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Benedict Morrissey : Regular quotients and Hitchin fibrations (joint work with Ngô B.-C.) (Sep 21, 2022 3:10 PM)
Orbital integrals for the Lie algebra can be analyzed using the Hitchin fibration. In turn the Hitchin fibration can be analyzed via the morphism g^{reg} ----> g//G from the regular elements of the Lie algebra, to the GIT quotient by the adjoint action. In trying to generalize this story by replacing the action of G on g by the action of G on some sufficiently nice variety M, we must replace the GIT quotient with what we call the regular quotient. This talk will look at the reasons for this, and the difference between the GIT and regular quotients in the case of G acting on G by conjugation (when the derived group of G is not simply connected), G acting on the commuting scheme, and G acting on the Vinberg monoid.
- Category: Number Theory
- Duration: 01:14:47
- Date: September 21, 2022 at 3:10 PM
- Views: 178
- Tags: seminar, Number Theory Seminar