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Tobias Ekholm : Wrapped Floer cohomology and Legendrian surgery (Nov 29, 2016 4:25 PM)
We first review the relation between wrapped Floer cohomology of co-core disks after Lagrangian handle attachment and the Legendrian DGA of the corresponding attaching spheres. Then we discuss a generalization of this result to the partially wrapped setting where the Legendrian dga should be enriched with loop space coefficients, and describe several cases when explicit calculations are possible via parallel copies or local coefficient systems. We also discuss applications of these ideas to the topology of Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian submanifolds. The talk reports on joint work with Y. Lekili.
- Category: Geometry and Topology
- Duration: 01:34:47
- Date: November 29, 2016 at 4:25 PM
- Views: 111
- Tags: seminar, Triangle Topology Seminar