Jianqiang Zhao : Arithmetic and Geometry of Multiple Polylogarithms
- Algebraic Geometry ( 32 Views )In this talk I will describe a proof of a conjecture made by Beilinson et al concerning the motivic complex in the weight three case. Then I will explain a new way to define the analytic continuation of the multiple polylogarithms which provides an appproach to defining the good variations of mixed Hodge-Tate structures associated to the multiple polylogarithms explicitly. As an application I will define the single-valued real analytic version of these multi-valued functions and which should be connected to the special values of multiple Dedekind zeta functions over general number fields.
Richard Kenyon : Random maps from Z2 to Z
- Other Meetings and Events ( 40 Views )One of the most basic objects in probability theory is the simple random walk, which one can think of as a random map from Z to Z mapping adjacent points to adjacent points. A similar theory for random maps from Z2 to Z had until recently remained elusive to mathematicians, despite being known (non-rigorously) to physicists. In this talk we discuss some natural families of random maps from Z2 to Z. We can explicitly compute both the local and the large-scale behavior of these maps. In particular we construct a "scaling limit" for these maps, in a similar sense in which Brownian motion is a scaling limit for the simple random walk. The results are in accord with physics.
Jade Vinson : The Holyhedron Problem
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 32 Views )Several years ago John Conway asked whether there could exist a polyhedron that "had a hole in every face," and coined the name "holyhedron" for them, if they should exist. We answer this question by constructing a holyhedron with 78,585,627 faces and genus 60,380,421. This is a polyhedron so that the interior of every face is connected but not simply connected.
Jim Arthur : The principle of functorialty: an elementary introduction
- Colloquium ( 38 Views )The principle of functoriality is a central question in present day mathematics. It is a far reaching, but quite precise, conjecture of Langlands that relates fundamental arithmetic information with equally fundamental analytic information. The arithmetic information arises from the solutions of algebraic equations. It includes data that classify algebraic number fields, and more general algebraic varieties. The analytic information arises from spectra of differential equations and group representations. It includes data that classify irreducible representations of reductive groups. The lecture will be a general introduction to these things. If time permits, we shall also describe recent progress that is being made on the problem.
Matthew Cushman : The Motivic Fundamental Group
- Algebraic Geometry ( 44 Views )The fundamental group of a topological space is usually defined in terms of homotopy classes of based loops. The group structure is given by composition of loops. If X is a complex algebraic variety, one has an underlying topological space, and hence a fundamental group. Hain showed that the nilpotent completion of the group ring of this topological fundamental group carries a mixed Hodge structure. Grothendieck defined a fundamental group for schemes defined over any field. Applying this to a complex algebraic variety, one obtains the profinite completion of the topological fundamental group. This group comes with a natural action of the absolute Galois group of the field of definition. The above indicates that varieties over fields of characteristic zero have two notions of fundamental group, armed with either a Galois action or a mixed Hodge structure. This is similar to the situation with homology and cohomology groups, where one has both an etale and Betti version carrying Galois actions and Hodge structures. An important guiding principle is that both of these versions of homology and cohomology should come from an underlying ``motivic'' theory. This is a homology and cohomology theory for algebraic varieties over a field k taking values the abelian tensor category of mixed motives over k, denoted M_k. There should be functors from M_k to both the category of Galois modules and mixed Hodge structures. When applied to the motivic homology of a variety X, these functors should yield the etale homology or Betti homology of X. In this way, motives glue these two different theories together more strongly than just the comparison isomorphisms. Nori has recently given a definition of the category of mixed motives. In this talk, we will show how this category relates to the fundamental group. In fact, more generally there is a motivic version of paths between two different points x and y of X which is important for applications. We also show that the multiplication and comultiplication maps are motivic, and compare with Hain's theory.
Bartomeu Fiol : Elements of D-Geometry
- String Theory ( 27 Views )We present a framework for the study of D-branes on Calabi-Yau compactifications, valid throughout moduli space. The main elements of this framework are the identification of D-branes as objects in a category, and a new notion of stability. We apply these ideas to the study of the spectrum of BPS branes on a specific Calabi-Yau and the algebra of BPS states.
Roger Temam : Mathematical Problems in Meteorology and Oceanography
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 49 Views )We will review the primitive equations of the atmoshere and the ocean and their coupling. We will descibe some mathematical poblems that they raise, some recent results and some less recent ones.
