Pengzi Miao : On critical metrics on compact manifolds with boundary
- Geometry and Topology ( 108 Views )It is known that, on closed manifolds, Einstein metrics of negative scalar curvature are critical points of the usual volume functional constrained to the space of metrics of constant scalar curvature. In this talk, I will discuss how this variational characterization of Einstein metrics can be localized to compact manifolds with boundary. I will present the critical point equation and focus on geometric properties of its general solutions. In particular, when a solution has zero scalar curvature and its boundary can be isometrically embedded into the Euclidean space, I will show that the volume of this critical metric is always greater than or equal to the Euclidean volume enclosed by the image of the isometric embedding and two volumes are the same if and only if the critical metric is isometric to the Euclidean metric on a standard round ball. This is a joint work with Prof. Luen-Fai Tam.
Justin Sawon : Fourier-Mukai transforms and deformations in generalized complex geometry
- Geometry and Topology ( 117 Views )Homological Mirror Symmetry proposes an equivalence between the derived category of coherent sheaves on a complex manifold and the (derived) Fukaya category of the mirror symplectic manifold. It is natural to consider the behaviour of these categories and equivalences under deformations of the underlying spaces.
In this talk I will describe Toda's results on deformations of the category Coh(X) of coherent sheaves on a complex manifold X. They come from deformations of X as a complex manifold, non-commutative deformations, and gerby deformations. These can all be interpreted as deformations of X as a generalized complex manifold; in some instances it is possible to deform X to a symplectic manifold. Toda also described how to deform Fourier-Mukai equivalences, and I will present some examples coming from mirror SYZ fibrations.
Dan Rutherford : HOMFLY-PT polynomial and Legendrian links in the solid torus
- Geometry and Topology ( 114 Views )A smooth knot in a contact 3-manifold is called Legendrian if it is always tangent to the contact planes. In this talk, I will discuss Legendrian knots in R^3 and the solid torus where knots can be conveniently viewed using their `front projections'. In particular, I will describe how certain decompositions of front projections known as `normal rulings' (introduced by Fuchs and Chekanov-Pushkar) can be used to give combinatorial descriptions for parts of the HOMFLY-PT and Kauffman polynomials. I will conclude by discussing recent generalizations to Legendrian solid torus links. It is usual to identify the `HOMFLY-PT skein module' of the solid torus with the ring of symmetric functions. In this context, normal rulings can be used to give a knot theory description of the standard scalar product determined by taking the Schur functions to form an orthonormal basis.
Daniel Ruberman : Periodic-end Dirac operators and Seiberg-Witten theory
- Geometry and Topology ( 111 Views )We study the Seiberg-Witten equations on a 4-manifold X with the homology of S1 x S3. The count of such solutions, called the Seiberg-Witten invariant, depends on choices of Riemannian metric and perturbation of the equations to make a smooth moduli space. A similar issue is resolved in dimension 3 by relating the jumps in the Seiberg-Witten invariant to the spectral flow of the Dirac operator. In dimension 4, we use Taubes' theory of periodic-end operators to relate the jumps in the Seiberg-Witten invariant to the index theory of the Dirac operator on the infinite cyclic cover of X. This circle of ideas has applications to classification of smooth manifolds homeomorphic to S1 x S3, to questions about positive scalar curvature, and to homology cobordisms. This is joint work with Tomasz Mrowka and Nikolai Saveliev.
David Shea Vela-Vick : Triple linking numbers, ambiguous Hopf invariants and integral formulas for three-component links
- Geometry and Topology ( 106 Views )To each three-component link in the 3-dimensional sphere we associate a characteristic map from the 3-torus to the 2-sphere, and establish a correspondence between the pairwise and Milnor triple linking numbers of the link and the Pontryagin invariants that classify its characteristic map up to homotopy. This can be viewed as a natural extension of the familiar fact that the linking number of a two- component link is the degree of its associated Gauss map from the 2- torus to the 2-sphere. When the pairwise linking numbers are all zero, we give an integral formula for the triple linking number analogous to the Gauss integral for the pairwise linking numbers. The integrand in this formula is geometrically natural in the sense that it is invariant under orientation-preserving rigid motions of the 3-sphere.
Mauro Maggioni : On estimating intrinsic dimensionality of noisy high-dimensional data sets
- Geometry and Topology ( 105 Views )We discuss recent and ongoing work, joint with A. Little, on estimating the intrinsic dimensionality of data sets assumed to be sampled from a low-dimensional manifold in high dimensions and perturbed by high-dimensional noise. This work is motivated by several applications, including machine learning and dynamical systems, and by the limitations of existing algorithms. Our approach is based on a simple tool such as principal component analysis, used in a multiscale fashion, a strategy which has its roots in geometric measure theory. The theoretical analysis of the algorithm uses tools from random matrix theory and exploits concentration of measure phenomena in high-dimensions. The talk will have a tutorial flavour: no previous knowledge of what mentioned above will be required, and several toy examples to build intuition about some measure-geometric phenomena in high-dimensions will be presented.
