public 01:14:52
public 01:34:54

Sreekanth Pannala : Multiscale/Multiphysics simulation strategy for gas-solids flow reactors

  -   Nonlinear and Complex Systems ( 144 Views )

Gas-solids chemically reacting flows are omnipresent in many multiphase flow reactors in various industries like Chemical, Fossil and Nuclear. The challenging aspect of modeling these reacting flows are the wide range of both temporal and spatial scales encountered in these systems. The challenge is to accurately account and bridge (as seamlessly as possible) the length and time scales involved in the problem. First, the problem is introduced using biomass gasifier/pyrolyser and nuclear fuel coater with sample results as examples and provide an overview of the various models currently used at the different scales. In particular, the critical role of the granular dynamics in the overall performance of the reactors will be highlighted. The ongoing development of a multiphysics and multiscale mathematics framework for coupling various modeling methods over a range of scales will be presented. The development of a general wavelet-based multiscale methodology called compound wavelet matrix (CWM) for bridging spatial and temporal scales will be reported. Finally, the steps needed to generalize the current methodology for arbitrary heterogeneous chemically reacting flows or other applications involving multiscale/multiphysics coupling will be elucidated. The challenges and opportunities of employing these models for rapid deployment of clean energy solutions based on multiphase flow reactors to the market place will be discussed.

public 02:34:44

Simon Brendle : TBA

  -   Geometry and Topology ( 122 Views )


public 02:34:43

Simon Brendle : TBA

  -   Geometry and Topology ( 104 Views )


public 01:34:47

Daniella E. Raveh : Nonlinear Dynamics of Aeroelastic Airfoil Systems in Buffeting Flows

  -   Nonlinear and Complex Systems ( 143 Views )

Transonic flows over airfoils at certain combinations of Mach numbers and steady mean angle of attack exhibit buffet; a phenomenon of large shock-wave oscillations due to flow separation and vortex shedding at a characteristic flow frequency. Buffet may occur even when the airfoil does not move. The seminar will present two recent studies of numerical simulations of an airfoil that a) undergoes prescribed harmonic oscillations, and b) is suspended by a spring in transonic buffeting flows. Both studies focus on the nonlinear interaction between the two oscillatory systems, namely the buffeting flow and the oscillating airfoil. Flow simulations of prescribed airfoil motions (using a Navier-Stokes turbulent flow solver) reveal a lock-in phenomenon. Certain combinations of amplitude and frequency of a prescribed airfoil oscillatory motion caused the buffet flow oscillations to lock into the prescribed frequency. The combinations of prescribed frequencies and amplitudes that cause lock-in present an .Arnold tongue. structure. There is a broad analogy between this flow phenomenon and the flow field of the Von Karman vortex street found behind a cylinder with the cylinder undergoing a prescribed oscillation. Flow simulations of an airfoil that is suspended on a spring reveal three distinct response characteristics, depending on the relationship of the elastic system.s natural frequency to the buffet frequency, and on the system.s mass ratio (the structural to fluid mass ratio). Elastic systems with natural frequencies that are lower than the buffet frequency exhibit a single-frequency response, with a frequency that is shifted form the buffet frequency towards the elastic natural frequency as the mass ratio is decreased (and the magnitude of the elastic response increases). On the other hand, an elastic system with a natural frequency that is the same as the buffet frequency exhibits resonance. Finally, elastic systems with natural frequencies that are higher than the buffet frequency exhibit a response with two distinct frequencies, that of the buffet and that of the elastic natural frequency. As long as the pitch amplitudes are small, the response is mostly at the buffet frequency. As the pitch amplitudes increase there is more power in the elastic natural frequency, and less in the buffet frequency. As the pitch amplitudes further grow, the response is in the elastic natural frequency solely, and the buffet frequency vanishes. To the best of the authors. knowledge the nonlinear dynamics of elastic systems in buffeting flows has not been reported previously. The authors are interested to learn whether similar phenomena are known in other research communities.

public 01:17:07

Brian Mann : Nonlinear Energy Harvesting

  -   Nonlinear and Complex Systems ( 143 Views )

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Alberto Teguia : TBA

  -   Undergraduate Seminars ( 258 Views )

public 01:34:47

Alexandr Labovschii : High accuracy numerical methods for fluid flow problems and turbulence modeling

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 99 Views )

We present several high accuracy numerical methods for fluid flow problems and turbulence modeling.

First we consider a stabilized finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations which has second order temporal accuracy. The method requires only the solution of one linear system (arising from an Oseen problem) per time step.

We proceed by introducing a family of defect correction methods for the time dependent Navier-Stokes equations, aiming at higher Reynolds' number. The method presented is unconditionally stable, computationally cheap and gives an accurate approximation to the quantities sought.

Next, we present a defect correction method with increased time accuracy. The method is applied to the evolutionary transport problem, it is proven to be unconditionally stable, and the desired time accuracy is attained with no extra computational cost.

We then turn to the turbulence modeling in coupled Navier-Stokes systems - namely, MagnetoHydroDynamics. We consider the mathematical properties of a model for the simulation of the large eddies in turbulent viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting flows. We prove existence, uniqueness and convergence of solutions for the simplest closed MHD model. Furthermore, we show that the model preserves the properties of the 3D MHD equations.

Lastly, we consider the family of approximate deconvolution models (ADM) for turbulent MHD flows. We prove existence, uniqueness and convergence of solutions, and derive a bound on the modeling error. We verify the physical properties of the models and provide the results of the computational tests.