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Vera Vértesi : Knots in contact 3--manifolds (Oct 28, 2008 4:25 PM)
In this talk I will give a purely combinatorial description of Knot Floer Homology for knots in the three-sphere (Manolescu-Ozsváth-Szabó-Thurston). In this homology there is a naturally associated invariant for transverse knots. This invariant gives a combinatorial but still an effective way to distinguish transverse knots (Ng-Ozsváth-Thurston). Moreover it leads to the construction of an infinite family of non-transversely simple knot-types (Vértesi).
- Category: Geometry and Topology
- Duration: 01:34:38
- Date: October 28, 2008 at 4:25 PM
- Views: 168
- Tags: seminar, Geometry/topology Seminar