levi subgroups are crucial objects in the study of supercuspidal representations; this work is a step towards deepening the relationship between the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Langlands correspondence. This is joint work with David Schwein (Bonn).