Emanuela Del Gado : Gelation and densification of cement hydrates: a soft matter in construction (Mar 29, 2016 2:55 PM)
5-8 % of the global human CO2 production comes from the production of
cement, concrete main binder. The material strength emerges through the
development, once in contact with water, of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H)
gels that literally glue together the final compound. Current industrial
research aims at exploring alternative and more environmentally friendly
chemical compositions while enhancing rheology and mechanics, to overcome
the many technological challenges and guarantee concrete standards.
Identifying the fundamental mechanisms that control the gel properties at
the early stages of hydration and setting is crucial, although challenging,
because of far-from-equilibrium conditions, closely intertwined to the
evolution of the chemical environment, that are a hallmark of cement
I will discuss a recently developed statistical physics approach, which
allows us to investigate the gel formation under the out-of-equilibrium
conditions typical of cement hydration and the role of the nano-scale
structure in C-S-H mechanics upon hardening. Our approach, combining Monte
Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations, unveils for the first time how
some distinctive features of the kinetics of cement hydration can be related
to the nano-scale effective interactions and to the changes in the
morphology of the gels. The novel emerging picture is that the changes of
the physico-chemical environment, which dictate the evolution of the
effective interactions, specifically favor the gel formation and its
continuous densification. Our findings provide new handles to design
properties of this complex material and an extensive comparison of numerical
findings for the hardened paste with experiments ranging from SANS, SEM,
adsorption/desorption of N2 and water to nano-indentation provide new,
fundamental insights into the microscopic origin of the properties measured.
K. Ioannidou, R.J.-M. Pellenq and E. Del Gado Controlling local packing and
growth in calcium-silicate-hydrate gels
E. Del Gado, K. Ioannidou, E. Masoero, A. Baronnet, R. J.-M. Pellenq, F. J.
Ulm and S. Yip, A soft matter in construction - Statistical physics approachfor formation and mechanics of C--S--H gels in cement,
K. Ioannidou, K.J. Krakowiak, M. Bauchy, C.G. Hoover, E. Masoero, S. Yip,
F.-J. Ulm, P. Levitz, R.J.-M. Pellenq and E. Del Gado, The mesoscale textureof cement hydrates
K. Ioannidou, M. Kanduc, L. Li, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar and E. Del Gado,
The crucial effect of early-stage gelation on the mechanical properties of
cement hydrates , under review
- Category: Nonlinear and Complex Systems
- Duration: 01:34:47
- Date: March 29, 2016 at 2:55 PM
- Views: 187
- Tags: seminar, CNCS Seminar