Florent Krzakala : From spin glasses to Packing, Freezing and Computing problems (Oct 24, 2016 4:25 PM)
Over the last decades, the study of "spin glasses" in physics has stimulated a large amount of theoretical activity in physics, and led to several breakthroughs. While the original puzzle of spin glass materials is still not fully solved, their theoretical analysis has created powerful techniques as well as a rich conceptual framework, to study emergent properties of strongly disordered and interacting systems. In this talk, I will use these tools and discuss how apparently unrelated complex problems such as: how to pack many objects in a given volume, how to color a graph with a given number of colors, why a liquid is turning into a glass when the temperature is lowered, and why some computational (classical and quantum) problems are hard while other are easy actually (and surprisingly) do share many characteristics when looking at them through the (spin) glass.
- Category: Number Theory
- Duration: 01:34:35
- Date: October 24, 2016 at 4:25 PM
- Views: 113
- Tags: seminar, CTMS Adventures In Theory Lectures Seminar