Laura Starkston : Manipulating singularities of Weinstein skeleta
- Geometry and Topology ( 106 Views )Weinstein manifolds are an important class of symplectic manifolds with convex ends/boundary. These 2n dimensional manifolds come with a retraction onto a core n-dimensional stratified complex called the skeleton, which generally has singularities. The topology of the skeleton does not generally determine the smooth or symplectic structure of the 2n dimensional Weinstein manifold. However, if the singularities fall into a simple enough class (Nadlers arboreal singularities), the whole Weinstein manifold can be recovered just from the data of the n-dimensional complex. We discuss work in progress showing that every Weinstein manifold can be homotoped to have a skeleton with only arboreal singularities (focusing in low-dimensions). Then we will discuss some of the expectations and hopes for what might be done with these ideas in the future.
Michael Willis : The Khovanov homology of infinite braids
- Geometry and Topology ( 114 Views )In this talk, I will show that the limiting Khovanov chain complex of any infinite positive braid categorifies the Jones-Wenzl projector, extending Lev Rozansky's work with infinite torus braids. I will also show a similar result for the limiting Lipshitz-Sarkar-Khovanov homotopy types of the closures of such braids. Extensions to more general infinite braids will also be considered. This is joint work with Gabriel Islambouli.
Ana-Maria Brecan : On the intersection pairing between cycles in SU(p,q)-flag domains and maximally real Schubert varieties
- Geometry and Topology ( 139 Views )An SU(p, q)-flag domain is an open orbit of the real Lie group SU(p, q) acting on the complex flag manifold associated to its complexification SL(p + q, C). Any such flag domain contains certain compact complex submanifolds, called cycles, which encode much of the topological, complex geometric and repre- sentation theoretical properties of the flag domain. This talk is concerned with the description of these cycles in homology using a specific type of Schubert varieties. They are defined by the condition that the fixed point of the Borel group in question is in the closed SU(p,q)-orbit in the ambient manifold. We consider the Schubert varieties of this type which are of com- plementary dimension to the cycles. It is known that if such a variety has non-empty intersection with a certain base cycle, then it does so transversally (in finitely many points). With the goal of understanding this duality, we describe these points of intersection in terms of flags as well as in terms of fixed points of a given maximal torus. The relevant Schubert varieties are described in terms of Weyl group elements.
Yu Pan : Exact Lagrangian cobordisms and the augmentation category
- Geometry and Topology ( 196 Views )To a Legendrian knot, one can associate an $A_{\infty}$ category, the augmentation category. An exact Lagrangian cobordism between two Legendrian knots gives a functor of the augmentation categories of the two knots. We study the functor and establish a long exact sequence relating the corresponding cohomology of morphisms of the two ends. As applications, we prove that the functor between augmentation categories is injective on the level of equivalence classes of objects and find new obstructions to the existence of exact Lagrangian cobordisms in terms of linearized contact homology and ruling polynomials.
Daniel Halpern-Leistner : Equivariant geometry and Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 103 Views )Developments in high energy physics, specifically the theory of mirror symmetry, have led to deep conjectures regarding the geometry of a special class of complex manifolds called Calabi-Yau manifolds. One of the most intriguing of these conjectures states that various geometric invariants, some classical and some more homological in nature, agree for any two Calabi-Yau manifolds which are "birationally equivalent" to one another. I will discuss how new methods in equivariant geometry have shed light on this conjecture over the past few years, leading to the first substantial progress for compact Calabi-Yau manifolds of dimension greater than three. The key technique is the new theory of "Theta-stratifications," which allows one to bring ideas from equivariant Morse theory into the setting of algebraic geometry.
Justin Sawon : On the topology of compact hyperkahler manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 160 Views )In this talk we will describe some results about Betti, Hodge, and characteristic numbers of compact hyperkahler manifolds. In (complex) dimension four one can find universal bounds for all of these invariants (Beauville, Guan); in higher dimensions it is still possible to find some bounds. We also describe how these bounds are related to the question: are there finitely many hyperkahler manifolds in each dimension, up to deformation?
Adam Levine : Concordance of knots in homology spheres
- Geometry and Topology ( 143 Views )Knot concordance concerns the classification of knots in the 3-sphere that occur as the boundaries of embedded disks in the 4-ball. Unlike in higher dimensions, one obtains vastly different results depending on whether the disks are required to be smoothly embedded or merely locally flat (i.e. continuously embedded with a topological normal bundle); many tools arising from gauge theory and symplectic geometry can be used to illustrate this distinction. After surveying some of the recent progress in this area, I will discuss the extension of these questions to knots in 3-manifolds other than S^3. I will show how to use invariants coming from Heegaard Floer homology to obstruct not only smoothly embedded disks but also non-locally-flat piecewise-linear disks; this answers questions from the 1970s posed by Akbulut and Matsumoto. I will also discuss more recent results (joint with Jennifer Hom and Tye Lidman) giving infinitely many knots that are distinct up to non-locally-flat piecewise-linear concordance.