Igor Klebanov : N=1 Gauge Theory and Warped Deformed Conifold
- String Theory ( 28 Views )We revisit the singular IIB supergravity solution describing M fractional 3-branes on the conifold (hep-th/0002159). Its 5-form flux decreases, which we explain by showing that the relevant N=1 SUSY SU(N+M) x SU(N) gauge theory undergoes repeated Seiberg-duality transformations in which N -> N-M. Far in the IR the gauge theory confines; its chiral symmetry breaking removed the singularity of hep-th/0002159 by deforming the conifold. We propose a non-singular pure-supergravity background dual to the field theory on all scales, with small curvature everywhere if the 't Hooft coupling (g_s M) is large. In the UV it approaches that of hep-th/0002159, incorporating the logarithmic flow of couplings. In the IR the deformation of the conifold gives a geometrical realization of chiral symmetry breaking and confinement. We suggest that pure N=1 Yang-Mills may be dual to strings propagating at small (g_s M) on a warped deformed conifold. We note also that the standard model itself may lie at the base of a duality cascade.
Michael Shearer : Continuum Models of Granular Flow
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 29 Views )Continuum models of the flow of granular materials in a hopper admit so-called radial solutions. These describe steady flows that appear realistic, and have been used extensively to design commercial hoppers. However, numerical results demonstrate that these solutions may not be robust to perturbation. Moreover, the time dependent equations are (notoriously) ill-posed. In this talk, I describe preliminary research designed to investigate the extent to which steady solutions may be used to represent granular flow. Using a combination of analysis and numerical experiments, we have explored simple models that are linearly ill posed. While there may be a stable steady state, it is a solution of a discretized continuum model, rather than the original equations. Moreover, the survival time of transients is inversely related to the mesh width, suggesting that the continuum limit is meaningless. While these results are not intended to invalidate the radial solutions, they do raise serious concerns about continuum modeling, and the possibility of designing a robust code that can be used to simulate a variety of granular flows.
Sergei Gukov : Warped Compactifications on Calabi-Yau Fourfolds
- String Theory ( 28 Views )Motivated by phenomenological applications we consider (warped) compactifications of type IIA string theory on Calabi-Yau fourfolds in the presence of Ramond-Ramond fluxes. The main goal of the talk is a description of low-energy physics, including a new superspace formulation of two-dimensional N = (2,2) dilaton supergravity coupled to matter, and computation of the effective superpotentials induced by fluxes.
Valery A. Kholodnyi : Foreign Exchange Option Symmetry and a Coordinate-Free Description of a Foreign Exchange Option Market
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 28 Views )In spite of the fact that symmetries play one of the major roles in physics, the ir usage in finance is relatively new and, to the best of our knowledge, can be traced to 1995 when Kholodnyi introduced the beliefs-preferences gauge symmetry. In this talk we present another symmetry, foreign exchange option symmetry, int roduced by Kholodnyi and Price in 1996. Foreign exchange option symmetry associa tes financially equivalent options on opposite sides of the foreign exchange mar ket. In a two-currency market, the foreign exchange option symmetry is formalized in terms of the one-dimensional Kelvin transform. In a multiple-currency market the foreign exchange option symmetry is formalized in terms of differential geometr y on graphs, that is, in terms of vector lattice bundles on graphs and connectio ns on these bundles. Foreign exchange option symmetry requires no assumptions on the nature of a prob ability distribution for exchange rates. In fact, it does not even require the a ssumptions of the existence of such a distribution. Furthermore, the symmetry is applicable not only to a foreign exchange market but to any financial market as well. The practical applications of the foreign exchange option symmetry range from th e detection of a new type of true arbitrage to the detection of inconsistent mod els of foreign exchange option markets and the development of algorithms and sof tware to value and analyze portfolios of foreign exchange options.
Click here for extended abstract
Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu : M theory and twisted K theory
- String Theory ( 30 Views )The talk will be focused on the relation between K theory and M theory and it's generalization to nonzero $B$ field. The main idea is a comparison of the long distance partition functions of the two theories. In the process we will outline a derivation of the (twisted) Atiyah - Hirzebruch spectral sequence from M theory. We will also discuss the relation between $SL(2,Z)$ duality and K theory.