Dmitry Khavinson : From the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to Astrophysics: a Harmonious Path
- Geometry and Topology ( 128 Views )The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra first rigorously proved by Gauss states that each complex polynomial of degree n has precisely n complex roots. In recent years various extensions of this celebrated result have been considered. We shall discuss the extension of the FTA to harmonic polynomials of degree n. In particular, the 2003 theorem of D. Khavinson and G. Swiatek that shows that the harmonic polynomial z − p(z); deg p = n > 1 has at most 3n − 2 zeros as was conjectured in the early 90's by T. Sheil-Small and A. Wilmshurst. More recently L. Geyer was able to show that the result is sharp for all n.
In 2004 G. Neumann and D. Khavinson showed that the maximal number of zeros of rational harmonic functions z − r(z); deg r = n > 1 is 5n − 5. It turned out that this result conrfimed several consecutive conjectures made by astrophysicists S. Mao, A. Petters, H. Witt and, in its final form, the conjecture of S. H. Rhie that were dealing with the estimate of the maximal number of images of a star if the light from it is deflected by n co-planar masses. The first non-trivial case of one mass was already investigated by A. Einstein around 1912.
We shall also discuss the problem of gravitational lensing of a point source of light, e.g., a star, by an elliptic galaxy, more precisely the problem of the maximal number of images that one can observe. Under some more or less "natural" assumptions on the mass distribution within the galaxy one can prove that the number of visible images can never be more than four in some cases and six in the other. Interestingly, the former situation can actually occur and has been observed by astronomers. Still there are much more open questions than there are answers.
Tomasz Mrowka : Using instantons to show that Khovanov homology detects the unknot.
- Geometry and Topology ( 127 Views )A couple of years ago Kronheimer and I revisited our work on instantons with codimension two singularities. This leads to knot invariants associated to each partial flag manifold. There invariants are related to Khovanov homology for the case of $\IP1$ and Khovanov-Rozansky homology fo $\IP^n$. We have recently understood how to use the $\IP1$ case to prove that Khovanov homology detects the unknot.
Lan-Hsuan Huang : Constant mean curvature foliations for isolated systems in general relativity
- Geometry and Topology ( 138 Views )We will discuss the existence and uniqueness of the foliation by stable spheres with constant mean curvature for asymptotically flat manifolds satisfying the Regge-Teitelboim condition at infinity. This work generalizes the earlier results of Huisken/Yau, Ye, and Metzger. We will also discuss the concept of the center of mass in general relativity.
Mauro Maggioni : Parametrizations of manifolds via Laplacian eigenfunctions and heat kernels
- Geometry and Topology ( 107 Views )We present recent results that show that for any portion of a compact manifold that admits a bi-Lipschitz parametrization by a Euclidean ball one may find a well-chosen set of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian that gives a bi-Lipschitz parametrization almost as good as the best possible. A similar, and in some respect stronger result holds by replacing eigenfunctions with heat kernels. These constructions are motivated by applications to the analysis of the geometry of data sets embedded in high-dimensional spaces, that are assumed to lie on, or close to, a low-dimensional manifold. This is joint work with P.W. Jones and R. Schul.
Robert Lipshitz : Planar grid diagrams and bordered Floer homology
- Geometry and Topology ( 106 Views )Heegaard Floer homology, a kind of (3+1)-dimensional field theory, associates chain complexes to 3-manifolds and chain maps to 4-manifolds with boundary. These complexes and maps are defined by counting holomorphic curves, and are hard to compute. Bordered Floer homology extends Heegaard Floer theory one dimension lower, assigning algebras to surfaces and differential modules to 3-manifolds with (parameterized) boundary. After introducing the bordered Floer framework, we will illustrate its construction in a toy case where it is explicit and combinatorial: planar grid diagrams. This is joint work with Peter Ozsvath and Dylan Thurston.
Irina Kogan : Geometry of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- Geometry and Topology ( 118 Views )We consider the problem of constructing systems of hyperbolic conservation laws in one space dimension with prescribed geometry in state space: the eigenvectors of the Jacobian of the flux are given. This is formulated as a system of algebraic-differential equations whose solution space is analyzed using Darboux and Cartan-K\"ahler theorems. It turns out that already the case with three equations is fairly complex. We give a complete list of possible scenarios for the general systems of two and three equations and for rich systems (i.e. when the given eigenvector fields are pairwise in involution) of arbitrary size. As an application we characterize conservative systems with the same eigencurves as compressible gas dynamics.
This is joint work with Kris Jenssen (Penn State University)
Julio Rebelo : On closed currents invariant by holomorphic foliations
- Geometry and Topology ( 168 Views )Let M be an algebraic complex surface equipped with a singular foliation F. We assume that F leaves invariant a closed current on M or, equivalently, that F possesses a transversely invariant measure. The purpose of this talk is two-fold. First we want to classify the pairs (M, F) as above, a problem that is usually regarded as a step towards developing a suitable Ergodic Theory for these foliations. On the other hand we want to explain the connection of this problem with the Kobayashi hyperbolicity of general type surfaces. In particular we shall sketch a new proof of McQuillan's theorem proving the Green-Griffiths conjecture for general type surfaces having positive Segre class.
Katrin Wehrheim : The symplectic category: correspondences, quilts, and topological applications
- Geometry and Topology ( 114 Views )A 'correspondence' between two manifolds is a submanifold in the product. This generalizes the notion of a map (whose graph is a correspondence) ... and is of little use in general since the composition of correspondences, though naturally defined, can be highly singular.
Lagrangian correspondences between symplectic manifolds however are highly useful (and will be defined carefully). They were introduced by Weinstein in an attempt to build a symplectic category that has morphisms between any pair of symplectic manifolds (not just symplectomorphic pairs).
In joint work with Chris Woodward we define such a cateory, in which all Lagrangian correspondences are composable morphisms. We extend it to a 2-category by constructing a Floer homology for generalized Lagrangian correspondences. One of the applications is a general prescription for constructing topological invariants. We consider e.g. 3-manifolds or links as morphisms (cobordisms or tangles) in a topological category. In order to obtain a topological invariant from our generalized Floer homology, it suffices to
(i) decompose morphisms into simple morphisms (e.g. by cutting between critical levels of a Morse function)
(ii) associate to the objects and simple morphisms smooth symplectic manifolds and Lagrangian correspondences between them (e.g. using moduli spaces of bundles or representations)
(iii) check that the moves between different decompositions are associated to 'good' geometric composition of Lagrangian correspondences
Benoit Charbonneau : Singular monopoles on the product of a circle and a surface
- Geometry and Topology ( 124 Views )In this talk, I will discuss work done with Jacques Hurtubise (McGill) to relate singular solutions to the Bogomolny equation on a circle times a surface to pairs [holomorphic bundle, meromorphic endomorphism] on the surface. The endomorphism is meromorphic, generically bijective, and corresponds to a return map. Its poles and zeros are related to the singularities of the corresponding solution to the Bogomolny equation. This talk is based on arXiv:0812.0221.
Justin Sawon : Holomorphic coisotropic reduction
- Geometry and Topology ( 162 Views )Let Y be a hypersurface in a 2n-dimensional holomorphic symplectic manifold X. The restriction $\sigma|_Y$ of the holomorphic symplectic form induces a rank one foliation on Y. If this "characteristic foliation" has compact leaves, then the space of leaves Y/F is a holomorphic symplectic manifold of dimension 2n-2. This construction also works when Y is a coisotropic submanifold of higher codimension, and is known as "coisotropic reduction". In this talk we will consider when the characteristic foliation has compact leaves, and look at some applications of coisotropic reduction.
Pankaj K. Agarwal : Union of geometric objects, epsilon-nets, and hitting sets
- Geometry and Topology ( 122 Views )The combinatorial complexity of the union of a set of geometric objects is the total number of faces of all dimensions that lie on the boundary of the union. We review some recent results on the complexity of the union of geometric objects in 2d and 3D satisfying various natural conditions and on computing the union. We then discuss the critical roles they play in computing an epsilon net and a hitting set of a set system.
Fernando Marques : The space of positive scalar curvature metrics on the three-sphere
- Geometry and Topology ( 135 Views )In this talk we will discuss a proof of the path-connectedness of the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on the three-sphere. The proof uses the Ricci flow with surgery and the connected sum construction of Gromov and Lawson. The work of Perelman on Hamilton's Ricci flow is fundamental. If time permits we will also discuss an application to general relativity.
Niky Kamran : The Penrose process and the wave equation in Kerr geometry
- Geometry and Topology ( 120 Views )We shall review the Penrose process for extracting mass and angular momentum from the Kerr black hole solution of the Einstein equations. We will show that Christodoulou's bound on the maximal energy gain by the classical Penrose process can be realized by choosing suitable wave packet initial data for the scalar wave equation in Kerr geometry, thereby putting super-radiance on a rigorous mathematical footing. This is joint work with Felix Finster, Joel Smoller and Shing-Tung Yau.
