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Evangelia Gazaki : Torsion phenomena for zero-cycles on a product of curves over a number field (Apr 20, 2022 3:10 PM)
For a smooth projective variety X over an algebraic number field a conjecture of Bloch and Beilinson predicts that the kernel of the Abel-Jacobi map of X is a torsion group. When X is a curve, this follows by the Mordell-Weil theorem. In higher dimensions however there is hardly any evidence for this conjecture. In this talk I will focus on the case when X is a product of smooth projective curves and construct infinitely many nontrivial examples that satisfy a weaker form of the Bloch-Beilinson conjecture. This relies on a recent joint work with Jonathan Love.
- Category: Number Theory
- Duration: 01:14:45
- Date: April 20, 2022 at 3:10 PM
- Views: 252
- Tags: seminar, Number Theory Seminar