Peter Miller : The Zero-Brane as a Soliton
- String Theory ( 26 Views )We present an exact construction of the D0-brane as a soliton on the worldvolume of a BPS D2-brane in the presence of a large B field. We match the mass and spectrum of fluctuations of this soliton to the D0-D2 conformal field theory. This spectrum includes a tachyon: the endpoint of tachyon condensation represents the ``disappearance'' of the D0-brane, and all modes associated with it, as it dissolves in the D2-brane. This construction thus sheds some light on issues related to tachyon condensation.
Peter Miller : The Zero-Brane as a Soliton
- String Theory ( 33 Views )We present an exact construction of the D0-brane as a soliton on the worldvolume of a BPS D2-brane in the presence of a large B field. We match the mass and spectrum of fluctuations of this soliton to the D0-D2 conformal field theory. This spectrum includes a tachyon: the endpoint of tachyon condensation represents the ``disappearance'' of the D0-brane, and all modes associated with it, as it dissolves in the D2-brane. This construction thus sheds some light on issues related to tachyon condensation.
David Morrison : A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry, II
- String Theory ( 28 Views )Work over the past few years by Mark Gross, Ilya Zharkov, and Wei-Dong Ruan has led to a clear conjectural picture for the structure of generic supersymmetric T^3 fibrations on Calabi-Yau threefolds. We will explain this picture, show how mirror symmetry would be a natural consequence of it, and discuss other possible applications.
David Morrison : A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry
- String Theory ( 25 Views )Work over the past few years by Mark Gross, Ilya Zharkov, and Wei-Dong Ruan has led to a clear conjectural picture for the structure of generic supersymmetric T^3 fibrations on Calabi-Yau threefolds. We will explain this picture, show how mirror symmetry would be a natural consequence of it, and discuss other possible applications.
E. Bruce Pitman : Tubuloglomerular Feedback-Mediated Dynamics in Two Coupled Nephrons
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 31 Views )Previously, we developed a ``minimal'' dynamic model for the tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) system in a single, short-looped nephron of the mammalian kidney. In that model, a semilinear hyperbolic partial differential equation was used to represent two fundamental processes of mass transport in the nephron's thick ascending limb (TAL): chloride advection by fluid flow through the TAL lumen and transepithelial chloride transport from the lumen to the interstitium. An empirical function and a time delay were used to relate nephron glomerular filtration rate to the chloride concentration at the macula densa of the TAL. Analysis of the model equations indicated that limit-cycle oscillations (LCO) in nephron fluid flow and chloride concentration can emerge for suffficiently large feedback gain and time delay. In this study, the single-nephron model has been extended to two nephrons, which are coupled through their filtration rates. Explicit analytical conditions were obtained for bifurcation loci corresponding to two special cases: (1) identical time-delays, but differing gains, and (2) identical feedback gain magnitudes, but differing time delays. Similar to the case of a single nephron, the analysis indicates that LCO can emerge in coupled nephrons for sufficiently large gains and delays. However, these LCO may emerge at lower values of the feedback gain, relative to a single (i.e., uncoupled) nephron, or at shorter delays, provided the delays are sufficiently close. These results suggest that, in vivo, if two nephrons are sufficiently similar, then coupling will tend to increase the likelihood of LCO. (In collaboration with Roman M. Zaritski, Leon C. Moore and H. E. Layton)
Vijay Balasubramanian : Five Dimensions from Four: On Dimensional Transmogrification
- String Theory ( 26 Views )Recent developments have suggested that the classical physics of gravity in a given number of dimensions can be related to a non-gravitational theory in a lower number of dimensions. I will argue that the radial direction of five-dimensional AdS space can be generated by renormalization group (RG) flow from a dual four-dimensional theory. First, I will show that integrating out the physics outside finite balls in AdS spacetime generates a family of actions that satisfies an RG-like equation. Next, I will argue that the trace of the AdS spacetime stress tensor contains analogues of field theory beta functions and gives a gravitational analogue of an RG equation. Turning things around, I will show that the conformal anomaly computed from the four-dimensional field theory dual to AdS space completely encodes the gravitational physics of the skin of the five-dimensional spacetime. Finally, I will argue that recovering the deep interior of the five-dimensional spacetime from the four-dimensional field theory will require exotic new approaches to the renormalization group.
