Carl Wang-Erickson : Bi-ordinary modular forms
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )Hida theory provides a p-adic interpolation of modular forms that have a property known as ordinary. Hida’s interpolation inspired Mazur to formulate the deformation theory of Galois representations, which Wiles used to prove (among other things) that p-adically interpolated modular form correspond closely, via an “R=T theorem”, to p-adically deformed ordinary 2-dimensional Galois representations. This notion of “ordinary” 2-dimensional Galois representation means that the representation becomes reducible when restricted to a decomposition subgroup at the prime p. But which ordinary modular forms have a Galois representation that is not only reducible at p but also decomposable at p? After explaining some arithmetic-geometric motivations for this question, I will explain some joint work with Francesc Castella in which we construct a length 1 “bi-ordinary complex” of modular forms that has a Hida-type interpolation property and whose associated Galois representations are reducible decomposable at p. This construction builds upon on Coleman’s work on presenting de Rham cohomology of modular curves as a quotient of differentials of the second kind, as well as Boxer and Pilloni’s work on higher Hida theory.
Matthew Emerton : Aspects of p-adic categorical local Langlands for GL_2(Q_p)
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )The categorical p-adic local Langlands correspondence has been established for the group GL_2(Q_p) in joint work of the speaker with Andrea Dotto and Toby Gee. In this talk I will describe some aspects of this categorical correspondence. I hope to indicate the relationship to existing ideas in the subject: particularly to Taylor--Wiles--Kisin patching, but also to the work of Colmez and Paskunas, and to recent work of Johansson--Newton--Wang-Erickson. But more than this, I hope to indicate some of the underlying philosophy of the correspondence: what it means to represent the category of representations of a group geometrically, and why stacks (rather than just varieties) play a key role.
Sam Mundy : Vanishing of Selmer groups for Siegel modular forms
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )Let π be a cuspidal automorphic representation of Sp_2n over Q which is holomorphic discrete series at infinity, and χ a Dirichlet character. Then one can attach to π an orthogonal p-adic Galois representation ρ of dimension 2n+1. Assume ρ is irreducible, that π is ordinary at p, and that p does not divide the conductor of χ. I will describe work in progress which aims to prove that the Bloch--Kato Selmer group attached to the twist of ρ by χ vanishes, under some mild ramification assumptions on π; this is what is predicted by the Bloch--Kato conjectures. The proof uses "ramified Eisenstein congruences" by constructing p-adic families of Siegel cusp forms degenerating to Klingen Eisenstein series of nonclassical weight, and using these families to construct ramified Galois cohomology classes for the Tate dual of the twist of ρ by χ.
Spencer Leslie : Relative Langlands and endoscopy
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )Spherical varieties play an important role in the study of periods of automorphic forms. But very closely related varieties can lead to very distinct arithmetic problems. Motivated by applications to relative trace formulas, we discuss the natural question of distinguishing different forms of a given spherical variety in arithmetic settings, giving a solution for symmetric varieties. It turns out that the answer is intimately connected with the construction of the dual Hamiltonian variety associated with the symmetric variety by Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis, and Venkatesh. I will explain the source of these questions in the theory of endoscopy for symmetric varieties, with application to the (pre-)stabilization of relative trace formulas.
Murilo Corato Zanarella : First explicit reciprocity law for unitary Friedberg—Jacquet periods
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )In the early 2000's, Bertolini and Darmon introduced a new technique to bound Selmer groups of elliptic curves via level raising congruences. This was the first example of what is now termed a "bipartite Euler system", and over the last decade we have seen many breakthroughs on constructing such systems for other Galois representations, including settings such as twisted and cubic triple product, symmetric cube, and Rankin—Selberg, with applications to the Bloch—Kato conjecture and to Iwasawa theory. For this talk, I'll consider Galois representations attached to automorphic forms on a totally definite unitary group U(2r) over a CM field which are distinguished by the subgroup U(r) x U(r). I'll discuss a new "first explicit reciprocity law" in this setting and its application to the corresponding Bloch—Kato conjecture, focusing on new obstacles which arise from the lack of local multiplicity one.
