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Paul Frampton : Conformality and String Phenomenology (Feb 17, 2005 2:45 PM)
(1) After a general description of quiver gauge theories (QGT) which may possess 4-dimensional conformal invariance and which arise from orbifolded AdS/CFT some successful comparisons to the nonsupersymmetric Minimal Standard Model (MSM) are made. (2) A QGT scheme where grand unification of the MSM occurs at about 4 TeV is discussed. This has consequences for the next big collider, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. (3) It is explained how nonsupersymmetric QGT can subsume an MSM which has no quadratic divergence in its Higgs scalar propagator. The necessary and sufficient condition for such naturalness is that the progenitor QGT possess chiral fermions.
- Category: String Theory
- Duration: 01:24:31
- Date: February 17, 2005 at 2:45 PM
- Views: 28
- Tags: seminar, String Theory Seminar