Stephen J. Watson : A Priori Bounds in Thermo-Viscoelasticity with Phase Transitions
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 26 Views )The object of our study is the set of equations of thermo-elasticity with viscosity and heat conduction. These equations include, as a special case, the compressible Navier-Stokes equation familiar from gas dynamics, but in addition allow for solid-like materials. We seek to understand the temporal asymptotic fate of large initial data under a variety of boundary conditions. The realm of phase changes, such as occur in Van-der-Waals gases and martensitic transformations, are of especial interest. Now, obtaining point-wise a priori bounds on the density which are time independent is a major analytical obstacle to resolving this question. We present two new results on this issue. First, for specified-stress boundary conditions we give a positive result applicable to a general class of materials. Second, for Dirichlet boundary conditions we derive the estimates for a special class of gaseous materials; p'th power gases. We conclude with a discussion on the relation between asymptotic states and minimization principles of associated free energies. Numerical simulations will highlight some surprising features of the dynamics. In particular, the limiting states are not necessarily strong minimizers, in the sense of the calculus of variations, of the free energy.
Max Morris : Design and Analysis for an Inverse Problem Arising From an Advection-Dispersion Process
- Other Meetings and Events ( 37 Views )We consider a process of one-dimensional fluid flow through a soil packed tube in which a contaminant is initially distributed. The contaminant concentration, as a function of location in the tube and time after flushing begins, is classically modeled as the solution of a linear second order partial differential equation. Here, we consider the related issues of how contaminant concentration measured at some location-time combinations can be used to approximate concentration at other locations and times (ie., exprimental design). The method is demonstrated for the case in which initial concentrations are approximated based on data collected only at the downstream end of the tube. Finally, the effect of misspecifying one of the model parameters is discussed, and alternative designs are developed for instances in which that parameter must be estimated from the data.
Graham Wilks : Heated Jet Assimilation into External Streams
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 32 Views )The assimilation of a simultaneous momentum and heat source into aligned uniform and non-uniform streams is considered.The governing boundary layer equations are transformed utilising aggregate properties of the flow field with respect to the excesses of heat and momentum flux at the source relative to the external stream.A non-dimensional downstream coordinate Þ reflecting the local relative importance of jet to external stream characteristics provides a unified framework within which to investigate the entire semi-infinite flow field downstream of the source.The problems examined devolve down to transitional flow in Þ between acknowledged strong jet and weak jet regimes in the immediate vicinity of and downstream of the source respectively.Perturbation solutions are developed in the two regimes.The downstream asymptotic velocity and temperature profiles are shown to be associated with new solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation subject to the boundary condition of symmetry,as opposed to no slip, at the axis of symmetry.A stability analysis of the new solutions and comprehensive numerical solutions over the full flow field confirm that there may be physically realisable flows in which a residual jet identity remains distinguishable within the downstream flow.
Andrei Caldararu : Derived Categories of Twisted Sheaves
- String Theory ( 31 Views )In my talk I shall try to explain the relationship of the Brauer group, derived categories of twisted sheaves, and physics. In particular, I shall attempt to relate an example due to Aspinwall-Morrison-Vafa-Witten to some examples that occur in the study of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds without sections.
Edward Belbruno : Low Energy Trajectories in Celestial Mechanics and Stability Transition Regions With Applications to Astronomy and Space Travel
- Applied Math and Analysis ( 32 Views )In the past two decades a new type of chaotic dynamics has been noticed in the three and four body problems which has not been understood. In 1986, using a numerical algorithm, an interesting region supporting chaotic motion was discovered about the moon, under the perturbation of the earth. This region is now termed the weak stability boundary. New types of dynamics were subsequently discovered near this boundary. These dynamics have the property that they give rise to very low energy trajectories with many important applications. In 1991, a new type of low energy trajectory to the moon was discovered which was used to place a Japanese spacecraft, Hiten, in orbit about the moon in October of that year. This was the first application of this type of dynamics to space travel. These low energy trajectories, so called WSB transfers, are now being planned by NASA, Europe and Japan for several new missions to the moon, Europa, Mars. Motion near this boundary also gives rise to an interesting resonance transition dynamics, and work by the speaker with Brian Marsden at Harvard is discussed in its relevance to short period comets, and Kuiper belt objects. An analytic representation for this boundary is also presented and its connections with heteroclinic intersections of hyperbolic invariant manifolds is discussed. If there is time, a new type of periodic motion for Hill's problem is looked at.