Peter Dillery : Non-basic rigid packets for discrete L-parameters
- Number Theory ( 0 Views )We formulate a new version of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete L-parameters which involves (Weyl orbits of) packets of representations of all twisted Levi subgroups of a connected reductive group G through which the parameter factors and prove that this version of the correspondence follows if one assumes the pre-existing local Langlands conjectures. Twisted Levi subgroups are crucial objects in the study of supercuspidal representations; this work is a step towards deepening the relationship between the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Langlands correspondence. This is joint work with David Schwein (Bonn).
Robin Zhang : Harris–Venkatesh plus Stark
- Number Theory ( 64 Views )The class number formula describes the behavior of the Dedekind zeta function at s = 0. The Stark conjecture extends the class number formula, describing the behavior of Artin L-functions at s = 0 in terms of units. The Harris–Venkatesh conjecture, originally motivated by the conjectures of Venkatesh and Prasanna–Venkatesh on derived Hecke algebras, can be viewed as an analogue to the Stark conjecture modulo p. In this talk, I will draw an introductory picture, formulate a unified conjecture combining Harris–Venkatesh and Stark for modular forms of weight 1, and describe the proof of this in the imaginary dihedral case. Time permitting, I will also describe some new questions and in-progress work modulo pn.
Kiran Kedlaya : Census-taking for curves over finite fields
- Number Theory ( 104 Views )With Yongyuan Huang and Jun Bo Lau, we recently completed a census of genus-6 curves over the field F_2, and are working on a similar census in genus 7. This uses Mukai's "flowcharts" for describing canonical curves in this genera. We discuss some of the key features of this classification; some aspects of computational group theory required to convert this classification into tractable computations; and some applications of the results, including relative class number problems for function fields, gonality of curves over finite fields (work of Faber-Grantham-Howe), and cohomology of modular curves (work of Canning-Larson and Bergstrom-Canning-Petersen-Schmitt).
Cheng Chen : Progresses of the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture
- Number Theory ( 84 Views )The classical branching rules describe the spectrum of an irreducible complex representation of a compact Lie group to its subgroup. The local Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture generalizes the branching problem to classical groups over local fields of characteristic zero. After the pioneering work of Waldspurger, there has been significant progress on the conjecture using various approaches. In my talk, I will introduce a relatively uniform approach to prove the conjecture, including joint work with Z. Luo and joint work with R. Chen and J. Zou.
John Voight : Computing with Hilbert modular surfaces
- Number Theory ( 88 Views )Hilbert modular surfaces are 2-dimensional analogues of modular curves, parametrizing polarized abelian surfaces with endomorphism and level structure. Modular curves are stratified by genus, and canonical equations for modular curves are obtained from the graded ring of modular forms. Similar to how curves are stratified by genus, surfaces are organized by their numerical invariants; the Enriques-Kodaira classification organizes smooth surfaces by Kodaira dimension, Hodge numbers, and Chern numbers. In this talk, we explain how to compute these invariants and equations for certain Hilbert modular surfaces. This is joint work with Eran Assaf, Angie Babei, Ben Breen, Sara Chari, Edgar Costa, Juanita Duque-Rosero, Alex Horawa, Jean Kieffer, Avi Kulkarni, Grant Molnar, Abhijit S. Mudigonda, Michael Musty, Sam Schiavone, Shikhin Sethi, and Samuel Tripp.
Chen Wan : A local twisted trace formula for some spherical varieties
- Number Theory ( 53 Views )In this talk, I will discuss the geometric expansion of a local twisted trace formula for some special varieties. This generalizes the local (twisted) trace formula for reductive groups proved by Arthur and Waldspurger. By applying the trace formula, we prove a multiplicity formula for these spherical varieties. And I will also discuss some applications to the multiplicity of the Galois model and the unitary Shalika model. This is a joint work with Raphael Beuzart-Plessis.
Farid Hosseinijafari : On the Special Values of Certain L-functions: G_2 over a Totally Imaginary Field
- Number Theory ( 84 Views )In this talk, I will present an overview of the framework originally proposed by Harder and further developed in collaboration with Raghuram to address rationality problems for special values of certain automorphic L-functions. I will then proceed to state my main results on the rationality of the special values of Langlands-Shahidi L-functions appearing in the constant term of the Eisenstein series associated with the exceptional group of type G_2 over a totally imaginary number field. This study marks the first instance where rank-one Eisenstein cohomology is employed to investigate the arithmetic of automorphic L-functions in the presence of multiple L-functions.
