public 01:14:39

Elizabeth L. Bouzarth : Modeling Biologically Inspired Fluid Flow Using RegularizedSingularities and Spectral Deferred Correction Methods

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 149 Views )

The motion of primary nodal cilia present in embryonic development resembles that of a precessing rod. Implementing regularized singularities to model this fluid flow numerically simulates a situation for which colleagues have exact mathematical solutions and experimentalists have corresponding laboratory studies on both the micro- and macro-scales. Stokeslets are fundamental solutions to the Stokes equations, which act as external point forces when placed in a fluid. By strategically distributing regularized Stokeslets in a fluid domain to mimic an immersed boundary (e.g., cilium), one can compute the velocity and trajectory of the fluid at any point of interest. The simulation can be adapted to a variety of situations including passive tracers, rigid bodies and numerous rod structures in a fluid flow generated by a rod, either rotating around its center or its tip, near a plane. The exact solution allows for careful error analysis and the experimental studies provide new applications for the numerical model. Spectral deferred correction methods are used to alleviate time stepping restrictions in trajectory calculations. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons to theory and experiment have shown that a numerical simulation of this nature can generate insight into fluid systems that are too complicated to fully understand via experiment or exact numerical solution independently.

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Courtney Paquette : Algorithms for stochastic nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 128 Views )

Nonsmooth and nonconvex loss functions are often used to model physical phenomena, provide robustness, and improve stability. While convergence guarantees in the smooth, convex settings are well-documented, algorithms for solving large-scale nonsmooth and nonconvex problems remain in their infancy.

I will begin by isolating a class of nonsmooth and nonconvex functions that can be used to model a variety of statistical and signal processing tasks. Standard statistical assumptions on such inverse problems often endow the optimization formulation with an appealing regularity condition: the objective grows sharply away from the solution set. We show that under such regularity, a variety of simple algorithms, subgradient and Gauss Newton like methods, converge rapidly when initialized within constant relative error of the optimal solution. We illustrate the theory and algorithms on the real phase retrieval problem, and survey a number of other applications, including blind deconvolution and covariance matrix estimation.

One of the main advantages of smooth optimization over its nonsmooth counterpart is the potential to use a line search for improved numerical performance. A long-standing open question is to design a line-search procedure in the stochastic setting. In the second part of the talk, I will present a practical line-search method for smooth stochastic optimization that has rigorous convergence guarantees and requires only knowable quantities for implementation. While traditional line-search methods rely on exact computations of the gradient and function values, our method assumes that these values are available up to some dynamically adjusted accuracy that holds with some sufficiently high, but fixed, probability. We show that the expected number of iterations to reach an approximate-stationary point matches the worst-case efficiency of typical first-order methods, while for convex and strongly convex objectives it achieves the rates of deterministic gradient descent.

public 01:34:43

Bruce Donald : Some mathematical and computational challenges arising in structural molecular biology

  -   Applied Math and Analysis ( 292 Views )

Computational protein design is a transformative field with exciting prospects for advancing both basic science and translational medical research. New algorithms blend discrete and continuous mathematics to address the challenges of creating designer proteins. I will discuss recent progress in this area and some interesting open problems. I will motivate this talk by discussing how, by using continuous geometric representations within a discrete optimization framework, broadly-neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies were computationally designed that are now being tested in humans - the designed antibodies are currently in eight clinical trials (See https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=VRC07&cntry=&state=&city=&dist= ), one of which is Phase 2a (NCT03721510). These continuous representations model the flexibility and dynamics of biological macromolecules, which are an important structural determinant of function. However, reconstruction of biomolecular dynamics from experimental observables requires the determination of a conformational probability distribution. These distributions are not fully constrained by the limited information from experiments, making the problem ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard. The ill-posed nature of the problem comes from the fact that it has no unique solution. Multiple or even an infinite number of solutions may exist. To avoid the ill-posed nature, the problem must be regularized by making (hopefully reasonable) assumptions. I will present new ways to both represent and visualize correlated inter-domain protein motions (See Figure). We use Bingham distributions, based on a quaternion fit to circular moments of a physics-based quadratic form. To find the optimal solution for the distribution, we designed an efficient, provable branch-and-bound algorithm that exploits the structure of analytical solutions to the trigonometric moment problem. Hence, continuous conformational PDFs can be determined directly from NMR measurements. The representation works especially well for multi-domain systems with broad conformational distributions. Ultimately, this method has parallels to other branches of applied mathematics that balance discrete and continuous representations, including physical geometric algorithms, robotics, computer vision, and robust optimization. I will advocate for using continuous distributions for protein modeling, and describe future work and open problems.