Bahar Acu : Foliations of contact manifolds by planar J-holomorphic curves and the Weinstein conjecture
- Geometry and Topology ( 132 Views )In this talk, we will describe foliations of high dimensional ''iterated planar" contact manifolds by J-holomorphic curves and show that, by using this kind of technology, one can prove the long-standing Weinstein conjecture for iterated planar contact manifolds.
Jo Nelson : Contact Invariants and Reeb Dynamics
- Geometry and Topology ( 112 Views )Contact geometry is the study of certain geometric structures on odd dimensional smooth manifolds. A contact structure is a hyperplane field specified by a one form which satisfies a maximum nondegeneracy condition called complete non-integrability. The associated one form is called a contact form and uniquely determines a vector field called the Reeb vector field on the manifold. I will explain how to make use of J-holomorphic curves to obtain a Floer theoretic contact invariant whose chain complex is generated by closed Reeb orbits. In particular, I will explain the pitfalls in defining contact homology and discuss my work which gives a rigorous construction of cylindrical contact homology via geometric methods. This talk will feature numerous graphics to acclimate people to the realm of contact geometry.
Tye Lidman : Positive-definite symplectic four-manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 107 Views )We will prove that certain simply-connected four-manifolds with positive-definite intersection forms cannot admit symplectic structures. This is related to the existence of so-called perfect Morse functions. This is joint work with Jennifer Hom.
Tobias Ekholm : Wrapped Floer cohomology and Legendrian surgery
- Geometry and Topology ( 111 Views )We first review the relation between wrapped Floer cohomology of co-core disks after Lagrangian handle attachment and the Legendrian DGA of the corresponding attaching spheres. Then we discuss a generalization of this result to the partially wrapped setting where the Legendrian dga should be enriched with loop space coefficients, and describe several cases when explicit calculations are possible via parallel copies or local coefficient systems. We also discuss applications of these ideas to the topology of Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian submanifolds. The talk reports on joint work with Y. Lekili.
Joanna Nelson : An integral lift of cylindrical contact homology
- Geometry and Topology ( 115 Views )I will discuss joint work with Hutchings which gives a rigorous construction of cylindrical contact homology via geometric methods. This talk will highlight our use of non-equivariant constructions, automatic transversality, and obstruction bundle gluing. Together these yield a nonequivariant homological contact invariant which is expected to be isomorphic to SH^+ under suitable assumptions. By making use of family Floer theory we obtain an S^1-equivariant theory defined over Z coefficients, which when tensored with Q recovers the classical cylindrical contact homology, now with the guarantee of well-definedness and invariance. This integral lift of contact homology also contains interesting torsion information.
Adam Levine : Heegaard Floer invariants for homology S^1 x S^3s
- Geometry and Topology ( 109 Views )Using Heegaard Floer homology, we construct a numerical invariant for any smooth, oriented 4-manifold X with the homology of S^1 x S^3. Specifically, we show that for any smoothly embedded 3-manifold Y representing a generator of H_3(X), a suitable version of the Heegaard Floer d invariant of Y, defined using twisted coefficients, is a diffeomorphism invariant of X. We show how this invariant can be used to obstruct embeddings of certain types of 3-manifolds, including those obtained as a connected sum of a rational homology 3-sphere and any number of copies of S^1 x S^2. We also give similar obstructions to embeddings in certain open 4-manifolds, including exotic R^4s. This is joint work with Danny Ruberman.
Henri Roesch : Proof of a Null Penrose Conjecture using a new Quasi-local Mass
- Geometry and Topology ( 122 Views )We define an explicit quasi-local mass functional which is nondecreasing along all foliations of a null cone (satisfying a convexity assumption). We use this new functional to prove the Null Penrose Conjecture under fairly generic conditions.
Lilian Hsiao : Colloids with tunable geometry and their effects on viscoelastic materials and suspensions
- Geometry and Topology ( 124 Views )A central challenge in soft matter and materials science is the microscopic engineering of functional materials. Incorporating anisotropy here is of general interest, for example in actin networks, clay platelets, and polymer nanocomposites where geometry, ordering, and kinetics all play important roles in determining their properties. Nevertheless, forming a general connection between microstructure and macroscopic properties is not trivial. Here, I focus on the self-assembly and mechanics of colloidal materials with an emphasis on how shape anisotropy and interaction potential can be used to guide their design. I will first discuss the relevance of the physical interactions that give rise to a general class of colloidal gels, followed by how shape anisotropy can introduce metastable gelled states. I will also show that the slowed rotational dynamics caused by surface roughness and friction can lead to enhanced shear thickening that is not seen with smooth colloids. These results collectively show that particle-level interactions provide a powerful means to design soft materials at multiple length scales.