Chun-Hsien Hsu : Weyl algebras on certain singular affine varieties
- Number Theory ( 149 Views )The module theory of the Weyl algebra, known as the theory of $D$-modules, has profound applications in various fields. One of the most famous results is the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, establishing equivalence between holonomic $D$-modules and perverse sheaves on smooth complex varieties. However, when dealing with singular varieties, such correspondence breaks down due to the non-simplicity of Weyl algebras on singular varieties. In our ongoing work, we introduce a new ring of differential operators on certain singular affine varieties, whose definition is analytically derived from harmonic analysis. It should contain the Weyl algebra as a proper subring and shares many properties with the Weyl algebra on smooth varieties. In the talk, after a brief review of the Weyl algebra, I will explain how the new ring of differential operators arises as a consequence of an explicit form of the Poisson summation conjecture and discuss its properties.
Samit Dasgupta : Ribets Lemma and the Brumer-Stark Conjecture
- Number Theory ( 72 Views )In this talk I will describe my recent work with Mahesh Kakde on the Brumer-Stark Conjecture and certain refinements. I will give a broad overview that motivates the conjecture and gives connections to explicit class field theory. I will conclude with a description of recent work (joint w/ Kakde, Jesse Silliman, and Jiuya Wang) in which we complete the proof of the conjecture. Moreover, we deduce a certain special case of the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture, which has important corollaries. The key aspect of the most recent results, which allows us to handle the prime p=2, is the proof of a version of Ribet's Lemma in the case of characters that are congruent modulo p.
Ashvin Swaminathan : Geometry-of-numbers in the cusp, and class groups of orders in number fields
- Number Theory ( 107 Views )In this talk, we discuss the distributions of class groups of orders in number fields. We explain how studying such distributions is related to counting integral orbits having bounded invariants that lie inside the cusps of fundamental domains for coregular representations. We introduce two new methods to solve this counting problem, and as an application, we demonstrate how to determine the average size of the 2-torsion in the class groups of cubic orders. Much of this work is joint with Arul Shankar, Artane Siad, and Ila Varma.
Alfio Fabio La Rosa : Translation functors and the trace formula
- Number Theory ( 490 Views )I will propose a way to combine the theory of translation functors with the trace formula to study automorphic representations of connected semisimple anisotropic algebraic groups over the rational numbers whose Archimedean component is a limit of discrete series. I will explain the main ideas of the derivation of a trace formula which, modulo a conjecture on the decomposition of the tensor product of a limit of discrete series with a finite-dimensional representation into basic representations, allows to isolate the non-Archimedean parts of a finite family of C-algebraic automorphic representations containing the ones whose Archimedean component is a given limit of discrete series.
Dante Bonolis : 2-torsion in class groups of number fields
- Number Theory ( 110 Views )In 2020, Bhargava, Shankar, Taniguchi, Thorne, Tsimerman, and Zhao established that, for a given number field $K$ with a degree $n\geq 5$, the size of the $2$-torsion is bounded by $h_{2}(K) \ll D^{\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{2n}}$, where $D_{K}$ is the discriminant of $K$ over $\mathbb{Q}$. In this presentation, we will introduce new bounds that take into account the geometry of the lattice underlying the ring of integers of $K$. This research is a joint project with Pierre Le Boudec.
Danielle Wang : Twisted GGP conjecture for unramified quadratic extensions
- Number Theory ( 108 Views )The twisted Gan--Gross--Prasad conjectures consider the restriction of representations from GL_n to a unitary group over a quadratic extension E/F. In this talk, I will explain the relative trace formula approach to the global twisted GGP conjecture. In particular, I will discuss how the fundamental lemma that arises can be reduced to the Jacquet--Rallis fundamental lemma, which allows us to obtain the global twisted GGP conjecture under some unramifiedness assumptions and local conditions.
A. Raghuram : Special values of automorphic L-functions
- Number Theory ( 145 Views )In the first part of the talk I will describe a general context which, in some specific situations, permits us to give a cohomological interpretation to the Langlands-Shahidi theory of L-functions. In the second part of the talk, I will specialize to the context of the general linear group over a totally imaginary base field F, and discuss some recent results of mine on the special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions for GL(n) x GL(m) over such an F. The talk is based on my preprint: