Jordan S. Ellenberg : Stability and Representations
- Gergen Lectures ( 278 Views )The notion of stability --speaking loosely, "sometimes an infinite sequence of vector spaces eventually starts being constant" -- appears in many branches of mathematics, perhaps most notably topology, where Harer's theorem about the stability of the homology of mapping class groups has driven decades of work. Some natural sequences of vector spaces are evidently NOT eventually constant: for instance, the space Q_n of quadratic polynomials in n variables has dimension (1/2)n(n-1), so gets larger and larger as n goes to infinity. On the other hand, Q_n carries an action of the symmetric group S_n by permutation of coordinates. We will discuss a new framework which allows us to speak meaningfully about what it means for a sequence of representations of S_n to be stable. It turns out that the structures we define are ubiquitous, appearing in topology (e.g. homology groups of configuration spaces and of moduli spaces of curves) algebraic combinatorics (e.g. the graded pieces of diagonal coinvariant algebras) and algebraic geometry (e.g. spaces of polynomials on discriminant and rank varieties.) We prove, for instance, that all these sequences of vector spaces have dimension which is eventually a polynomial in n.
Gerhard Huisken : Parabolic Evolution Equations for the Deformation of Hypersurfaces
- Gergen Lectures ( 37 Views )A smooth one-parameter family F0 : Mnx [0,T) ---> (Nn+1,g) of hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold (N(n+1),g) is said to move by its curvature if it satisfies an evolution equation of the form
(d/dt) F(p,t) = f(p,t) p Mn, t [0,T),
such that at each point of the surface its speed in normal direction is a function $f$ of the extrinsic curvature of the hypersurface. Examples such as the flow by mean curvature, flow by Gauss curvature or flow by inverse mean curvature arise naturally both in Differential Geometry, where they exhibit fascinating interactions between the extrinsic curvature of the surfaces and intrinsic geometric properties of the ambient manifold, and in Mathematical Physics, where they serve as models for the evolution of interfaces in phase transitions. The first lecture gives a general introduction to the main examples and phenomena and highlights some recent results. The second lecture shows how parabolic rescaling techniques can be combined with a priori estimates to study and in some cases classify possible singularities of the mean curvature flow. The series concludes with applications of hypersurface families in General relativity, including a recent proof of an optimal lower bound for the total energy of an isolated gravitating system by Huisken and Ilmanen.