Nicolas Buchler : Coupling of redox rhythms to the plant circadian clock and the yeast cell division cycle .
Biological oscillators such as the cell cycle, circadian clocks, and metabolic rhythms are ubiquitous across the domains of life. These biochemical oscillators co-exist in the same cells, often sharing and competing for resources. Are there mechanisms and regulatory principles that ensure harmony between these oscillators? Recent studies have shown that in addition to the transcriptional circadian clock, many organisms (including Arabidopsis) have a circadian redox rhythm driven by the organism's metabolic activities. It has been hypothesized that the redox rhythm is linked to the circadian clock, but the mechanism and the biological significance of this link have only begun to be investigated. In the first half of my talk, I will describe our work (in collaboration with the Dong lab at Duke) on the coupling of redox rhythms and the plant circadian clock. In the second half of my talk, I will discuss our work on the coupling of yeast metabolic cycle and the cell division cycle.
- Category: Mathematical Biology
- Duration: 01:14:49
- Date: March 27, 2015 at 11:55 AM
- Views: 123
- Tags: seminar, Mathematical Biology Seminar