Carl Wang-Erickson : Bi-ordinary modular forms
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )Hida theory provides a p-adic interpolation of modular forms that have a property known as ordinary. Hida’s interpolation inspired Mazur to formulate the deformation theory of Galois representations, which Wiles used to prove (among other things) that p-adically interpolated modular form correspond closely, via an “R=T theorem”, to p-adically deformed ordinary 2-dimensional Galois representations. This notion of “ordinary” 2-dimensional Galois representation means that the representation becomes reducible when restricted to a decomposition subgroup at the prime p. But which ordinary modular forms have a Galois representation that is not only reducible at p but also decomposable at p? After explaining some arithmetic-geometric motivations for this question, I will explain some joint work with Francesc Castella in which we construct a length 1 “bi-ordinary complex” of modular forms that has a Hida-type interpolation property and whose associated Galois representations are reducible decomposable at p. This construction builds upon on Coleman’s work on presenting de Rham cohomology of modular curves as a quotient of differentials of the second kind, as well as Boxer and Pilloni’s work on higher Hida theory.