Giulia Sacca : Intermediate Jacobians and hyperKahler manifolds
- Geometry and Topology ( 115 Views )In recent years, there have been more and more connections between cubic 4folds and hyperkahler manifolds. The first instance of this was noticed by Beauville-Donagi, who showed that the Fano varieties of lines on a cubic 4folds X is holomorphic symplectic. This talk aims to describe another instance of this phenomenon, which is carried out in joint work with R. Laza and C. Voisin: given a general cubic 4fold X, Donagi and Markman showed in 1995 that the family of intermediate Jacobians of smooth hyperplane sections of X has a holomorphic symplectic form. I will present a proof of this conjecture, which uses relative compactified Prym varieties.
Yuanqi Wang : A critical elliptic theory and its applications in higher-dimensional gauge theory.
- Geometry and Topology ( 127 Views )The celebrated result of Lockhart-Mcowen says that on a non-compact complete manifold, an elliptic operator (with proper asymptotic conditions) is Fredholm between weighted Sobolev spaces if and only if the weight is not an indicial root. We show that a proper weighted Sobolev-theory exists even when the weight is an indicial root. We also discuss some applications to singular $G_{2}-$instantons which converges to their tangent cones in polynomial rates.
Zheng Zhang : On motivic realizations for variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type over Hermitian symmetric domains
- Geometry and Topology ( 177 Views )Based on the work of Gross and Sheng-Zuo, Friedman and Laza have classified variations of real Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type over Hermitian symmetric domains. In particular, over every irreducible Hermitian symmetric domain there exists a canonical variation of real Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type. In this talk, we wil review Friedman and Lazas classification. A natural question to ask is whether the canonical Hermitian variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau type come from families of Calabi-Yau manifolds (geometric realization). In general, this is very difficult and is still open for small dimensional domains. We will discuss an intermediate question, namely does the canonical variations occur in algebraic geometry as sub-variations of Hodge structure of those coming from families of algebraic varieties (motivic realization). In particular, we will give motivic realizations for the canonical variations of Calabi-Yau type over irreducible tube domains of type A using abelian varieties of Weil type.
Michael Abel : HOMFLY-PT homology of general link diagrams and its decategorification
- Geometry and Topology ( 133 Views )In the construction of HOMFLY-PT homology, one must start with a link presented as a braid closure. This restriction was expected by Khovanov and Rozansky to be required for the homology to be an isotopy invariant. In this talk, after reviewing the construction of the HOMFLY-PT polynomial and homology, we explore the consequences of dropping this requirement and allowing general link diagrams. We explicitly show that the Reidemeister IIb move (where the strands have opposite orientations) fails. Finally we will show that the Euler characteristic of this homology theory is a deformed version of the HOMFLY-PT polynomial which detects "braidlike" isotopy of tangles and links. This new polynomial agrees with the HOMFLY-PT polynomial on link diagrams which are presented as closed braid diagrams.
Chris Kottke : Partial compactification and metric asymptotics of monopoles
- Geometry and Topology ( 108 Views )I will describe a partial compactification of the moduli space, M_k, of SU(2) magnetic monopoles on R^3, wherein monopoles of charge k decompose into widely separated `monopole clusters' of lower charge going off to infinity at comparable rates. The hyperkahler metric on M_k has a complete asymptotic expansion, the leading terms of which generalize the asymptotic metric discovered by Bielawski, Gibbons and Manton in the case that the monopoles are all widely separated. This is joint work with M. Singer, and is part of a larger work in progress with R. Melrose and K. Fritzsch to fully compactify the M_k as manifolds with corners and determine their L^2 cohomology.
Nathan Dunfield : A tale of two norms.
- Geometry and Topology ( 113 Views )The first cohomology of a hyperbolic 3-manifold has two natural norms: the Thurston norm, which measure topological complexity of surfaces representing the dual homology class, and the harmonic norm, which is just the L^2 norm on the corresponding space of harmonic 1-forms. Bergeron-Sengun-Venkatesh recently showed that these two norms are closely related, at least when the injectivity radius is bounded below. Their work was motivated by the connection of the harmonic norm to the Ray-Singer analytic torsion and issues of torsion growth. After carefully introducing both norms and the connection to torsion growth, I will discuss new results that refine and clarify the precise relationship between them; one tool here will be a third norm based on least-area surfaces. This is joint work with Jeff Brock.
