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Brandon Levin NOTE SPECIAL TIME : Crystalline representations of minuscule type NOTE SPECIAL TIME (Apr 21, 2014 1:55 PM)
I will begin with an introduction to Galois deformation theory and its role in modularity lifting. This will motivate the study of local deformation rings and more specifically flat deformation rings. I will then discuss Kisin's work on flat deformations and explain how to generalize to Galois representations valued in an arbitrary reductive group. Kisin's techniques led to the successful determination of the connected components of the flat deformation ring in the 2-dimensional case. If time permits, I will touch on difficulties of going beyond GL_2.
- Category: Number Theory
- Duration: 01:19:25
- Date: April 21, 2014 at 1:55 PM
- Views: 126
- Tags: seminar, UNC-Duke Number Theory Seminar Seminar