Bianca Santoro : Complete Kahler metrics on crepant resolutions of singular Calabi-Yau spaces
- Geometry and Topology ( 123 Views )In this talk, we plan to explain some existence results for complete Ricci-flat \kahler metrics on crepant resolutions of singularities. The method allows us to provide a wider class of examples of complete Ricci-flat Kahler metrics with richer topoplogy at infinity.
Marcos Jardim : On the spectrum of the Dirac operator and the Dolbeault Laplacian on Kahler manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 133 Views )There exists a large literature on lower bounds for the spectrum of the Dirac operator and the de Rham Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds. In this talk, we will consider the twisted Dirac operator and the twisted Dolbeault Laplacian on Kahler manifolds, and study how the spectrum changes with the coupling connection. We give lower bounds for their spectrum, showing that they are attained in the case of Riemann surfaces. This is joint work with Rafael F. Leao. The talk will be based on those two preprints, 0807.0813 and 0706.0878
Vera Vértesi : Knots in contact 3--manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 168 Views )In this talk I will give a purely combinatorial description of Knot Floer Homology for knots in the three-sphere (Manolescu-Ozsváth-Szabó-Thurston). In this homology there is a naturally associated invariant for transverse knots. This invariant gives a combinatorial but still an effective way to distinguish transverse knots (Ng-Ozsváth-Thurston). Moreover it leads to the construction of an infinite family of non-transversely simple knot-types (Vértesi).
Zhou Zhang : Volume Form and Scalar Curvature for K\ahler-Ricci Flow over General Type Manifold
- Geometry and Topology ( 164 Views )It is an interesting project guided by Tian's conjecture to use K\"ahler-Ricci flow with changing cohomology class in the study of general type manifold. The locally smooth convergence leaves quite some freedom for the global geometry. Meanwhile, volume form and scalar curvature have shown different behavior in infinite and finite time cases.
Aaron Naber : Orbifold Regularity of Collapsed Spaces and applications to Einstein Manifolds.
- Geometry and Topology ( 151 Views )Let (M_i,g_i) be a sequence of Riemannian n-manifolds with uniformly bounded curvature such that (M_i,g_i)->(X,d), a metric space, in the Gromov Hausdorff sense. Then we show that there is a closed subset S of X with codimension at least 3 and dimension at most n-5 such that X-S is a Riemannian Orbifold. We use this and an \epsilon-regularity theorem to show that metric spaces in the closure of the moduli space of Einstein 4-manifolds are Riemannian Orbifolds away from a finite number of points. This is joint with G. Tian.
Jason Parsley : Helicity, Configuration Spaces, & Characteristic Classes
- Geometry and Topology ( 191 Views )The helicity of a vector field in R^3, an analog to linking number, measures the extent to which its flowlines coil and wrap around one another. Helicity turns out to be invariant under volume-preserving diffeomorphisms that are isotopic to the identity. Motivated by Bott-Taubes integration, we provide a new proof of this invariance using configuration spaces. We then present a new topological explanation for helicity, as a characteristic class. Among other results, this point of view allows us to completely characterize the diffeomorphisms under which helicity is invariant and give an explicit formula for the change in helicity under a diffeomorphism under which helicity is not invariant. (joint work with Jason Cantarella, U. of Georgia)
Dan Rutherford : Generating families and invariants of Legendrian knots
- Geometry and Topology ( 151 Views )Legendrian knots in standard contact R3 have in addition to their topological knot type two classical invariants known as the Thurston-Bennequin and rotation numbers. Over the past decade several invariants have been developed which are capable of distinguishing between knots with identical classical invariants. The purpose of this talk is to describe interesting relationships between some of these new invariants. Major players in this talk are the Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA (Legendrian contact homology) and related objects, as well as combinatorial structures on front diagrams and homological invariants arising from the theory of generating families (due to Chekanov-Pushkar, Fuchs, and Traynor). The main new result (joint with Fuchs) is that, when a Legendrian knot is defined by a generating family, homology groups obtained by linearizing the Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA are isomorphic to the homology of a pair of spaces associated with the generating family.
Jer-Chin Chuang : Subdivisions and Transgressive Chains
- Geometry and Topology ( 192 Views )Combinatorial transgressions are secondary invariants of a space admitting triangulations. They arise from subdivisions and are analogous to transgressive forms such as those in Chern-Weil theory. In this talk, I characterize transgressions that are path-independent of subdivision sequence. The result is obtained by using a cohomology on posets that is shown to be equivalent to higher derived functors of the inverse (or projective) limit over the opposite poset.