Bong H. Lian : Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals
- Geometry and Topology ( 113 Views )Period integrals of an algebraic variety are transcendental objects that describe, among other things, deformations of the variety. They were originally studied by Euler, Gauss and Riemann, who were interested in analytic continuation of these objects. In this lecture, we will discuss a number of problems on period integrals in connection with mirror symmetry and Calabi-Yau geometry. We will see how the theory of D-modules have led us to solutions and insights into some of these problems.
Andrew Cooper : Singularities of Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow
- Geometry and Topology ( 164 Views )In a Calabi-Yau manifold, mean curvature flow--the downward gradient for the area functional--preserves the Lagrangian condition. Thus Lagrangian mean curvature flow suggests a way to find minimal Lagrangian submanifolds of a CY manifold, provided the flow lasts for all time. However, finite-time singularities are expected along the flow; in fact, ill-behaved singularities are generic in some sense. In this talk we will discuss two main results: one, that type I (mild) finite-time singularities can be predicted by looking the cohomology of the initial Lagrangian submanifold, and two, that type II (ill-behaved) singularities can be modeled as unions of special Lagrangian cones. We will also discuss what these results say about using mean curvature flow to understand the topology of Lagrangian submanifolds.
Colleen Robles : The motivation behind this semesters working seminar on the Hwang-Mok program.
- Geometry and Topology ( 122 Views )I will give a brief introduction to Hwang and Mok's program to study the geometry of uniruled projective manifolds via their varieties of minimal rational tangents (VMRT). The working seminar is motivated by the idea that there may be an analogous program to study variations of Hodge structure via the characteristic varieties introduced by Sheng and Zuo. As evidence for the proposed program's viability I will show how characteristic varieties may be used to characterize the families of Calabi-Yau manifolds that solve Gross's geometric realization problem for Hermitian symmetric domains.
Curtis Porter : Straightening out degeneracy in CR geometry: When can it be done?
- Geometry and Topology ( 216 Views )CR geometry studies boundaries of domains in C^n and their generalizations. A central role is played by the Levi form L of a CR manifold M, which measures the failure of the CR bundle to be integrable, so that when L has a nontrivial kernel of constant rank, M is foliated by complex manifolds. If the local transverse structure to this foliation still determines a CR manifold N, then we say M is CR-straightenable, and the Tanaka-Chern-Moser classification of CR hypersurfaces with nondegenerate Levi form can be applied to N. It remains to classify those M for which L is degenerate and no such straightening exists. This was accomplished in dimension 5 by Ebenfelt, Isaev-Zaitzev, and Medori-Spiro. I will discuss their results as well as my recent progress on the problem in dimension 7 (
Renato Bettiol : Positive biorthogonal curvature in dimension 4
- Geometry and Topology ( 384 Views )A 4-manifold is said to have positive biorthogonal curvature if the average of sectional curvatures of any pair of orthogonal planes is positive. In this talk, I will describe a construction of metrics with positive biorthogonal curvature on the product of spheres, and then combine it with recent surgery stability results of Hoelzel to classify (up to homeomorphism) the closed simply-connected 4-manifolds that admit a metric with positive biorthogonal curvature.
Matt Hogancamp : Categorical diagonalization of the full twist.
- Geometry and Topology ( 118 Views )I will discuss recent joint work with Ben Elias in which we introduce a theory of diagonalization of functors. Our main application is the diagonalization of the the Rouquier complex associated to full-twist braid, acting on the category of Soergel bimodules. The ``eigenprojections'' yield categorified Young symmetrizers, which are related to the flag Hilbert scheme by a beautiful recent conjecture of Gorsky-Rasmussen. Finally, I will mention a relationship with stable homology of torus links, which was recently investigated by myself and Michael Abel.
Michael Singer : A new approach to monopole metrics
- Geometry and Topology ( 118 Views )The moduli space of non-abelian magnetic euclidean monopoles is known to be a smooth manifold of dimension $4k$, and carries a natural complete riemannian metric. Here $k$, a positive integer, is a topological invariant of the monopole, its magnetic charge. The metric is hyperKaehler, and in particular Ricci-flat, and this is one of the reasons why these moduli spaces are popular with geometers and physicists. In this talk, I shall explain a new approach to the analysis of monopole metrics and some new results about their asymptotic behaviour. This will be a report on joint work with Richard Melrose and Chris Kottke.
John Pardon : Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein/Weinstein domains
- Geometry and Topology ( 130 Views )I will describe joint work with E. Giroux in which we show that every Weinstein domain admits a Lefschetz fibration over the disk (that is, a singular fibration with Weinstein fibers and Morse singularities). We also prove an analogous result for Stein domains in the complex analytic setting. The main tool used to prove these results is Donaldson's quantitative transversality.