John Voight : On Moduli of Nondegenerate Curves (May 1, 2008 4:25 PM)
We study the conditions under which an algebraic curve can be modelled by a Laurent polynomial that is nondegenerate with respect to its Newton polytope. Such nondegenerate polynomials have become popular objects in explicit algebraic geometry, owing to their connection with toric geometry; however, despite their ubiquity, the intrinsic property of nondegeneracy has not seen much detailed study. We prove that every curve of genus $g \geq 4$ over an algebraically closed field is nondegenerate in the above sense. More generally, let $\mathcal{M}_g^{\textup{nd}}$ be the locus of nondegenerate curves inside the moduli space of curves of genus $g \geq 2$. Then we show that $\dim \mathcal{M}_g^{\textup{nd}} = \min(2g+1,3g-3)$, except for $g=7$ where $\dim \mathcal{M}_7^{\textup{nd}} = 16$; thus, a generic curve of genus $g$ is nondegenerate if and only if $g \geq 4$
- Category: String Theory
- Duration: 01:33:26
- Date: May 1, 2008 at 4:25 PM
- Views: 244
- Tags: seminar, String Theory Seminar