Wenjun Ying : Recent developments of the kernel-free boundary integral method
The kernel-free boundary integral method is a Cartesian grid based method for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). It solves elliptic PDEs in the framework of boundary integral equations (BIEs). The method evaluates boundary and volume integrals by solving equivalent simple interface problems on Cartesian grids. It takes advantages of the well-conditioning properties of the BIE formulation, the convenience of grid generation with Cartesian grids and the availability of fast and efficient elliptic solvers for the simple interface problems. In this talk, I will present recent developments of the method for the reaction-diffusion equations in computational cardiology, the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation in biophysics, the Stokes equation in fluid dynamics as well as some free boundary and moving interface problems.
- Category: Applied Math and Analysis
- Duration: 02:24:16
- Date: July 20, 2015 at 3:25 PM
- Views: 188
- Tags: seminar, Applied Math And Analysis Seminar